

Manufactured Housing Institute, Key Members, Duck “CrossModTM Home” Controversy, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

On Friday, 2.7.2020, Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Executive Director Tom Hardiman took public aim at the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) for its already controversial CrossModTM homes project. Tonight’s featured focus will take a fresh look at that topic, with added insights that have come in from informed sources.   …

Manufactured Housing Institute, Key Members, Duck “CrossModTM Home” Controversy, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates Read More


Enhanced Preemption for Manufactured Housing Raised on Brian Kilmeade Show

The topic of enhanced preemption for manufactured homes was raised on the Brian Kilmeade show this morning. The show had Senator Tim Scott (SC-R) has a guest, and a question from caller L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach was taken following Scott’s discussion of opportunity zones. Kovach, co-founder of MHProNews and MHLivingNews, …

Enhanced Preemption for Manufactured Housing Raised on Brian Kilmeade Show Read More


Skyline Champion (SKY) Surprising Official Statements – Plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

On the night when the New Hampshire primary results will be revealed, our focus will be the recent official transcript of Skyline Champion Corporation’s (NYSE:SKY) Q3 2020 Earnings Call. For detail-mined readers of MHProNews, there are several statements that bear close attention. Thus tonight’s focus, found further below the left-right …

Skyline Champion (SKY) Surprising Official Statements – Plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Tim Williams Calls Lesli Gooch “Superb,” But Latest Tip Reveals Additional MHI CEO Gooch Controversy Connected Documents

Manufactured housing association leader Tim Williams may or may not be aware of what follows. But odds are, if he didn’t know about what is evidence in this report previously, he soon will become more knowledgeable. Why? Because Williams has asked and agreed to have messages published in which he …

Tim Williams Calls Lesli Gooch “Superb,” But Latest Tip Reveals Additional MHI CEO Gooch Controversy Connected Documents Read More


Which 2020 Campaigns Top CEOs Funding, Democratic Consultant Says Bloomberg Will Back Bernie if Sanders Wins Nomination, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

A Democratic consultant has told MHProNews that if Sanders wrestles the nomination by winning the required number of delegates, then billionaire and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (D) will back Sanders against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 general election. On a night when President Trump is …

Which 2020 Campaigns Top CEOs Funding, Democratic Consultant Says Bloomberg Will Back Bernie if Sanders Wins Nomination, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates Read More


Opportunity Zones, Manufactured Housing, Investors and Public Policy Potential

“Many hands make light work.” – John Heywood, per BrainyQuotes.   “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.“ – Motto of the Christopher’s society “Habits. They are hard to break, and hard to make. A habit is an extremely powerful force in our lives because …

Opportunity Zones, Manufactured Housing, Investors and Public Policy Potential Read More


Manufactured Home Residents and Independents Uniting? Nonprofits Prepare for War? Plus Sunday Weekly Headline Reports Reviewed 2.2 through 2.9.2020

Retailers and communities deal directly with the general public, as tens of thousands of manufactured housing professionals know. Producers of HUD Code manufactured homes need those retailers and communities in order to move their products through ‘middle men’ to market. Suppliers and vendors of all types need those producers and …

Manufactured Home Residents and Independents Uniting? Nonprofits Prepare for War? Plus Sunday Weekly Headline Reports Reviewed 2.2 through 2.9.2020 Read More


Association Leaders Spotlight, Blast-Zoning, Financing, CrossModsTM and Manufactured Housing Institute

Preface. Today’s report will feature several new insights. But it is helpful to understand those new statements published this week in the proper framework. Because it was several state manufactured housing executives who previously informed MHProNews of the strong-arm tactics deployed by Tim Williams of 21st Mortgage, when he purportedly …

Association Leaders Spotlight, Blast-Zoning, Financing, CrossModsTM and Manufactured Housing Institute Read More


MHB Association Exec Tom Hardiman Rips Manufactured Housing Institute on ”CrossMod™ homes,” plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

Perhaps it was inevitable. It certainly was logical. Earlier today, the Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Executive Director Tom Hardiman, CAE, absolutely ripped the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) publicly in a devastatingly effective published broadside. On a day when the markets in general fell, on the afternoon President Donald J. …

MHB Association Exec Tom Hardiman Rips Manufactured Housing Institute on ”CrossMod™ homes,” plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates Read More


MHI, MHARR Competing Narratives – Photo and Video Ops vs Straight Talk in Manufactured Housing

This report will proceed with the following systematic segments.   Part 1. This preface and a related link. Part 2. Items from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) in their recent email ‘news and updates.’ Part 3. The corresponding report on the same date from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory …

MHI, MHARR Competing Narratives – Photo and Video Ops vs Straight Talk in Manufactured Housing Read More


DNC’s Tom Perez Says “Enough,” POTUS Trump Sounds Off Record Satisfaction, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Politics, economic and business meet here several times a week on the evening market report. For some months, investors had a level of concern about political headwinds, talk of a recession, and the like. This week, with the coronavirus still a virulent concern in China, last week’s declines have been …

DNC’s Tom Perez Says “Enough,” POTUS Trump Sounds Off Record Satisfaction, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Revealing-FHFA Meeting on Duty to Serve Lending Called Manufactured Housing Institute, Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform, Others – Report, Analysis

This report will include several elements. In no particular order of importance, those elements will be in the following sequence. MHI’s 2.5.2020 bullet headlines that reveal the topics they covered in their latest ‘news and updates’ to members and others. MHARR’s report also sent on 2.5.2020 on issues that included …

Revealing-FHFA Meeting on Duty to Serve Lending Called Manufactured Housing Institute, Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform, Others – Report, Analysis Read More


MHARR February 5, 2020 Washington Update – Report and Analysis


MHARR February 5, 2020 Washington Update – Report and Analysis Read More


National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Fights Manufactured Housing Lending, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) failed to mention it in their email to their members. But an advance notice from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reveals a problematic issue noted in the headline about the National Association of Home Builders that will be teed up in our …

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Fights Manufactured Housing Lending, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union (SOTU) Address-Full Text, Video, Photos-Economics, Politics and Manufactured Housing Analysis

On February 4, 2020, President of the United States (POTUS) Donald John Trump delivered his third State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress, with First Lady Melania Trump, members of his cabinet, family, the Supreme Court, top military officials and numerous guests in attendance. The remarks …

President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union (SOTU) Address-Full Text, Video, Photos-Economics, Politics and Manufactured Housing Analysis Read More


Cavco Releases Quarterly, New, Revived Controversies Loom – plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

Mark Fusler is the Director of Financial Reporting and Investor Relations for Cavco Industries (CVCO). MHProNews has posed a timely question to Mr. Fusler and Cavco regarding their most recent quarterly statement, both of which will be found further below in our featured focus section, along with some additional information. …

Cavco Releases Quarterly, New, Revived Controversies Loom – plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates Read More


HUD to Post Two Manufactured Home Regulatory Actions

copies attached for your review and information is a pre-publication copy of a proposed rule by HUD to implement the so-called “third” set of standards recommendations put forward by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). The release of this proposed rule was expected, having been pending, in most respects, for …

HUD to Post Two Manufactured Home Regulatory Actions Read More


CEO Lesli Gooch-Let Me Tell You Reasons Pay MHI Dues to Win MHI Excellence in Manufactured Housing Awards

News, analysis and commentary are serious issues. The root causes of the manufactured housing industry’s underperformance are important to business, investors, affordable housing seekers and the general public. Often acknowledged by lawmakers as the largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing in America, the issues connected to the manufactured housing industry’s …

CEO Lesli Gooch-Let Me Tell You Reasons Pay MHI Dues to Win MHI Excellence in Manufactured Housing Awards Read More


Judicial Watch Reports 2.5 Million More Registered in 358 U.S. Counties Than Eligible to Vote, 8 Iowa Counties on List – plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

The headline is based on data from a right-of-center organization that has reported a deep dive into voter registration data, including from the state of Iowa that caucuses tonight. Voter registration is a hot-button issue on both sides of the Democratic and Republican divides. With elections being significant for the …

Judicial Watch Reports 2.5 Million More Registered in 358 U.S. Counties Than Eligible to Vote, 8 Iowa Counties on List – plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


2019 Year-End Totals Reveals Decline in New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production, Shipments vs. 2018

This report will provide the following details.   Part I) Newly released data gathered on behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as reported by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). Part II) A recent statement by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) with respect to …

2019 Year-End Totals Reveals Decline in New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production, Shipments vs. 2018 Read More

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