

Trump Defending Record at Davos, Says Blackstone Co-Founder Schwarzman, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

Blackstone (BX) is one of the basket of manufactured housing industry connected companies that MHProNews has been tracking in this business nightly market report for about 1½ years. The interview with their chairman, CEO and co-founder from the World Economic Forum at Davos will be our featured focus this evening. …

Trump Defending Record at Davos, Says Blackstone Co-Founder Schwarzman, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Mainstream vs. Trade News, Politicos, President Trump, Senator Sanders, Billionaire Bloomberg, Law Enforcement and Manufactured Housing’s Unique Plight

It has become axiomatic throughout time that political forces effects businesses. Mainstream news as well as industry trade media ideally measure and report trends or events that influence for better or worse thousands of individual or larger enterprises. News is unique in American history, said the document-drama, Shadows of Liberty, …

Mainstream vs. Trade News, Politicos, President Trump, Senator Sanders, Billionaire Bloomberg, Law Enforcement and Manufactured Housing’s Unique Plight Read More


Profit, Data – What’s Hot, What’s Not –, Others Fact-Checked, Plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

“If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business.” Marcus Lemonis has helped several businesses transform through savvy, objective application of business principles. On honesty: “People respect you more if they get the truth as opposed to a bunch of fluff.” – both quotes by Lemonis per CNBC …

Profit, Data – What’s Hot, What’s Not –, Others Fact-Checked, Plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing Comparisons – Data Sets Vs. Existing and New Single-Family Housing Sales, RVs, Auto Facts – Potent Insights for MH Professionals, Investors

There are doubters and skeptics about a range of issues when it comes to manufactured housing. Understandably so. Perhaps no product that has so many millions of customers has so much controversy surrounding it. To clarify some of those issues, this MHProNews report and analysis will focus on a simple …

Manufactured Housing Comparisons – Data Sets Vs. Existing and New Single-Family Housing Sales, RVs, Auto Facts – Potent Insights for MH Professionals, Investors Read More


Davos, Oxfam, 2020 Politics, Investing, Affordable Housing, Wealth and Manufactured Homes

Martin Gilbert, the outgoing vice chair of British investment company Standard Life Aberdeen, told CNBC that “The biggest problem that the people I meet here have — the investors who give money to us — is ‘where do we put our money?’ And that is the big issue they all …

Davos, Oxfam, 2020 Politics, Investing, Affordable Housing, Wealth and Manufactured Homes Read More


‘We’ve Always Done It This Way’ – Defenders, Detractors, Advancement Options and Exposes in Manufactured Housing

In any endeavor or event, there are a variety of possible perspectives. That means some are correct, others wrong while others are nuanced or debatable. When a manufactured home independent makes local, regional or national news in a favorable way, it is often celebrated by that business’ owner and/or manager. …

‘We’ve Always Done It This Way’ – Defenders, Detractors, Advancement Options and Exposes in Manufactured Housing Read More


Illusory vs Authentic Opportunities, Historic Struggles Then, Now for Affordable Housing, Sunday Manufactured Home Headlines 1.12 to 1.19.2020

Authentic history is often disturbing as well as inspirational. The videos that will be laced through this post will make that point.   When a great figure emerges, they routinely do so in periods of turmoil. Rough rider turned President Teddy Roosevelt emerged during the Gilded Age and the Robber …

Illusory vs Authentic Opportunities, Historic Struggles Then, Now for Affordable Housing, Sunday Manufactured Home Headlines 1.12 to 1.19.2020 Read More


Pitchforks Coming – Billionaire Nick Hanauer Unpacked – Bridging Economic, Political and Moral Gaps – Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes

“What is truth?” – Pontius Pilate per John 18:38   “You can’t handle the truth! … You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you talk about at parties; you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall! We use words like honor, code, loyalty, We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something, you use …

Pitchforks Coming – Billionaire Nick Hanauer Unpacked – Bridging Economic, Political and Moral Gaps – Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes Read More


Gov Gavin Newsom, California, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Home Conflicts, plus Manufactured Housing Investor, Stock Updates

No week goes by at MHProNews without multiple direct contacts from professionals interested or already into manufactured housing and related investing. That pattern of investor interest has apparently accelerated since we modified our formats and report methodology. California is the most populous state in the USA. Investing is a hot …

Gov Gavin Newsom, California, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Home Conflicts, plus Manufactured Housing Investor, Stock Updates Read More


Congresswoman Rips Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds, Havenpark for “Troubling,” “Predatory,” “Deceptive” Practices, Calls for Federal Investigations

Congressional Representative Abby Finkenauer (IA1-D) has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) naming specific Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member firms for “troubling” “predatory” and other unjust business practices. Finkenauer is the Assistant Democratic Whip, a position of some influence in her party’s majority caucus in the …

Congresswoman Rips Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds, Havenpark for “Troubling,” “Predatory,” “Deceptive” Practices, Calls for Federal Investigations Read More


Builder Confidence High, Manufactured Housing Pros Take Note, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Facts and evidence are what the prudent professional and investors rely upon. Housing demand is high, especially on the affordable housing side of the equation. Today’s report on builder confidence – along side some related information from the National Association of Home Builders and manufactured housing sources – make for …

Builder Confidence High, Manufactured Housing Pros Take Note, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


MH News Tips – Corporate Leaders Fingered, Engineering MH Breakthrough Claimed, Looming Manufactured Housing Institute 2.0 Expose, Praising Competition, More

Practice makes perfect. Examples of news tips by some inspire others to do the similarly. Some of those news tips being received by MHProNews are increasingly sophisticated. Others are simple but still useful. Much of this report will be in praise of those who’ve delivered often relevant topics and insights …

MH News Tips – Corporate Leaders Fingered, Engineering MH Breakthrough Claimed, Looming Manufactured Housing Institute 2.0 Expose, Praising Competition, More Read More


What’s Up? Cavco Industries (CVCO) Looming Announcement, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

The SEC has formally but politely declined additional comment. Thus far, Cavco Industries contacts that have been asked about this new notice have been mute. The subject? An 8K notice published about Joseph H. Stegmayer, Cavco Industries former chairman, president and CEO and also the prior chairman of the Manufactured …

What’s Up? Cavco Industries (CVCO) Looming Announcement, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


Federal Official, Manufactured Housing Institute, Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform and Certain MHI Member Firms

What follows below is a reply by publisher L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach to an attorney for a federal agency based in Washington, D.C. To set the stage for this report, Tony Kovach filed a formal complaint which that agency’s system indicates occurred at: Create Date: 2020-01-03 19:37:20. In under 2 …

Federal Official, Manufactured Housing Institute, Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform and Certain MHI Member Firms Read More


Can Negative Publicity Help Some Companies? Lessons from VW, Buffett for MHVille, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

It’s isn’t news to some in business, but it may be news to some in manufactured housing. Negative publicity, in certain conditions, can be ‘useful’ for those brands that attract problematic news. Who says? Dating back to Oct 29, 2010, the New York Times and others have pointed to research …

Can Negative Publicity Help Some Companies? Lessons from VW, Buffett for MHVille, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


2020 Democratic Hopefuls, President Donald Trump Hold Competing Events Tonight, Sen Bernie Sanders Campaign Spotlights Mobile and Manufactured Homes as Fight over Affordable Housing Grows

“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” ― Thomas Paine “Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect: like a man, who hath thought of a …

2020 Democratic Hopefuls, President Donald Trump Hold Competing Events Tonight, Sen Bernie Sanders Campaign Spotlights Mobile and Manufactured Homes as Fight over Affordable Housing Grows Read More


Establishment GOP Dead, Bloomberg’s Admission & Trouble for Several 2020 Dems, plus Manufactured Housing Interview, Investing, Stock Update

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg (D) has made an admission that should make Senators Elizabeth Warren (MA-D) and Bernie Sanders (VT-I, but self proclaimed “Democratic Socialist”) happy. Meanwhile, Steve Hilton celebrates the ‘death’ of the Establishment Republican Party, but that may be a bit premature. Pundits across the left-right divide are speculating …

Establishment GOP Dead, Bloomberg’s Admission & Trouble for Several 2020 Dems, plus Manufactured Housing Interview, Investing, Stock Update Read More


Explosive – Veteran MH Insider Interview Delivers Vital Insights, plus Unpacking “Manufactured Housing Institute 2.0” Announcements

“Journalists look for consistency and inconsistencies,” said South African born reporter Lara Logan. Logan was a correspondent for CBS for several years, contributed to respected publications like the Hill and is now doing reports for Sinclair Broadcasting, Fox News and Fox Nation. As a multiple Emmy-award winner in journalism, Logan’s …

Explosive – Veteran MH Insider Interview Delivers Vital Insights, plus Unpacking “Manufactured Housing Institute 2.0” Announcements Read More


Exclusive Insights on Controversies – Interview with 25 Year Industry Leader, Mark Weiss, President & CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR)

Given the many industry controversies that often involve legal and regulatory issues, it seemed fitting to begin 2020 and this new decade with an in-depth interview with a true industry legal expert and cover ground that has never been previously published in any manufactured housing trade media.   Mark Weiss, …

Exclusive Insights on Controversies – Interview with 25 Year Industry Leader, Mark Weiss, President & CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) Read More


Blood. Brains. Why 2020 Could be Different than 2009-2019 in MHVille, plus Sunday Weekly Headline News Recap 1.5 to 1.12.2020

“It’s unbelievable how much you don’t know about the game you’ve been playing all your life.” Mickey Mantle, per Brainy Quote.   Here’s a one sentence executive summary. It’s about turning lemons into lemonade. Now, let’s see how that’s done. I’m thinking about a client we’ve worked with that made a mistake. Nothing …

Blood. Brains. Why 2020 Could be Different than 2009-2019 in MHVille, plus Sunday Weekly Headline News Recap 1.5 to 1.12.2020 Read More

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