

Friday Federal Follies – Deep State, Revolving Door at HUD, MHI?

As a follow up to the 9.19.2019 announcement that HUD’s Teresa Payne has been elevated to the role of Administrator of the Office of Manufactured Housing Programs (OMHP), a few reminders to new as well as longer-term industry readers is in order.   In no particular order of importance: 1) …

Friday Federal Follies – Deep State, Revolving Door at HUD, MHI? Read More


Koch, Senator Warren, POTUS Trump Sandwich, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Once more the feature this evening will be a mix of politics, business and economics. That intersection influences investing, markets, and business decisions. One recent headline claims that many CEO’s confidence levels have slipped back to 2016 levels. What some of those CEO may not have said is that they …

Koch, Senator Warren, POTUS Trump Sandwich, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Pam Danner’s Replacement Announced, MHARR Rips HUD Leadership, More

As long-time readers of MHProNews know, this publication and MHARR routinely see things quite similarly. That said, there is a nuanced variance between MHProNews and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) on part of this next report. First their report, verbatim, and then MHProNews’ analysis will follow.   …

Pam Danner’s Replacement Announced, MHARR Rips HUD Leadership, More Read More


Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds – Manufactured Housing Institute Members – Raise Alarm – is “Mobile Home Park Industry Over-Heating?”

The article that Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds a.k.a. ‘Frank and Dave’ linked in the extended quote from the duo was dated 9.3.2019. The Manufactured Home Pro News (MHProNews) article that spotlighted the sales was dated 9.11.2019.   Details Behind Big Carlyle-Hometown Deal, Ripples in Manufactured Homes, Communities Ahead   …

Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds – Manufactured Housing Institute Members – Raise Alarm – is “Mobile Home Park Industry Over-Heating?” Read More


House Keys – HUD Secretary Carson’s Season 1, Ep 1, The Affordable Housing Crisis – Manufactured Housing Conundrums

The transcript that follows of an interview with HUD Secretary Ben Carson was provided from “Season 1, Episode 1” of HUD’s House Keys podcast. It is worth mentioning that there is no date on this podcast’s webpage. That said, there are possible indicators that it occurred prior to the June …

House Keys – HUD Secretary Carson’s Season 1, Ep 1, The Affordable Housing Crisis – Manufactured Housing Conundrums Read More


Examining “Incredible Shrinking Zoning Problem” for Manufactured Homes

  The headline should be understood as a pull quote from what follows below. It is also an example of biting sarcasm from the keyboard of Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).   Some pull quotes from what follows from Wiess …

Examining “Incredible Shrinking Zoning Problem” for Manufactured Homes Read More


Forget Moaning About Rates, Focus on Antitrust Actions, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

It is of course important that the Fed cut the base rate and arguably may or should cut them more. But what is perhaps more pressing for manufactured housing is the topic of antitrust. The Senate has been holding antitrust hearings. Recently, an amazing 50 state attorney generals launched their …

Forget Moaning About Rates, Focus on Antitrust Actions, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Constitution Day, Facts, Videos, Grants Available, and Why It Matters

  The U.S. Constitution gives an American citizen of whatever background a reference that can be pointed to that summarizes protections that the Declaration of Independence called our God given and unalienable rights. In an era of confusion and often problematic claims, it is good to go back to the …

Constitution Day, Facts, Videos, Grants Available, and Why It Matters Read More


Blood Sports, Politics, Manufactured Housing, and You

Laws, and public policy impacts numerous aspects of our industry and others. That is why millionaires and billionaires, along with businesses of all sizes, often get involved early in making donations to various political campaigns. For example. Chairman Sam Zell of Equity LifeStyle Properties fame has reportedly made a campaign …

Blood Sports, Politics, Manufactured Housing, and You Read More


Exclusive – Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Historic Optics Tied to Fundraising ‘Oops,’ plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

Senators Elizabeth Warren (MA-D), Bernie Sanders (VT-I) and former Obama administration Vice President Joe Biden have been the top 3 candidates in most polls among the Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in recent weeks. While it is Biden who has been tagged for gaffes, in fairness, other hopefuls have had their …

Exclusive – Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Historic Optics Tied to Fundraising ‘Oops,’ plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates Read More


Sons of Somerled, Warrior Music to Inspire Manufactured Housing Professionals

Our publisher calls this track from a Steve McDonald’s classic album of the same name, “warrior music.”   Some conflicts are peaceful in the sense that no blood need be shed.     But as a multiple year Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) executive level member told MHProNews, “I’m ready for …

Sons of Somerled, Warrior Music to Inspire Manufactured Housing Professionals Read More


GPS, Satellites, Economic Vulnerability, China, and Space Force

There are no 14x70s in orbit. Not yet anyway, nor are there plans for any. So, the topic here today is about communications, navigation, the related economic and political freedom which allows our industry – and all other professions in the United States – to operate in the first place. …

GPS, Satellites, Economic Vulnerability, China, and Space Force Read More


DFAB Robotic Housing Poised to Disrupt Housing Market, Says Swiss Team

“DFAB HOUSE has officially opened…on the NEST building of Empa and Eawag in Dübendorf. It is the world’s first inhabited “house” that was not only digitally planned, but also – with the help of robots and 3D printers – built largely digitally,” says the DFAB House website. In a media …

DFAB Robotic Housing Poised to Disrupt Housing Market, Says Swiss Team Read More


Drone Strike on Saudis, POTUS Trump ‘In No Hurry’ – plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

One might think that spiking oil would ruffle manufactured home markets. But not so today, as HUD Code factory-home producers today fared well, as did most manufactured housing industry connected stocks tracked here every business evening on MHProNews. But the potential for energy, economic, and geo-political disruption from a hot-war …

Drone Strike on Saudis, POTUS Trump ‘In No Hurry’ – plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


HUD’s Pending Disparate Impact Rule and Manufactured Housing

In a recent report, MHProNews spotlighted the position that the National Association of Manufactured Home Community Owners has taken in engaging on the pending Trump Administration Disparate Impact Rule at HUD. ICYMI, see that report from the linked text-image box below.   Mobile Home Replacement Bill, Manufactured Home Communities, Disparate …

HUD’s Pending Disparate Impact Rule and Manufactured Housing Read More


President Says Democratic Run Cities Responsible for Growing Homeless Crisis, Other Big Metro Ills, Democrats, Protestors Strike Back

The growing homelessness crisis is an issue near the core of what businesses and associations in the manufactured housing say is important for the industry’s future, as well as for the aspirations hopes of those trapped in housing that is too costly. Concerns over cities and towns that zone out …

President Says Democratic Run Cities Responsible for Growing Homeless Crisis, Other Big Metro Ills, Democrats, Protestors Strike Back Read More


Ethics in Media – Politics, PR, News Troubles Americans Says New Study – Plus Manufactured Home Industry Sunday Headlines in Review 9.8 to 9.15.2019

“Americans believe ethics in journalism will be worse during the 2020 presidential campaign,” said a new study by Bospar entitled: “Nearly All Americans Are Troubled by the Current State of the Media.” Why this matters to MHVille will be unpacked further below, after their data is reviewed. The title is …

Ethics in Media – Politics, PR, News Troubles Americans Says New Study – Plus Manufactured Home Industry Sunday Headlines in Review 9.8 to 9.15.2019 Read More


Fact Checks – What MHVillage’s Claims Tell Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals – Cautions, Analysis

“Since its inception in 2004, MHVillage has grown to become the number one consumer website for the manufactured housing industry with more than 25 million unique visitors annually. In 2016, more than 78,000 homes were sold on MHVillage with a combined transaction value exceeding $2.5 billion.” So says a page …

Fact Checks – What MHVillage’s Claims Tell Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals – Cautions, Analysis Read More


10 Ways How Small Businesses Avoid, Reduce Lawsuit Risks, Per Small Business Center

On Sept 4, 2019, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) published “Ten Ways to Stay Out of Court,” and provided a copy to MHProNews.   The NFIB said the outline aimed to provide insights on the following. Agenda General best practices. • Guidance on hiring and managing employees. • …

10 Ways How Small Businesses Avoid, Reduce Lawsuit Risks, Per Small Business Center Read More

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