

‘Hell Yes, We’ll Take Your AR 15s,’ ‘Corrupt System,’ 3rd Democratic Duel, plus Manufactured Housing Investment Updates

3 women. 5 protected class/minority members. 10 Democratic candidates. Climate Change. Healthcare. Trade. Gun violence. UBI and eliminating student debt. There were plenty of plans, a range of topics, featuring some stark differences. But they all had one goal in common, beyond hoping to become their party’s nominee for the …

‘Hell Yes, We’ll Take Your AR 15s,’ ‘Corrupt System,’ 3rd Democratic Duel, plus Manufactured Housing Investment Updates Read More


Nobility Homes (NOBH), Prestige Home Centers Buck National Trends, Facts & Analysis

Nobility Homes, Inc. (NOBH) announced sales and earnings for its third quarter ended August 3, 2019 this week, in a news release to AccessWire and other media – including MHProNews.   This report will include the bulk of the formal Nobility Homes (NOBH) statement, but will also have several elements …

Nobility Homes (NOBH), Prestige Home Centers Buck National Trends, Facts & Analysis Read More


Marketers, Leaders – What B2B Topics Attracts Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals?

Comparisons and metrics are among the tools that savvy professionals in all industries use. What follows should be understood through that lens. The significance of this data to our industry – and professionals like yourself – will be explained after presenting some key data.   As a preface, as previously …

Marketers, Leaders – What B2B Topics Attracts Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals? Read More


Snapshot, Animated Infographic – Third Democratic Debate Tonight, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

Billionaire and investment guru Ken Fisher is among those who tout the importance of keeping up with political, not only seemingly business-focused trends. Fisher is far from alone. Indeed, when you view or read MarketWatch, Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg, or other similar business-media platforms, there are often as many political …

Snapshot, Animated Infographic – Third Democratic Debate Tonight, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates Read More


Another Resident Leader, and Another Sounds Off – Mark Bowersox, Manufactured Housing Institute Presidential Contest

This article will cover each item from the headline in sequence. You may or may not be in the manufactured home community sector, but if you are in the industry, what follows directly and/or indirectly impacts you.   The first comment comes from one of several emails from a resident …

Another Resident Leader, and Another Sounds Off – Mark Bowersox, Manufactured Housing Institute Presidential Contest Read More


Mobile Home Replacement Bill, Manufactured Home Communities, Disparate Impact Regulations – NAMHCO Touts Seller Finance Bill, More

The message to members and media release from the National Association of Manufactured Housing Community Owners (NAMHCO) that follows further below can be seen as useful, raises several cautions to discerning minds, and highlights problematic issues that face the manufactured housing industry.  It is worthwhile for all manufactured housing industry …

Mobile Home Replacement Bill, Manufactured Home Communities, Disparate Impact Regulations – NAMHCO Touts Seller Finance Bill, More Read More


MHARR Rips “De Facto Monopoly,” “Sham Process,” at HUD – Washington – Financing, Zoning, Regulatory Updates

The Washington, D.C. based Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) released a 5 topic update late this afternoon.   The following are some of the pull-quotes from the first of those snapshots. “…de facto 40-year-plus monopoly…” “The [Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000], moreover, was designed to assure a …

MHARR Rips “De Facto Monopoly,” “Sham Process,” at HUD – Washington – Financing, Zoning, Regulatory Updates Read More


Sen Elizabeth Warren Buzz, GOP 2 for 2 in NC Special Elections, 2020 Implications? Plus, Manufactured Home Investing Updates

The race in North Carolina’s 9th district was billed as a bellwether election, a test of President’s Trump pull today vs. 2016. Despite being outspent, per CBS News, Republican Dan Bishop won over Democrat Dan McCready. Hot news just a day or 2 ago, this is hardly a blip on …

Sen Elizabeth Warren Buzz, GOP 2 for 2 in NC Special Elections, 2020 Implications? Plus, Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


MHARR’s New Website – Lessons, Data, Insights for Manufactured Housing Pros Nationally

In less than 2½ years, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) first built, and then recently revised their website. MHARR states clearly that their mission is to support independent producers of HUD Code manufactured homes.  So for the vast majority of the industry, why should MHARR’s new website …

MHARR’s New Website – Lessons, Data, Insights for Manufactured Housing Pros Nationally Read More


Patriots Day, Remembering 9.11 – the Genius of Memorials

Every nation and most every faith-system has its memorials.  Here in the United States, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, New Year’s, Good Friday, Easter, Memorial Day, D-Day, V-E Day, Veterans Day, Presidents Day, and Labor Day are just a few examples of memorials.   Today is the memorial of the …

Patriots Day, Remembering 9.11 – the Genius of Memorials Read More


Farmers, Businesses, Manufactured Housing, and Pending USMCA Farming People Parody Video

“The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will benefit American workers by enabling free and fair trade while supporting a 21st-century economy,” says the producers of a new parody video.   “Agriculture is a major component of foreign trade,” said the Missouri Farm Bureau, which said that it “works for greater access …

Farmers, Businesses, Manufactured Housing, and Pending USMCA Farming People Parody Video Read More


Big Picture, JP Dimon Says Chase Preps for Zero Percent Rates, plus Manufactured Housing Investment Updates

Rates are shifting in several leading economic countries, as tonight’s focus will reflect. Clearly, interest rates impact housing, including manufactured home lending and investments. Before teeing up, and diving into this evening’s report, a short preface.  MHProNews sees this industry’s potential in big terms, not miniscule. Thus, big picture economic, …

Big Picture, JP Dimon Says Chase Preps for Zero Percent Rates, plus Manufactured Housing Investment Updates Read More


Details Behind Big Carlyle-Hometown Deal, Ripples in Manufactured Homes, Communities Ahead

It would be a mistake to lump all manufactured home community operators into any one bucket.  As with all industries and professions, there are good, bad, and so-so operations. For example, some community operators pride themselves on good resident relations and fair dealings. Others, not so much.  That distinction between …

Details Behind Big Carlyle-Hometown Deal, Ripples in Manufactured Homes, Communities Ahead Read More


Good Dan or Bad Dan? President Trump Tells NC Special Election Crowd – Send Message to “America-Hating Left”

It is a contest between the ‘good Dan and the bad Dan,’ said President Donald J. Trump in a campaign rally last night. The Charlotte Observer rates the race as a toss-up Dan McCready (D) and Dan Bishop (R). Libertarian Jeff Scott and Allen Smith of the Green Party are …

Good Dan or Bad Dan? President Trump Tells NC Special Election Crowd – Send Message to “America-Hating Left” Read More


Next Democratic Debate Looms, Latest Democratic Polling, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

“The third Democratic primary debate, hosted by ABC and Univision, will take place on September 12,” said CNN. NPR is decrying the notion that debates – which are in part driven by polls and donor numbers – rather than voters, are the ones narrowing the field in the Democratic primaries. …

Next Democratic Debate Looms, Latest Democratic Polling, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates Read More


It’s the Law – Community Leader on Hot-Button, Valuable Insights for Professionals and Advocates

  There is nothing quite like the glow of a parent about something that your child has done that has made you proud.  Perhaps a close second is when thoughtful leaders take their reading on MHLivingNews and MHProNews so seriously, that they are inspired to dig in and strive to …

It’s the Law – Community Leader on Hot-Button, Valuable Insights for Professionals and Advocates Read More


MHPros, Community Owner-Operators, Take Note: Happy, Concerned Resident Leaders, Elected Official’s Perspectives – What Lies Ahead?

In publishing in this report two letters from resident-leaders below, it should not be assumed that we thereby agree with all that is said.  The views are those of their respective authors. They are shared precisely to present the thinking of resident leaders, so that manufactured home community professionals and …

MHPros, Community Owner-Operators, Take Note: Happy, Concerned Resident Leaders, Elected Official’s Perspectives – What Lies Ahead? Read More


“Opinion Masquerading as News,” White House Resolute Reads, Economic Updates, and Manufactured Housing

  Given that federal policy, regulations, and the economy all impact investments and our manufactured home industry, having a clear sense of what the Oval Office’s perspective is makes sense. The White House sends out daily briefings to media, including MHProNews. These press room items routinely seek to counter what …

“Opinion Masquerading as News,” White House Resolute Reads, Economic Updates, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Facts – Manufactured Home Shipment, Production Data by States, Sizes, Floors – Plus Sunday Headlines in Review

  Almost every seasoned professional will know the importance of collecting data as a measure for achievement and proficiency. Companies need data, investors, bankers, advocates, professionals, researchers, and public officials all need hard, reliable numbers too. We will begin with facts, and then make some analysis before proceeding to the …

Facts – Manufactured Home Shipment, Production Data by States, Sizes, Floors – Plus Sunday Headlines in Review Read More


“Sean of the Dead,” Frank Rolfe, Investor-Professional Education, God, and Affordable Manufactured Homes

  “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” – Isaiah 5:20, New International Version (NIV), per Bible Gateway.   As thousands of daily readers have come to know, every part …

“Sean of the Dead,” Frank Rolfe, Investor-Professional Education, God, and Affordable Manufactured Homes Read More

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