

What’s the Potential? Imagining Manufactured Housing Industry That’s Understood and Respected

There are scores of interesting to hot topics in manufactured housing. Some think that the industry’s potential is 500,000 to 1,000,000 new HUD Code manufactured homes annually or more.  What has to happen to achieve that level of performance?   In no particular order of importance, here is a partial …

What’s the Potential? Imagining Manufactured Housing Industry That’s Understood and Respected Read More


Fed’s Powell, ‘No Recession Ahead’ Data-Driven Economic Optimism, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

Markets generally rose today on overall positive economic news, coupled with positive comments by the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. The door was left open for more rate cuts, which speculation has been will be .25 points later this month, to perhaps ½ percent rate cut. We’ll look at the …

Fed’s Powell, ‘No Recession Ahead’ Data-Driven Economic Optimism, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing Part of Trump Administration Housing Finance Reform Plan

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD release to MHProNews, “As a direct result of the Trump Administration’s pro-growth policies, unemployment is at 50-year low and American families are earning higher incomes and enjoying more opportunities than seemed possible just a few years ago. There is still …

Manufactured Housing Part of Trump Administration Housing Finance Reform Plan Read More


National Communities Council of the Manufactured Housing Institute “Code of Ethics,” SSK Communities Update, Review

First, the facts – per the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) National Communities Council (NCC) documents, both quoted at length and also attached in their original form further below. Then, there will be some analysis and commentary.   NATIONAL COMMUNITIES COUNCIL CODE OF ETHICS As a Member of the Manufactured Housing …

National Communities Council of the Manufactured Housing Institute “Code of Ethics,” SSK Communities Update, Review Read More


“Rape, Pillage, and Murder” Reactions from Industry Professionals to Frank Rolfe Report

  The statements that follow are from manufactured home industry professionals from border-to-border.  They are in response to the article linked here and further below.   Comments in brackets are edited in for clarity and are in black. Typos are in the originals.  As we often do, the quoted text …

“Rape, Pillage, and Murder” Reactions from Industry Professionals to Frank Rolfe Report Read More


Cramer – No Recession, Data Shows U.S. Economic Strength Upper Hand for POTUS Trump with China, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Markets soared today, as the chart at the left and below reflects. Mentioning that the U.S. and China will meet in a few weeks is all that it takes for some investors to get motivated. CNBC’s Jim Cramer sounded off today on the question if China, trade, recession, and more.  …

Cramer – No Recession, Data Shows U.S. Economic Strength Upper Hand for POTUS Trump with China, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Investors, Frank Rolfe’s Mobile Home U Thinking on “Why You Should Never Build A Mobile Home Park”

  There are several issues that are holding up the progress of individual businesses that in turn collectively make up the manufactured home industry.   For the past few years, the management of MHProNews, using at times MHLivingNews too, has performed fact-checks and analysis that systematically look at a given topic.  …

Investors, Frank Rolfe’s Mobile Home U Thinking on “Why You Should Never Build A Mobile Home Park” Read More


Dozens of State AGs Prep Antitrust Action, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

Reading on the other manufactured home industry trade sites or journals might lead one to believe that all is well and good in MHVille. A look at the latest new manufactured home shipment data says otherwise. Or if the word ‘antitrust’ comes up at all with bloggers, it may be to …

Dozens of State AGs Prep Antitrust Action, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


Cornell’s ‘Ugly Duckling Turns a Profit: Investing in Manufactured Home Communities,’ Real Estate Review Analysis

  Lera Covington’s bio on the Cornell University real estate school website says as follows. “Lera is a second-year dual degree candidate pursing an MPS in Real Estate and Masters of Regional Planning at the Baker Program of Real Estate and the Department of City and Regional Planning.”   “Robust …

Cornell’s ‘Ugly Duckling Turns a Profit: Investing in Manufactured Home Communities,’ Real Estate Review Analysis Read More


Just the Facts? Mobile Home U, Manufactured Housing Institute, MHVillage, Manufactured Home Community Count?

  For some years there has been a serious question mark about just how many land-lease manufactured home communities there are in the United States, as longtime, regular readers of MHProNews know.  For public officials, media, researchers, investors, advocates and others, not knowing is problematic.   The issue arises in …

Just the Facts? Mobile Home U, Manufactured Housing Institute, MHVillage, Manufactured Home Community Count? Read More


Latest HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Data for July 2019 Mixed

  The latest HUD Code manufactured housing production data for July 2019 is out. Those facts compiled for HUD and provided by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) are found below.   The news is mixed.  July 2019 production is up year over year vs. July 2018.  But …

Latest HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Data for July 2019 Mixed Read More


Historic Global Warming 10 Year Warning, Said UN Report, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

With Hurricane Dorian is still mostly offshore as this is being written, with just the outer bands impacting parts of Florida, today is a good day to focus on the issue of climate change. Certainly, several 2020 politicos and others are doing so too.  Given that housing costs are and …

Historic Global Warming 10 Year Warning, Said UN Report, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates Read More


Illusion of Choice? Mainstream Media Consolidation, Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Home News

  The concerns about the consolidation of power over what the public sees, hears, and reads bridges the left-right political divide. But that doesn’t mean that the various factions agree on what if anything is to be done.   As a preface, let’s note that each part of the headline …

Illusion of Choice? Mainstream Media Consolidation, Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Home News Read More


“When I think About Chuck, He Made Me Tough” – Coaching Corner, and Manufactured Housing

The headline will be the punch line.   In America’s Game: The Super Bowl Champions, Andy Russell described Chuck Noll’s assessment of the team upon his arrival. “Look, I’ve been watching the game films since I took the job.  And I can tell you guys that the reason you’ve been …

“When I think About Chuck, He Made Me Tough” – Coaching Corner, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Two $500,000 Grants for Modular Workforce Housing

  “Across the state, there is a shortage of affordable, workforce housing,” said Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, who serves as board chair of Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), said the Elkhart Truth. “This funding will allow for the construction of modular single-family homes built by Indiana-based manufacturers. …

Two $500,000 Grants for Modular Workforce Housing Read More


U.S. Labor, China-American Trade, Warren Buffett, and Housing – High Cost of Short-Range Thinking?

Labor Day is an apt time to seriously ponder the impact of decades of U.S. trade policies on American workers and U.S. companies.   The Congressional Research Service (CRS) updated their report, China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States on June 25, 2019. From page …

U.S. Labor, China-American Trade, Warren Buffett, and Housing – High Cost of Short-Range Thinking? Read More


Does President Trump Get It About American Labor and Business?

  There is an old saying that actions speak louder than words.  But words combined with action that advance a worthwhile cause obviously should count too.   Several in media demonstrably don’t give President Donald J. Trump the same type of treatment as his Oval Office predecessor. On this Labor …

Does President Trump Get It About American Labor and Business? Read More


Cowboy’s Take on Labor Day, Plus Labor Day History 101 for MHVille Pros

First, as a programing note, with the markets closed today, this is your reminder that you won’t have to tune back in tonight for our normal closing tickers on manufactured home industry related stocks and other investment focused news insights.  That feature will return tomorrow, presuming nothing unusual happens to shut those …

Cowboy’s Take on Labor Day, Plus Labor Day History 101 for MHVille Pros Read More

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