

Cowboy’s Take on Labor Day, Plus Labor Day History 101 for MHVille Pros

First, as a programing note, with the markets closed today, this is your reminder that you won’t have to tune back in tonight for our normal closing tickers on manufactured home industry related stocks and other investment focused news insights.  That feature will return tomorrow, presuming nothing unusual happens to shut those …

Cowboy’s Take on Labor Day, Plus Labor Day History 101 for MHVille Pros Read More


Democrat Kamala Harris, Most Feared by Team Trump? POTUS touts NewsMax, OANN over Fox? ELS’ Sam Zell and Manufactured Housing Headline News in Review

  ‘The GOP Is Afraid of Trump “Nightmare” Kamala Harris’ — so read their headline…   As we noted last week, affordable housing is shaping up as a hot button issue for politicos in 2020. Some researchers are saying it will be a top 5 issue.  If so, that is no surprise.  For good or …

Democrat Kamala Harris, Most Feared by Team Trump? POTUS touts NewsMax, OANN over Fox? ELS’ Sam Zell and Manufactured Housing Headline News in Review Read More


Sam Walton, Mr. T, Reality Checks, MH Industry Successes, and Manufactured Housing Lessons Learned

Things are often not what they seem to be. People often have notions other than reality.    ·        Those two statements in the opening paragraph are truisms for thousands of thoughtful manufactured home industry professionals.  ·        Those two phrases at top are also the lived reality of millions who live …

Sam Walton, Mr. T, Reality Checks, MH Industry Successes, and Manufactured Housing Lessons Learned Read More


Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomer Homebuyer Trends Survey – Manufactured Housing Marketer, Sellers Insights

“We’re pleased to present the findings from our spring 2019 Bank of America Homebuyer Insights Report, which explores the attitudes, preferences and behaviors of the modern homebuyer. For the first time, our findings shed light on the youngest generation of homebuyers, Gen Z, who are between 18 and 23 years …

Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomer Homebuyer Trends Survey – Manufactured Housing Marketer, Sellers Insights Read More


Legacy Housing, Growth in Community Sales, Developing, More Inside Insights – plus, Manufactured Home Investing Updates

The transcript of the recent conference call with Legacy Housing Corp (NASDAQ:LEGH) has from Yahoo Finance and the Motley Fool, plus additional information and insights, creates a potent package of information.  Much of manufactured housing has been undergoing a modest – and in our expert view, avoidable – downturn.  By …

Legacy Housing, Growth in Community Sales, Developing, More Inside Insights – plus, Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


Radioactive Story-Telling, Prager U’s Lawsuit, and Manufactured Housing Insights

PragerU is the name of a self-described center-right platform that is perhaps best known for videos of about 5-minute length.  Those videos each address a specific topic on an array of controversial issues, with the goal of shedding new fact-based insights on it. Each video aims to inform and persuade. …

Radioactive Story-Telling, Prager U’s Lawsuit, and Manufactured Housing Insights Read More


Hurricane Dorian, Climate Change, and Manufactured Housing Professional Preparation

Hurricane Dorian is expected to make landfall in Florida or possible Georgia on Labor Day Monday. As manufactured housing industry veterans know, this will push at various times the words “mobile homes” and “manufactured homes” into news reports in a typically problematic fashion. FEMA may well enter into the mix, …

Hurricane Dorian, Climate Change, and Manufactured Housing Professional Preparation Read More


“Mass Eviction” by Manufactured Home Community “Up in Arms,” Raft of Mainstream Coverage

It is the kind of report that is troubling to white hat operators in the manufactured housing industry.   It is the type of negative media coverage that arguably undermines the image of living in a land-lease community, and by inference, in pondering some manufactured home options. The screen capture …

“Mass Eviction” by Manufactured Home Community “Up in Arms,” Raft of Mainstream Coverage Read More


Nasdaq – Cavco Industries (CVCO) Insider Trading, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

Research this afternoon from Nasdaq reveals the history of insider trading by officers and officials at Cavco Industries (CVCO). There’s other data about them tonight too, some good, some more worrisome, and you can see the good, bad, or mixed. Laced with related information, these are the kind of insights …

Nasdaq – Cavco Industries (CVCO) Insider Trading, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


National Association of Realtors Research Exposes Manufactured Housing Institute Errors

Perhaps one of the most useful, in depth, third-party research reports performed about the manufactured home industry in the past decade was the one published by Realtor University in 2018. It was a data-driven study, illustrated with useful graphics and charts. The core work and author is credited to Scholastica ‘Gay’ …

National Association of Realtors Research Exposes Manufactured Housing Institute Errors Read More


Danger Zone, Top Gun, Manufactured Housing Professional Insights, and You

  Try to picture in your mind a great or classic movie that doesn’t have an equally great soundtrack.   That isn’t easy to imagine, is it? Music and video can move the emotions and make imprints on the mind. While MHProNews routinely preaches facts, evidence, reason, cui bono, common …

Danger Zone, Top Gun, Manufactured Housing Professional Insights, and You Read More


#1 Issue in California? Cost of Housing – There, Nationally – 2019 Flashback, Stating the Obvious for MHVille

  By far the most populous state in the nation is California. While the ‘Golden State’ is in the top ten in terms of manufactured home shipments, it isn’t anywhere near number 1 Texas.  The focus of this report isn’t to look at the why behind that, but MHProNews is …

#1 Issue in California? Cost of Housing – There, Nationally – 2019 Flashback, Stating the Obvious for MHVille Read More


What’s Ahead? MH Supplier LCII – Wall Street Analysis, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

Hey. Common sense should tell investors and industry pros that if more products currently sourced in China are no longer purchased there, that at least some of those may ‘come home’ to being produced and/or provided by American companies.  Some firms in MHVille go ‘China direct’ for products, some turn …

What’s Ahead? MH Supplier LCII – Wall Street Analysis, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates Read More


Countdown to Record-Setting ?! Wholesale Manufactured Home Show Event

Sources with Legacy Housing tell MHProNews that they maxed out their first show hotel and have turned to another hotel for what is shaping up as a record-setting event for the publicly-traded firm.   In fact, the second hotel is reportedly running out of space too, as enthusiasm for the …

Countdown to Record-Setting ?! Wholesale Manufactured Home Show Event Read More


Science of Manipulation vs Counter-Messaging, Manufactured Housing, Investors, Professional Performance, Duck Dynasty, and You

  Manipulation can be a science. Meaning, there are those who study the art of manipulation, can do so using scientific principles, but may do so under a variety of different labels. Some forms of manipulation may be legal, others not. Influence and persuasion can be related and may be …

Science of Manipulation vs Counter-Messaging, Manufactured Housing, Investors, Professional Performance, Duck Dynasty, and You Read More


Sun Communities Scores 1/3rd Billion Dollar M&A, Insights, Details Beyond Media Release

Sun Communities recently announced another ‘big deal.’ The merger and acquisition (M&A) of Jensen’s, Inc into their portfolio is a $343.6 million dollar transaction.   The details, from Sun’s (SUI) release will be followed by some additional information on each firm.   Southfield, MI, Aug. 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sun Communities, Inc. (NYSE: …

Sun Communities Scores 1/3rd Billion Dollar M&A, Insights, Details Beyond Media Release Read More


Insider Trade, John McLaren – Sun Communities President, COO – plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

The insider trade being reported is the type reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). “An insider is defined as any officer and/or beneficial owner who is buying or selling their company’s stock is required to file a Form 4,” explains Nasdaq. The spoiler is the stock has risen since the …

Insider Trade, John McLaren – Sun Communities President, COO – plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


Ross Kinzler – Manufactured Housing Organizational Drift? Going to the Next Level

  “Organizations tend to “do what they have done” until someone asks why.  Don’t let drift dominate over a planned way forward,” wrote the retired state association executive of the Wisconsin Housing Alliance (WHA), Ross Kinzler. He also asked via LinkedIn that “Has Your Organization Lost It’s Way?” The typo …

Ross Kinzler – Manufactured Housing Organizational Drift? Going to the Next Level Read More


Cutthroat Tactics – Candidates Romney, Trump, Transparency, Tax Returns, 2020, Lessons Learned for Manufactured Housing Investors, Professionals

  In the 2012 presidential election cycle, then candidate Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, dutifully released his tax returns tot he public. For years, this American custom – not required by federal law – has been followed by the major party candidates of both Democratic and Republican parties. …

Cutthroat Tactics – Candidates Romney, Trump, Transparency, Tax Returns, 2020, Lessons Learned for Manufactured Housing Investors, Professionals Read More


Is Manufactured Housing Investing or Professional Clarity Possible?

  The vix has been up.  Uncertainty seems to be a byword on Wall Street, Main Street, and in Washington. Europe may be moving toward recession. While the U.S. economy seems sound, the trade war with China is one of several factors that have numbers worried.   It is axiomatic …

Is Manufactured Housing Investing or Professional Clarity Possible? Read More

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