

Texas, Florida Cities Plan Manufactured Home Ban, Legacy Housing, FMHA, Lance Inderman/Jessup Housing React

  In Parker, Florida, My Panhandle reports that “a revised mobile home ordinance was introduced. The ordinance doesn’t allow for the expansion of mobile home parks, mobile homes in residential areas, and restricts how many mobile homes can come into a park. It also requires all mobile home or RV …

Texas, Florida Cities Plan Manufactured Home Ban, Legacy Housing, FMHA, Lance Inderman/Jessup Housing React Read More


‘Crazy Like a Fox,’ Presidential Campaigns Targeting Manufactured Home Audiences

You can’t understand President Donald J. Trump without first grasping several themes in his classic book, “The Art of the Deal.” The man is crazy like a fox. He’s the first president in some time known to have visited a manufactured home community in his official capacity. He has praised …

‘Crazy Like a Fox,’ Presidential Campaigns Targeting Manufactured Home Audiences Read More


3 Manufactured Home Communities Deal Preserving Some 900 Affordable Homes

“The New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, based in Concord, N.H., turns investments into loans and education to create opportunity and transform lives. We collaborate with a wide range of donors and investors, and with business, nonprofit and government partners, to provide the financing and support people need to have affordable …

3 Manufactured Home Communities Deal Preserving Some 900 Affordable Homes Read More


Epic Hypocrisy? Tom Steyer Faces Past Ghosts of Farallon Hedge Fund, 2020 Heats Up, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Let’s be clear. A raft of candidates on each side of the left-right divide have their controversies. So spotlighting Tom Steyer’s troubles this evening is to single out one of several possible options. What makes this potentially interesting to MHVille and others are claims of not only hypocrisy, but that …

Epic Hypocrisy? Tom Steyer Faces Past Ghosts of Farallon Hedge Fund, 2020 Heats Up, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Manufactured Homes Can Grow in Value, Says Omaha World Herald – Berkshire Owned – Sheds Light on Manufactured Housing Dilemma

  The collage in the featured image at the top uses a photo and headline from the Omaha World Herald that reported on July 8, 2019 that “Just like site-built homes, manufactured houses can grow in value, but …” Why the “but?”   The Omaha World Herald has for years …

Manufactured Homes Can Grow in Value, Says Omaha World Herald – Berkshire Owned – Sheds Light on Manufactured Housing Dilemma Read More


As Mortgage Rates Slip, Rental Demand Stays Strong, Manufactured Housing Angles

When manufactured housing professionals that have direct or indirect ties to new HUD Code manufactured home sales reflect objectively, there are numerous examples of research that point to opportunities for sales growth.    One of the obvious opportunities for new HUD Code manufactured home sales is the rental population.  Per …

As Mortgage Rates Slip, Rental Demand Stays Strong, Manufactured Housing Angles Read More


Manufactured Housing Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 2014-2019 – Pricing, Product Mix

  MHProNews has obtained the latest July 2019 manufactured housing product, pricing, and other data related to HUD Code manufactured homes sold here in the United States.   To set the table, here is how the Census Bureau describes the history of the survey data, which is useful on several …

Manufactured Housing Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 2014-2019 – Pricing, Product Mix Read More


Homeownership Rates Hispanic, Black Differ Widely, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), Hispanic homeownership rates are soaring, but African American home ownership rates – despite their record low unemployment rates – are near all time lows for data on record. On a general down day on the major market, but a more mixed …

Homeownership Rates Hispanic, Black Differ Widely, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Re-Imagining Filling Jobs and Careers in Manufactured Housing

  There are estimates of thousands of positions needed annually in various aspects of the manufactured home industry. There are local, regional, and national job boards or employment services galore. Some industry firms advertise on multiple jobs sites, network, and engage in other activities, hoping to connect to the right …

Re-Imagining Filling Jobs and Careers in Manufactured Housing Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Monthly Economic Report vs. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) Report – Comparisons

  The subheading below is the start of their July 11, 2019 emailed report by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to their members and followers.   8,601 New HUD Code Homes Shipped in May  In May 2019, new manufactured home shipments were essentially flat with a modest decrease of 1.9% …

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Monthly Economic Report vs. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) Report – Comparisons Read More


“Brass Tacks” Special Report to Fully Implement Duty to Serve Federal Law Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing Via Robust Home-Only Lending

  Those inside the room described it as a “brass tacks” meeting, not a “photo op” session as some others in MHVille often focus on.   Multiple sources indicated that all in attendance already know each other.  So, this wasn’t a “sugar coating” session, per a participant. Rather, the discussion …

“Brass Tacks” Special Report to Fully Implement Duty to Serve Federal Law Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing Via Robust Home-Only Lending Read More


MMI Report – Job Housing Retail Correlations July 2019, plus Manufactured Housing Equities Updates

Marcus and Millichap (MMI) is one of the manufactured home connected firms tracked in our evening/nightly closing stock tickers and markets reports. MMI brokers commercial real estate, including manufactured home communities. The firm tracks and provide research reports on several relevant topics for housing and manufactured home industry professionals.  On …

MMI Report – Job Housing Retail Correlations July 2019, plus Manufactured Housing Equities Updates Read More


“Manufactured Housing Presents an Unparalleled Opportunity to Provide Market-Wide Relief,” Says Non-Profit

  The headline above is a pull-quote from a non-profit organization that is routinely involved in manufactured housing advocacy. A nonprofit is given tax exempt status under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, but they also have reporting and other requirements.    Prior to digging into the full text of the …

“Manufactured Housing Presents an Unparalleled Opportunity to Provide Market-Wide Relief,” Says Non-Profit Read More


Concern Addressed, HUD Staff “Waiting Out” Secretary Carson Tenure to “Return…Harsher…Costly…Unnecessary” Regulations

In a recent letter to HUD Secretary Carson obtained by MHProNews, several hot button issues were raised. The letter includes these pull-quotes: • “…concerned that current program staff may simply be “waiting out” your tenure at HUD and the Trump Administration in order to return to a harsher, more costly …

Concern Addressed, HUD Staff “Waiting Out” Secretary Carson Tenure to “Return…Harsher…Costly…Unnecessary” Regulations Read More


Unfinished Business – Celebrating Life, Orange Cats, Web-Tech, and Manufactured Housing

  We all grieve and come to grips with death differently. We all have unfinished business in life too.  This will address examples of both relevant to developments in our industry.    Over the years, we’ve worked with several video and web-tech personalities. As in any profession, some were obviously …

Unfinished Business – Celebrating Life, Orange Cats, Web-Tech, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Freddie Mac Single-Family Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing – Viable Source Of Affordable, Sustainable Homeownership – Fact-Check

“More than 22 million families are homeowners because of manufactured housing. It just might be the critical source of affordable housing the industry needs. We’re providing innovative and flexible financing solutions to support this market,” proclaims a page from the Freddie Mac website.   Freddie Mac, along with Fannie Mae, …

Freddie Mac Single-Family Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing – Viable Source Of Affordable, Sustainable Homeownership – Fact-Check Read More


Aiming to Sell More Manufactured Homes Via More Low and No Down Payment Loans? Overlooked Lending Spotlighted

The typical financing options that manufactured home sellers think about are those offered by personal property lenders, and to a lesser extent, land-home loans. Those are offered by a few well known companies that operate in manufactured housing.   But there are a number of states that offer low and …

Aiming to Sell More Manufactured Homes Via More Low and No Down Payment Loans? Overlooked Lending Spotlighted Read More


Report: FTC Imposes Record $5 Billion Dollar Fine, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

Facebook is one of the tech giants that millions love but millions also hate.  Today, word is out that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will settle privacy concerns with Facebook for a runaway record $5 billion dollars.  On a day when record-after-record was set on the major markets – and …

Report: FTC Imposes Record $5 Billion Dollar Fine, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


HUD’s Website – Problematic, Purportedly Inaccurate Information on Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000

  A contact at HUD has told MHProNews that the contents from the page linked here were not on their official website about two years ago.   A contact with the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has told MHProNews that this is ‘old’ information, that they protested years …

HUD’s Website – Problematic, Purportedly Inaccurate Information on Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 Read More


Giving Credit Where Due, HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Affordable Housing, Homelessness, and Manufactured Homes

  “It was a good event.”  – Manufactured Housing Institute member, speaking about the Innovative Housing Showcase     “News is the first rough draft of history.” –   Maxim based upon phrase first attributed to Philip Leslie Graham (July 18, 1915 – August 3, 1963) was an American newspaperman. He …

Giving Credit Where Due, HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Affordable Housing, Homelessness, and Manufactured Homes Read More

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