

Dramatic, But Misleading? Manufactured Home Marketers Eye-View of Recent Tornado Deaths in Oklahoma, Alabama

The manufactured home industry will arguably not achieve its potential until education becomes a core element of the industry’s ‘marketing.’ This column won’t go into the de facto challenges caused by a lack of proper engagement from the industry’s post production sector with the mainstream media to debunk misconceptions, other …

Dramatic, But Misleading? Manufactured Home Marketers Eye-View of Recent Tornado Deaths in Oklahoma, Alabama Read More


Shocking, True State of the Manufactured Housing Industry, plus Solutions for Profitable, Sustainable Growth – May 2019

For busy professionals, holidays often provide a good time to review facts, themes, issues, and trends to gain useful perspectives. Let’s begin this review of the true state of the manufactured housing industry with a litany of facts and their source relative to U.S. housing, affordable housing, and manufactured homes. …

Shocking, True State of the Manufactured Housing Industry, plus Solutions for Profitable, Sustainable Growth – May 2019 Read More


Memorial Day, We Remember, Beyond Burgers, Brats, and Buns

It was after services this Memorial Day weekend, and our family was recognizing the contributions of various military members that we know. For example, publisher L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach was telling a retired special forces operator ‘I know it’s Memorial Day weekend, and not Veterans Day weekend, but I just …

Memorial Day, We Remember, Beyond Burgers, Brats, and Buns Read More


George Allen’s “Peace Offensive,” Saul Alinsky, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, and Manufactured Housing’s War

There are slogans and then there are solutions. Slogans are what the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is well known for, examples are “Got Clout? Get it Here” or their recent slogan for their 2019 Congress and Expo fund-raising meeting, which used the phrase “Let’s Keep Building.” More on those two …

George Allen’s “Peace Offensive,” Saul Alinsky, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, and Manufactured Housing’s War Read More


“Game On” – “Fighting Discriminatory Zoning” “Moral Obligation” Fix “Worsening Nightmare” – State Associations Entering Spotlight

Nature abhors a vacuum. That axiom is true in science, as well as in issues of pragmatic leadership. In a communique to the manufactured housing industry’s dozens of state association executives, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) outlined their plan to address the “moral obligation” to fix the …

“Game On” – “Fighting Discriminatory Zoning” “Moral Obligation” Fix “Worsening Nightmare” – State Associations Entering Spotlight Read More


Obstruction, Cover Up, Impeachable Says Speaker Pelosi – Donald Trump Jr. Responds – How Washington Works, or Not – Manufactured Home Import

There are an array of issues – foreign and domestic – facing our country. Affordable housing, the growing issue of monopolization of numerous industries – including the continued consolidation of manufactured housing – are among them. But the mutual throwdown Wednesday between the 45th president and the Democratic Congressional leader …

Obstruction, Cover Up, Impeachable Says Speaker Pelosi – Donald Trump Jr. Responds – How Washington Works, or Not – Manufactured Home Import Read More


Is War Ahead? Insider Sources in Iran Talk Trump, Middle East Conflicts, plus Manufactured Home Market Updates

Most of the nation isn’t crazy about war. On a day that the markets broadly rose, but were still down for the week, we’ll turn to some literal inside information from a global hotspot. The word heard from inside Iran will be our focus for this evening.   If you’re …

Is War Ahead? Insider Sources in Iran Talk Trump, Middle East Conflicts, plus Manufactured Home Market Updates Read More


Skyline Champion Soared, What’s Up? Initial Look Behind the Curtain

The Motley Fool is an investment site that has reportedly drawn the ire of industry leaders such as Joe Stegmayer, former president and chairman of Cavco Industries and still MHI Chairman, on more than one occasion. Indeed, such stock and financial news sites, including Seeking Alpha, are often a mixed …

Skyline Champion Soared, What’s Up? Initial Look Behind the Curtain Read More


Americans “Lost Faith in Washington,” Politics Threatens Economic Recovery

The top headline on the ubiquitous Drudge Report this morning read, “So Crazy!” It featured the photo at the image above. It linked to a story by the left-of-center Associated Press (AP), which began as follows. “The enmity between President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deteriorated Thursday into …

Americans “Lost Faith in Washington,” Politics Threatens Economic Recovery Read More


City Permits Some Manufactured Home Replacements for Tornado Ravaged Conventional Housing

A month after tornadoes ripped through Alto, Texas, many were left homeless as their residences were damaged or destroyed. Last week, in a special city council meeting, the Alto city council voted to allow manufactured homes to be used as replacement homes for residents living there. The homes were being …

City Permits Some Manufactured Home Replacements for Tornado Ravaged Conventional Housing Read More


Are You Customer or Product of Tech Giants? Manufactured Housing Connections and Implications

There is significant evidence of the monopolization of America. Perhaps the best-known examples are the tech giants, many of which have come under fire from both sides of the left-right political divides here in the U.S. The New York Times reported on Mar 20, 2019 “European authorities on Wednesday fined …

Are You Customer or Product of Tech Giants? Manufactured Housing Connections and Implications Read More


April New Home Sales Drop, Mortgage Rates Slide, Trade Tension Woes, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Some things are starkly real, regardless of what the cause might be. But when it comes to housing, especially affordable housing, ought to be able to ride higher during various challenges. That’s just common sense. More entry level cars are being sold than ultra-luxury cars. More cheap boats are sold …

April New Home Sales Drop, Mortgage Rates Slide, Trade Tension Woes, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Kobayashi Maru, Crime, Kevin Clayton, Darren Krolewski, MHInsider – State of Manufactured Housing Industry

Nearly a week has elapsed since the message further below was sent to the co-president of a well-known Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member firm that will be part of today’s fact-check and analysis. To grasp the subject – for outsiders looking in, and for those in the industry who don’t …

Kobayashi Maru, Crime, Kevin Clayton, Darren Krolewski, MHInsider – State of Manufactured Housing Industry Read More


The Best Medicine, “Honey, I Forget to Duck,” One Liners from the “Great Communicator”

  The issues facing our nation and industry are serious ones. Therefore, there are times that a little humor is useful to lighten the mood. As a history buff, it is a pleasure to ponder chief executives of the past, and see what might be learned. There are those who …

The Best Medicine, “Honey, I Forget to Duck,” One Liners from the “Great Communicator” Read More


“Monopoly” in Manufactured Housing Alleged by George Allen, MHI Defender’s Turn by former Community-Investor, Self-Claimed EducateMHC Blogger

Free enterprise is predicated in part on the ability to compete. Be it in tea, banking, or other sectors of the economy, America from its earliest days as a colony includes examples of not just tax revolt, but anti-monopoly rebellion too. New York Times columnist David Leonhardt are among the …

“Monopoly” in Manufactured Housing Alleged by George Allen, MHI Defender’s Turn by former Community-Investor, Self-Claimed EducateMHC Blogger Read More


“Home is Where Our Hearts Are” – President Trump Address to American Housing Professionals

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported a slight dip in the sales of existing homes, which will be part of a planned upcoming report.  But real estate in general is seen as strong.  But the need for housing is strong, which is a factor fueling the steady rise of …

“Home is Where Our Hearts Are” – President Trump Address to American Housing Professionals Read More


Triad Financial Services, ECN Result$, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Stock Updates

As longtime readers of this evening report know, this report has evolved from the early days of our daily reporting. In more recent years, we not only provide readers with the closing tickers for manufactured home industry-connected equities, but we also give a snapshot of the broader markets. Furthermore, in …

Triad Financial Services, ECN Result$, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Stock Updates Read More


HUD Rescinds 2017 “Guidance” on Carport-Ready Manufactured Homes, Other Changes Ahead?

  In a news release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, the Washington, D.C. based Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) said the following. MAY 21, 2019     TO:                 MHARR MANUFACTURERS                         MHARR STATE AFFILIATES                         MHARR TECHNICAL REVIEW …

HUD Rescinds 2017 “Guidance” on Carport-Ready Manufactured Homes, Other Changes Ahead? Read More


Tiny House Comparisons, $50,000 Tiny House Vs. $165,000 Tiny House – Millions of Video Views

No spoilers for this video, just the facts. In 3 weeks, this video has had 2,173,639 views as of the time the Daily Business News on MHProNews drafted this article. There were about 37,000 ‘thumbs up,’ vs. 1800 thumbs down. There were 2,801 comments posted. That’s more comments than the …

Tiny House Comparisons, $50,000 Tiny House Vs. $165,000 Tiny House – Millions of Video Views Read More

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