

HUD Lashed for Alleged Manufactured Housing Contract Miscues, Brian Montgomery, White House Notified of National Association Concerns

Perhaps one of the more misunderstood issues that’s marched on for years in the manufactured housing industry is the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal monitoring contract. What makes it more important than most industry pros, housing advocates, or investors realize? HUD doesn’t directly monitor manufactured housing production …

HUD Lashed for Alleged Manufactured Housing Contract Miscues, Brian Montgomery, White House Notified of National Association Concerns Read More


Former Godfather CEO, GOP POTUS Contender Herman Cain to Join Fed? Plus, MH Stock Updates

Left-of-center Axios once more reports that President Donald J. Trump wants ‘his friend’ Herman Cain on the Federal Reserve board. The floated pick may spark controversy. On a day when the markets largely rose, including most manufactured home connected tracked stocks, the raising of Cain for the Fed will be …

Former Godfather CEO, GOP POTUS Contender Herman Cain to Join Fed? Plus, MH Stock Updates Read More


Canadian Firm Gobbling Up Dozens of Manufactured Home Communities

“New Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust CEO Mark Kenney isn’t wasting any time putting his stamp on the trust, announcing its second major purchase of manufactured homes communities (MHCs) in the past three weeks. The latest acquisition of 23 Canadian communities, comprising 3,469 pads, means the trust will …

Canadian Firm Gobbling Up Dozens of Manufactured Home Communities Read More


Remarks by HUD Secretary Ben Carson to the Mortgage Bankers Association

  Flashing back to 2016, among the former GOP contenders to announce their support for Donald J. Trump to become the 45th president was Ben Carson, M.D. Flash-forward to the present.  Now HUD Secretary Carson has been an earnest and dependable supporter of President Trump and his agenda. While he …

Remarks by HUD Secretary Ben Carson to the Mortgage Bankers Association Read More


Under Scrutiny, Giant Amazon Pivots, But What About Berkshire’s Manufactured Housing Brands? Plus MH Market Updates

Once even a friendly dog is given a bone, it may not let go without a serious struggle.  Ponder that metaphor for the next few minutes, as the Daily Business News on MHProNews briefly spotlights this evening an interesting contrast between the behavior of giant Amazon and giant Berkshire Hathaway …

Under Scrutiny, Giant Amazon Pivots, But What About Berkshire’s Manufactured Housing Brands? Plus MH Market Updates Read More


More Confident About Future than 3 Years Ago, Americans Still Have Concerns, Per New Survey, MH Industry Opportunities

CNBC and Survey Monkey conducted a survey of some 2,300 Americans in March, 2019. This is a particularly apt example of how “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing” © could significantly reshape for the better the lives of millions of Americans. Before turning to the MHProNews …

More Confident About Future than 3 Years Ago, Americans Still Have Concerns, Per New Survey, MH Industry Opportunities Read More


Cavco Industries Announces Latest Executive Level Changes

In a media release, Cavco Industries (CVCO) has notified the Daily Business News on MHProNews of their latest executive changes.  Industry watchers see signs that the moves continue to be efforts to rebuild investor confidence in a firm rocked last November by the sudden departure of Joe Stegmayer as Chairman …

Cavco Industries Announces Latest Executive Level Changes Read More


“Fight Like Hell” for Independence, Says Trustee – Manufactured Housing Inspiration?

The story from the Boston Globe has nothing on the surface to do with housing, much less factory-built housing. But it had much to do with independence, and the willingness to fight in an arguably increasingly monopolistic, manipulated or ‘rigged system’ society.  Who says? The New York Times, see the …

“Fight Like Hell” for Independence, Says Trustee – Manufactured Housing Inspiration? Read More


Historic Manufactured Housing Industry Decisions Were Made Here on 3.27.2019

In a statement today to recapping what they are calling “Bold New Initiatives,” the Washington, D.C. based Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) is taking aim at issues to get to some underlying challenges facing manufactured housing going that arise from post-production scenarios. MHARR and its members have kept …

Historic Manufactured Housing Industry Decisions Were Made Here on 3.27.2019 Read More


Not Just Trade, Steve Bannon Says China Threat to U.S., Western Industrial Democracies, plus, MH Market Updates

Happy talk is easier to listen to than serious or sobering words. There are ‘hawks’ that continue to sound warnings about China. Steve Bannon says he is one of them. It is a message not often heard in the U.S., and this one was carried by left-of-center CNBC.    While …

Not Just Trade, Steve Bannon Says China Threat to U.S., Western Industrial Democracies, plus, MH Market Updates Read More


HUD’s Fair Housing Month – Sexual Harassment Campaign, Training Initiative Announced

No, this is not a ‘how to’ course by the federal government.  Rather, it is how to avoid a serious problem, and as needed, to report alleged violations. Last July, the Daily Business News on MHProNews reported on the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sexual harassment PSAs, or …

HUD’s Fair Housing Month – Sexual Harassment Campaign, Training Initiative Announced Read More


Gannett Media Exposés, MH Community Owner Moves Sparks Outrage – IEDs of Manufactured Housing

Given the nature of the internet, bad news in one part of the country travels nationally and globally. So, while this specific incident may or may not seem to be in your market(s), or that of some professional that you know, this Gannett Company media series of exposés could well …

Gannett Media Exposés, MH Community Owner Moves Sparks Outrage – IEDs of Manufactured Housing Read More


It’s Your Money, Future – Snapshot of Leading 2020 Democratic Contenders for Oval Office

 We’ve curated tonight’s report from 3 different sources that cover the left-right media divide. It will be laced – of course – with our own Daily Business News on MHProNews manufactured home industry focused analysis. By way of disclosure, our plan for this campaign season is to do something different.  …

It’s Your Money, Future – Snapshot of Leading 2020 Democratic Contenders for Oval Office Read More


After Strong 1st Quarter, Stocks Surge Higher, Plus Manufactured Home Equities, REITs Updates

We reported Friday that it was the best first quarter in years.  If stocks kept up this pace, before the end of this week, the leading markets would have recaptured – and surpassed – all time highs.  Left-of-center CNBC interviewed 5 analysts which will be our focus this evening on …

After Strong 1st Quarter, Stocks Surge Higher, Plus Manufactured Home Equities, REITs Updates Read More


State Level Shipment Data Continues to Flash Warning Signals for New HUD Code Manufactured Housing Sales

This isn’t an April Fool’s joke. If it is funny in any sense to anyone, it’s only so for those in the industry who may see a perverted value to themselves in the troubling declines in new home shipments and sales in numbers of states across the country. This data …

State Level Shipment Data Continues to Flash Warning Signals for New HUD Code Manufactured Housing Sales Read More


Errata, Apologies, Explanations, Tunica Talk, and Manufactured Housing

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” —Vince Lombardi, per BrainyQuotes. There’s significant value to live events of many kinds, and the Tunica Manufactured Housing Show last week underscored that on several levels.  The MHProNews team was there, and we had a chance to hear …

Errata, Apologies, Explanations, Tunica Talk, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Sun Tzu – Ultimate Manufactured Home Freedom Alliance

Once the rules of the game – and the methods of one’s opponents – are clearly understood, then potentially winning strategies can be forged. The oriental philosopher military strategist Sun Tzu said similarly. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred …

Sun Tzu – Ultimate Manufactured Home Freedom Alliance Read More


Independent MH Communities, Retailers – NAMHCO’s Susan Brenton Says What Fueled Break from Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)

It is a principle of good medicine and good business that one must treat the underlying cause(s), and not merely the symptoms of an illness or problem. The headline topic will follow this rapid thumbnail of mobile/manufactured home (MH) history, which will prove useful to new and longtime readers alike.  …

Independent MH Communities, Retailers – NAMHCO’s Susan Brenton Says What Fueled Break from Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Read More


Best First Quarter for Markets in Years, Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

On a day when the stocks broadly rose, including most manufactured housing tracked stocks, the records set will be our featured report for this evening.   If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline report …

Best First Quarter for Markets in Years, Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Warren Buffett Urges Government Care For People Who’ve Become ‘Roadkill’ – Video, Analysis

In Hungarian (Magyar) there’s an expression that when translated into English goes something like this, “The one making the accusation is the one guilty of the offense.” Keep that penetrating phrase in mind as you digest what Warren Buffett said that follows. In an interview with CNBC, Warren Buffett said …

Warren Buffett Urges Government Care For People Who’ve Become ‘Roadkill’ – Video, Analysis Read More

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