

“I Can’t Think of a Good Reason to Keep People from Buying Affordable Housing” – Manufactured Home Industry Voices Video

“Numbers of these people are paying more for rental housing” than they would for manufactured homes, said then Senator Bob Corker (TN-R) in the video posted below. The headline quote is from an independent ‘mom and pop’ owned manufactured home community owner, who is also on this Inside MH video …

“I Can’t Think of a Good Reason to Keep People from Buying Affordable Housing” – Manufactured Home Industry Voices Video Read More


Historic Welfare Reform Can Spur More Worker Availability, Save Taxpayers, Expert Analysis – plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates

Presidential budget proposals are ‘aspiration’ to use the phrase that some have applied to the Green New Deal.  But it addresses several items that should be important to investors, professionals, and the nation at large.  On a day when the broader markets rose overall, and industry track stocks closed mostly …

Historic Welfare Reform Can Spur More Worker Availability, Save Taxpayers, Expert Analysis – plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates Read More


For Profits (and Goodness) Sake! Educate Your Manufactured Home Team Mates

  “Decades after capitalism seemed to have triumphed over socialism, politicians are once again arguing about the merits and drawbacks of these opposing economic systems,” says the Prager University’s YouTube page for their new video.   Published on Mar 4, 2019, by PragerU, at about 2:40 PM ET on 3.15.2019, …

For Profits (and Goodness) Sake! Educate Your Manufactured Home Team Mates Read More


“November Rain” – DoJ’s Top Antitrust Cop – Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim ABA Speech on Antitrust Enforcement for Americans

  November rain is part of the title that the Department of Justice’s Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim gave to this talk.    As close readers of the Daily Business News on MHProNews have noted, there is a growing strain across the left-right divide that are calling for more vigorous …

“November Rain” – DoJ’s Top Antitrust Cop – Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim ABA Speech on Antitrust Enforcement for Americans Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson Sounds Off on Housing Market, Opportunity Zones, More

There is discussion of the 2020 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Budget, and its impact on housing. There talk about opportunity zones, something that could prove useful for manufactured home producers, among others. Then there is discussion by Secretary Carson on homelessness and more. This week, Secretary Ben Carson appeared …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Sounds Off on Housing Market, Opportunity Zones, More Read More


“Whose Got a Problem?” Coach Lou Holtz Wisdom = “If Enough People Care”

  The video quality isn’t world class on the first short flick below, but the message is thought provoking and challenging in a positive way.  The second video from the Wall Street Journal is just fine, and both complement each other in maybe 7 minutes total. All progress comes not …

“Whose Got a Problem?” Coach Lou Holtz Wisdom = “If Enough People Care” Read More


Hedge Fund Dumps Shares of Skyline-Champion, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

The proverbial crystal ball has never worked, so it would be inaccurate to say that its broken. But trend-lines, a little logic, and track records can go a long way to reading tea leaves that could provide useful clues that might impact companies and stocks.  Tonight’s feature is a report …

Hedge Fund Dumps Shares of Skyline-Champion, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


Court Ruling on Sierra Club vs Rick Perry DOE on Manufactured Home Energy Regulations, Constitutional Law Professor, MHARR Weigh In

The potential impact of tougher energy standards on manufactured housing pricing, and therefor prospective buyers, could be $6,000 per unit or more.  The repayment time frame, per third parties, could take more than a decade. The average American moves about once every 7 years. The National Association of Home Builders …

Court Ruling on Sierra Club vs Rick Perry DOE on Manufactured Home Energy Regulations, Constitutional Law Professor, MHARR Weigh In Read More


Tim Williams, PBS News’ Bad Bargain, Manufactured Housing Institute, Buffett’s Mirror, and Clayton’s Costume

“If you are willing to abandon your principles for convenience, or social acceptability, they are not your principles, they are you costume.”   – Joe Concha, the Hill.  “In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett per BrainyQuote.   “What we learn from …

Tim Williams, PBS News’ Bad Bargain, Manufactured Housing Institute, Buffett’s Mirror, and Clayton’s Costume Read More


Minnie Driver, Millionaires, and Billionaires – Debunking “Housing for the Poor” Image of Manufactured Housing

Sorry, but there must be serious changes made at the post-production ‘efforts’ by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to ‘promote’ manufactured housing. One of them is how the Arlington, VA based trade group presents ‘facts’ about the residents our industry seeks and serves. As an article earlier today reflected what …

Minnie Driver, Millionaires, and Billionaires – Debunking “Housing for the Poor” Image of Manufactured Housing Read More


Howard Schultz Serious About 2020 Independent Run, Outlines Plans, plus Manufactured Housing Equities Updates

If a few days of pause in headlines about billionaire Howard Schultz of Starbucks fame made you think you missed a latte, he’s back.  Schultz spoke in Miami, FL today, and outlined some of his concepts for a independent in the White House. On a day that broader markets rose, …

Howard Schultz Serious About 2020 Independent Run, Outlines Plans, plus Manufactured Housing Equities Updates Read More


Investors, Professionals, Planners, Advocates – Examining Affordable Manufactured Home Industry Market Potential

There are already some 22 million in the U.S. living in pre-or-post HUD Code homes, but what is the potential for the market? Several reports independent of the manufactured housing industry in 2018 established the value of modern manufactured homes.  Several stated that manufactured homes were an important part of …

Investors, Professionals, Planners, Advocates – Examining Affordable Manufactured Home Industry Market Potential Read More


“Tug of War” – Manufactured Home Community Legislation – “Vicious Cycle Goes On,” Impacting Industry, Home Owners, and Potential Buyers

  How does the manufactured housing industry, it’s current and potential home owners achieve mutual victories? That ought to be a key issue for professionals, investors, indeed all in the mix. Here’s how a multi-year manufactured home industry leader put it. “The entire industry must focus on one goal – …

“Tug of War” – Manufactured Home Community Legislation – “Vicious Cycle Goes On,” Impacting Industry, Home Owners, and Potential Buyers Read More


Raucous Caucus, Democratic Reality Check by Speaker Pelosi, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, plus MH Market Updates

“If Trump’s only hope for winning a second term turns on his ability to paint us as socialists, we shouldn’t play to type,” said Chicago Mayor and former President Barack Obama White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, in a warning to fellow Democrats in an op-ed to the Atlantic. …

Raucous Caucus, Democratic Reality Check by Speaker Pelosi, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Warren Buffett has Another Headache” from Berkshire Hathaway Owned Brand, Says NY Post “it ain’t from a Dairy Queen Blizzard.”

In a pre-dawn exclusive, the New York Post cited investigations in New Jersey by state regulators “since at least May” of 2018.  They noted that “Applied Underwriters, which was accused of “bait and switch” marketing tactics by California officials in 2017, illegally altered its contracts with customers to boost the …

“Warren Buffett has Another Headache” from Berkshire Hathaway Owned Brand, Says NY Post “it ain’t from a Dairy Queen Blizzard.” Read More


DTS Manufactured Home Lending Committee Member Says MHI in “Unholy Alliance” to Divert Needed GSE Support Away from Manufactured Housing

The source of the following memo is known to have served on one or more Duty to Serve (DTS) committee(s) with the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, other Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) staff, and MHI member companies that participated in various discussions about access to lower …

DTS Manufactured Home Lending Committee Member Says MHI in “Unholy Alliance” to Divert Needed GSE Support Away from Manufactured Housing Read More


Rocking Manufactured Housing Shows, Events, and Marketing Promotions

In an email to MHProNews, came the following on 3.10.2019. “Tony, Soheyla and their team are always my first call for getting the word out about Legacy Housing’s manufactured home shows.  They are excellent at promoting to our targeted industry audience and it shows every time in our post-show attendee analysis.  …

Rocking Manufactured Housing Shows, Events, and Marketing Promotions Read More


What HUD Will and Won’t Say About Manufactured Housing Programs in 2020 HUD Budget

The 2020 federal budget was released today, and their official release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews will follow further below. But a HUD spokesperson was asked by MHProNews, “How much funding has gone through the HUD voucher program to manufactured home communities and/or for the purchases of manufactured homes?” Brian …

What HUD Will and Won’t Say About Manufactured Housing Programs in 2020 HUD Budget Read More


No Impeachment Says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D), Trump 2020 Budget Rollout, Plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

Can the 24/7 news cycle become much more intense? The usefulness of our evening ‘left and right’ headline news recap for busy manufactured housing industry professionals is perhaps more useful than ever since we began the practice some years ago.  In about a minute or two, most pros can get …

No Impeachment Says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D), Trump 2020 Budget Rollout, Plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


Phishing Alert – Targeting Business and Consumers – Scammers Masquerading as Apple

Apple is one of the most popular smartphones in the world, so scammers targeting product users have a wide possible target audience, including those involved or connected to the manufactured housing industry. For example, “Canada is predominantly an iOS market, according to research. As of November, 54.9% of all smartphones (15.9 …

Phishing Alert – Targeting Business and Consumers – Scammers Masquerading as Apple Read More

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