

Apt Warning for Manufactured Housing Professionals, MH Customers, by Award Winning Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, TEDx

“…become a wiser consumer of information, in an increasingly artificial and paid for reality,” said investigative journalist,” Sharyl Attkisson in the TEDx Talk posted below.  This intriguing talk has had over 1 million views. Attkisson is “a five-time Emmy Award winner, a recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting …

Apt Warning for Manufactured Housing Professionals, MH Customers, by Award Winning Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, TEDx Read More


Warren Buffet’s Quotable Quotes on Business, Institutions, Behavior, and News Reporting

  American teens and those older have typically learned the quip – ‘Don’t assume. Because when you assume, you make an Ass/U/Me.’ It seems there is a fair amount of assuming going on in manufactured housing. When one looks at the evidence, facts, and money trails – as we must …

Warren Buffet’s Quotable Quotes on Business, Institutions, Behavior, and News Reporting Read More


Controversy Erupts! Tunica Manufactured Home Show ‘Educational Seminar’-Legally Questioned “Lease Option” “Chattel Lending” ‘Taught’ by Spencer Roane, Promoted By George F. Allen, SECO

“We can’t be perfect but we can try to be. As I’ve said in these memos for more than 25 years: ‘We can afford to lose money—even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation—even a shred of reputation.’ We must continue to measure every act against …

Controversy Erupts! Tunica Manufactured Home Show ‘Educational Seminar’-Legally Questioned “Lease Option” “Chattel Lending” ‘Taught’ by Spencer Roane, Promoted By George F. Allen, SECO Read More


Killer Alabama Tornadoes Didn’t Discriminate – Tragic Yet Powerful Storms vs. Manufactured Housing, Conventional & Commercial Construction Insights

Roughly 40 storms that struck 4 states were among the “tornados that devastated our state and left 23 people dead” said the Alabama Manufactured Housing Association’s Lance Latham to the Daily Business News on MHProNews. The tragic deaths apparently occurred in all types of construction, conventional housing, and factory-built housing too. …

Killer Alabama Tornadoes Didn’t Discriminate – Tragic Yet Powerful Storms vs. Manufactured Housing, Conventional & Commercial Construction Insights Read More


February Jobs Data in 1 Infographic, Construction Hit, Plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

February’s job totals were the worst since Sept 2017. The broader markets are down for 5 straight days. Part of the buzz about the lower numbers is reaction to the anemic job report, which included a sharp drop in construction jobs.  A look under the hood of the February jobs …

February Jobs Data in 1 Infographic, Construction Hit, Plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


HUD, Census Bureau Releases Mainstream January 2019 Housing Starts Data, How Does Manufactured Housing Compare?

There are voices in manufactured housing that are floating a variety of reasons for the poor results in 2018, and the continuingly poor performance to start out 2019.  Those reasons could be listed, in no particular order of importance, such as: –      Weather, –      FEMA, –      Inventory adjustments by retailers, …

HUD, Census Bureau Releases Mainstream January 2019 Housing Starts Data, How Does Manufactured Housing Compare? Read More


Drilling Down on State Manufactured Housing Shipment Data, Shocking Revelations, Warning Signs

There are numerous states that experienced a downturn in new HUD Code manufactured home shipments in December of 2018. Each of those, to varying degrees, merit their own story. One that experienced a pronounced drop was the #1 production and shipment state in the U.S., which is the state of …

Drilling Down on State Manufactured Housing Shipment Data, Shocking Revelations, Warning Signs Read More


Anti-Monopolistic or “Antitrust” Action Heating Up in Washington, D.C., What It Could Foreshadow for MHVille

  On the left or so-called progressive side of the political aisle, several Democratic candidates for the 2020 race have made strong statements about doing more antitrust action. One of those are linked further below. Then, on the conservative side of the aisle, some Republicans and others are condemning what …

Anti-Monopolistic or “Antitrust” Action Heating Up in Washington, D.C., What It Could Foreshadow for MHVille Read More


Study – Top Reasons People Can’t Buy a House? Plus, Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

There’s plenty of reasons why manufactured housing ought to be performing much better than it has been. The report featured this evening is about a survey by BankRate.  Properly understood, their data  could be added to the list of reasons why much more sales growth is possible.  On a day …

Study – Top Reasons People Can’t Buy a House? Plus, Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


“What’s My Name?” What Manufactured Housing Marketers, Pros, Investors Could Learn From This Video

Sadly, the mistakes being made in marketing and communications about manufactured housing are legion. The good news? That’s opportunity in disguise, says L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach. The video below – and the firm’s results – reflect concepts that the factory-built housing industry’s professionals, marketers, and investors should ponder. “As the …

“What’s My Name?” What Manufactured Housing Marketers, Pros, Investors Could Learn From This Video Read More


$170 Million Manufactured Home Community Acquisition by Giant RHP Properties, 17 MHCs, Now 25 States

  Last year, growing RHP Properties expanded their portfolio, but the giant manufactured home community (MHC) operation is doing even more buying in 2019. On Sept. 10, 2018, RHP Properties – which says they have the nation’s largest privately-owned portfolio of manufactured home communities (MHC) – announced that they had …

$170 Million Manufactured Home Community Acquisition by Giant RHP Properties, 17 MHCs, Now 25 States Read More


Record Numbers of Manufacturers Are Optimistic, Per New Reports

Two sets of media releases to the Daily Business News on MHProNews reflects the following data, that should be of keen interest to all segments of the manufactured housing industry. First, the following. “Manufacturing in the United States is on the rise, and manufacturers are confident about the future. Empowered …

Record Numbers of Manufacturers Are Optimistic, Per New Reports Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Opportunity Zones, Revitalization, DROPS 2020 Announcement, Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

HUD Secretary Ben Carson is periodically featured on MHProNews for what should be obvious reasons.  Among those is the fact that the agency he heads is the primary regulatory body for HUD Code manufactured housing.  In a new video interview, Secretary Carson talks Opportunity Zones, President Trump and allegations of …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Opportunity Zones, Revitalization, DROPS 2020 Announcement, Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


MHI’s Growth Agenda? Rick Robinson, JD, SVP Manufactured Housing Institute, Preemption Evidence, Writ of Mandamus, and Addressing HUD Code Manufactured Home Shipment Woes

  Ask the typical business professional or sales agent this. Do they want to sell more or less of their product or service?  Do they want more profits, or lower profits? The typical answer will be ‘More, of course.’   The background of this story is the profitable sale of more new …

MHI’s Growth Agenda? Rick Robinson, JD, SVP Manufactured Housing Institute, Preemption Evidence, Writ of Mandamus, and Addressing HUD Code Manufactured Home Shipment Woes Read More


President Donald Trump Talks About Factory Built Housing Legend to Scouts

There are several kinds of people when it comes to President Donald J. Trump, or any other human being for that matter. Some will only look at the name, and what they think is bad about the man, for whatever reasons. Yet anyone who looks into a mirror closely enough …

President Donald Trump Talks About Factory Built Housing Legend to Scouts Read More


Over 1 Million Views in 3 Weeks! Helen’s Reality Check Reveals What’s Blowing Away Any Manufactured Home Industry Promotions

The home has a hitch.  It’s set up on blocks.  There are wooden shims, much like those found under millions of manufactured homes.  Helen’s home is a rectangle, a box.  The deck is big, but there are plenty of those found on thousands of manufactured homes. So, what is it …

Over 1 Million Views in 3 Weeks! Helen’s Reality Check Reveals What’s Blowing Away Any Manufactured Home Industry Promotions Read More


PwC’s Roschelle Says Plenty of Upside in Housing Market, Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a multinational professional services network headquartered in London, United Kingdom and PwC ranks as the second largest professional services firm in the world, says the firm’s website. Their revenue in 2018 was reported at $41.3 billion USD, roughly 5¼  times the size of all manufactured housing industry sales …

PwC’s Roschelle Says Plenty of Upside in Housing Market, Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Sheila Dey, Western Manufactured Housing Communities Assoc, Tells Capitol – Manufactured Homes Could Ease Housing Crisis, Report and Analysis

Sheila Dey, JD, is the Executive Director and General Counsel of the Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association, per their website. Dey is well known in many parts of the industry and leads one of the purportedly stronger and better-funded trade groups in manufactured housing. To dot the i’s and t’s …

Sheila Dey, Western Manufactured Housing Communities Assoc, Tells Capitol – Manufactured Homes Could Ease Housing Crisis, Report and Analysis Read More


Canadian-Owned U.S. “Mobile Home Park” Condemned, Residents Must Scramble to Meet Deadline to Vacate

This troubling story out of the northern U.S. is one that periodically crops up in state-after-state.  As Amy Bliss, the Wisconsin Housing Alliance (WHA) state association executive director recently said to MHReview (MHR),  “The biggest reason for community closures is because the municipality revokes the license to operate because the …

Canadian-Owned U.S. “Mobile Home Park” Condemned, Residents Must Scramble to Meet Deadline to Vacate Read More


As Affordable Housing Crisis Rages, New HUD Code Manufactured Housing Shipments Fall, Some States Drop 35-40 Percent

Accurate news is whatever it is. Facts are what they are. Then, there’s spin, hype – or worse.  Others, not us, in MHVille trade media – those who sing the Arlington, VA songs – have been talking about sunshine and “momentum.” Well, it turns out that they were right. The …

As Affordable Housing Crisis Rages, New HUD Code Manufactured Housing Shipments Fall, Some States Drop 35-40 Percent Read More

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