

Data Points Ahead of SOTU, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

We’ll look at some data points this evening, just a few hours ahead of President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union.  That will be our featured focus for this evening.   If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH …

Data Points Ahead of SOTU, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Manufactured Home Production Slide Continues – Call it Corruption, Collusion, Incompetence, Attempted Coverup – Self-Evident Failures Mount

  The Daily Business News on MHProNews starts this report with the release from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) on the new HUD Code manufactured home shipment data for December 2018. We will then turn to some additional analysis and commentary on the closing totals for 2018. …

Manufactured Home Production Slide Continues – Call it Corruption, Collusion, Incompetence, Attempted Coverup – Self-Evident Failures Mount Read More


Economic Opportunities Loom, Infrastructure and Opportunity Zones

  There’s been more coverage here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews than any other trade media in manufactured housing about the topic of opportunity zones. Those opportunity zones are now law.  They hold the promise of years of potential investment magnets in areas across the country that are …

Economic Opportunities Loom, Infrastructure and Opportunity Zones Read More


Haverford Trust CIO Hank Smith on, Fed Policy, State of Economy, Recession Question – Plus, MH Market Updates

Depending on what networks or news sources one turns to, there is uptalk and recession-fear lingo that’s been tossed around for months.  So, in our evening market report, it makes sense to periodically glance at what hedge funds, investors, and other experts have to say about the subject.  On a …

Haverford Trust CIO Hank Smith on, Fed Policy, State of Economy, Recession Question – Plus, MH Market Updates Read More


Law Scrutinizes Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) Score of Resident Owned Community (ROC) Deal

In December, the Daily Business News on MHProNews provided insights and details about the purchase by Equity LifeStyle Properties (NYSE:ELS) of their reported $70 million dollar acquisition of Palm Lake Co-op. The community is now known as Palm Lake Estates, in Riviera Beach, Palm Beach County, FL. Sam Zell’s ELS …

Law Scrutinizes Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) Score of Resident Owned Community (ROC) Deal Read More


Sidney Powell, JD, Former Federal Prosecutor on “Licensed to Lie”

  Stating the obvious can bring clarity to any subject. Objectivity is necessary in the affordable housing sector, as well as the manufactured home segment of housing. Businesses and investors act upon reality, or what they think is reality.   More broadly, objectivity – the search for truth vs. a …

Sidney Powell, JD, Former Federal Prosecutor on “Licensed to Lie” Read More


Can Close Reading of Facts Bring Left & Right Together for MHVille, Nation?

  Among the featured reports below is a surprising look at possible points of agreement between Senator Elizabeth Warren – a 2020 Democratic Presidential hopeful – and President Donald J. Trump (GOP). If so, it’s arguably a big plus for our industry, consumers, and nation.  See that on What’s New …

Can Close Reading of Facts Bring Left & Right Together for MHVille, Nation? Read More


New 2019 U.S. Housing Infographic with Manufactured Home Data Points

This Saturday morning’s data points will be simple, yet profound.  The Daily Business News on MHProNews begins with the current estimated totals for all U.S. Housing sales for 2018. The total dollar volumes for the chart below uses data collected on 1.31.2019, from the sources as noted.   Regular MHProNews …

New 2019 U.S. Housing Infographic with Manufactured Home Data Points Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson Touts 2018 Accomplishments, Highlights

  The partial federal shutdown, now over, delayed several reports, like the one that follows.     The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) press room provided the Daily Business News on MHProNews select highlights of what they point to as Carson’s accomplishments. Given the Manufactured Housing Institute …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Touts 2018 Accomplishments, Highlights Read More


President Trump Considering Herman Cain for Fed, Manufactured Housing Stock Update$

Whatever your thoughts are on the 45th President, one thing is certain.  He seems to have a knack for being able to toss in a media narrative conversation changer, often when it is least expected.  That’s what happened earlier today, when word came out that former GOP presidential hopeful, talk …

President Trump Considering Herman Cain for Fed, Manufactured Housing Stock Update$ Read More


CFPB and 21st, Second Shoe Drops? Flooring w/21st Mortgage Corp? Insider Tips

  There has been broad industry interest and concerns over the documents and video that Tim Williams at 21st Mortgage Corp, Kevin Clayton at Clayton Homes, and Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway have failed to explain away — or even try.   This was initially going to be a report …

CFPB and 21st, Second Shoe Drops? Flooring w/21st Mortgage Corp? Insider Tips Read More


Independent Clayton Retailers – Insiders, High Cost of Going Along to Get Along?

  Sources who retail homes produced by CMH and/or are connected to Clayton Homes in other ways have told MHProNews about wholesale customer experiences that have caused independents concerns. Anecdotal stories will illustrate the various concerns of independents who sell CMH product. ‘I get [retail] customers who shop us, and have or …

Independent Clayton Retailers – Insiders, High Cost of Going Along to Get Along? Read More


Market Manipulation, What Does the Law Say?

  “Manipulation is intentional conduct designed to deceive investors by controlling or artificially affecting the market for a security,” says the SEC website. “Market manipulation. Market manipulation is a type of market abuse where there is a deliberate attempt to interfere with the free and fair operation of the market …

Market Manipulation, What Does the Law Say? Read More


US Economy “in a Good Place” Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Stocks Soar, Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell spoke today on the state of the U.S. economy, rates, and more.  On a day when and the Fed announced their decision to leave interest rates unchanged, stocks soared, and gainers among track stocks outpaced decliners.  Our evening focus tonight will be on Chairman Powell’s …

US Economy “in a Good Place” Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Stocks Soar, Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


Remember-Anything You, Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison, Kevin Clayton, Tim Williams, or Anyone Says Publicly at Louisville Show May Be Recorded by Audio, Video – Legal Details

Let’s begin by stating the obvious for clarity.  We are not your attorney.  That said, there are over 15 million hits on Google this morning, with the top results citing laws and legal precedents that make it clear that conversations or statements made in public are subject to audio or …

Remember-Anything You, Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison, Kevin Clayton, Tim Williams, or Anyone Says Publicly at Louisville Show May Be Recorded by Audio, Video – Legal Details Read More


NPR Targets Manufactured Home Communities, Including Sun, RV Horizons, Frank Rolfe, Buffett-Berkshire Hathaway Related Details

  NPR’s Anna Casey begins her narrative about manufactured homes and communities with two errors in her first very sentence.  She missed the estimated totals and is mostly incorrect about the proper terminology for this type of factory-built housing. “Roughly 20 million Americans live in mobile homes, once billed as …

NPR Targets Manufactured Home Communities, Including Sun, RV Horizons, Frank Rolfe, Buffett-Berkshire Hathaway Related Details Read More


Biggest Employers Video, Map By State, Where Clayton Homes Parent Berkshire Hathaway Ranks

  “The U.S. is the third most populous country in the world, so it takes a lot of manpower to keep the government running,” says a new report by Visual Capitalist (VC). “It’ll come as no surprise that, in most states, either the state or federal government is the top …

Biggest Employers Video, Map By State, Where Clayton Homes Parent Berkshire Hathaway Ranks Read More


PBS & NPR Reporting on Manufactured Housing News, Pulling Back the Veil

For some years, PBS and NPR have covered numerous stories that directly connect to the manufactured housing industry. The screen captures further below will reflect just two of several. To be polite, those reports have not been flattering for the manufactured home industry. To be blunt, those publicly-funded (in part) reports …

PBS & NPR Reporting on Manufactured Housing News, Pulling Back the Veil Read More


Howard Schultz, Potential Independent Presidential Candidate, Former Starbucks CEO, Blasts AOC, Senators Warren & Harris Plans, Plus MH Market Updates

Living in la-la-land is for the birds. This evening’s report is another example of why sourcing across the left-right media divide is not only useful, but necessary for any independent thinker. Our focus this evening will be former Starbucks CEO and billionaire, Howard Schultz’s thoughts on fellow Democrats plans, and …

Howard Schultz, Potential Independent Presidential Candidate, Former Starbucks CEO, Blasts AOC, Senators Warren & Harris Plans, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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