

Why Did Stocks Tank in December? Plus Manufactured Home Stock Market Updates

On the fourth day in a row that markets rose, and most manufactured housing industry tracked stocks rose as well, we will look at reports on data that may help explain why markets dropped in December, 2018.  That will be this evening’s featured focus.   If you’re new, already hooked …

Why Did Stocks Tank in December? Plus Manufactured Home Stock Market Updates Read More


FHA Call to Lenders on Workers, Contractors, re: Federal Government Shutdown

  Shutdown theater continues in Washington, D.C. So, yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requested that approved lenders consider the financial hardships caused by the partial federal shutdown.   That press release is below, including a letter linked from FHA’s Brian Montgomery. …

FHA Call to Lenders on Workers, Contractors, re: Federal Government Shutdown Read More


Chinese Buyers Compete With U.S. Buyers for American Housing, Plus MH Markets Updates

Markets closed up again today, the first 3 consecutive days of increases on the Dow since November, 2018. In the mix of noteworthy reports this evening for manufactured housing investors and professionals in this item, that even with the trade battle, Chinese are still the #1 foreign buyers of U.S. …

Chinese Buyers Compete With U.S. Buyers for American Housing, Plus MH Markets Updates Read More


“Major Step” in Independent National Post-Production Manufactured Housing Advocacy Taken, Per Trade Group

  It has been one of the more-read articles on the Daily Business News on MHProNews, which means it is one of the hotter topics in the manufactured housing industry. And today, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) said the following about NAMHCO – in their take on …

“Major Step” in Independent National Post-Production Manufactured Housing Advocacy Taken, Per Trade Group Read More


Open Offices? Not So Fast, Per New Study

  One of the items that Kevin Clayton – among others in business – has touted is how their open office spaces are.  Egalitarian. Team building. Lots of nomenclature has been tossed about to make it sound, hip, cool, and the way to go. Not so fast, says a new …

Open Offices? Not So Fast, Per New Study Read More


New Report – More Americans Think Bad Time to Buy, Rentals Soar. Manufactured Housing, Opportunities, Takeaways?

It’s one more #nettlesome data-point that must make a certain CEO in Arlington, VA turn red-faced. According to Fannie Mae, and CNBC, “More Americans think it’s a bad time to buy a home.” What’s bad for higher priced homes, and expensive rentals should be good for manufactured homes.  Certainly, that …

New Report – More Americans Think Bad Time to Buy, Rentals Soar. Manufactured Housing, Opportunities, Takeaways? Read More

New Era in National U.S. Manufactured Home Community Representation Underway?

  Despite what some might have (mis)understood about what our publisher wrote recently that included a mention or two of George F. (F?) Allen, the Daily Business News on MHProNews will continue to take a wheat and chaff approach with everyone in our industry, and those outside of MHVille as well. …

New Era in National U.S. Manufactured Home Community Representation Underway? Read More


Insider Trade During SEC Mandated ‘Quiet Period’ at Legacy Housing Corp

For those not ‘in the know’ about the SEC mandated quiet period, the prior report will help tee up the significance of this one today. See that and more trading insights from late last week, in the linked text/image box below. Legacy Housing IPO (LEGH) Quiet Period Set to Expire, …

Insider Trade During SEC Mandated ‘Quiet Period’ at Legacy Housing Corp Read More


Neal T Haney, NAMHCO Then, Now and What’s Next in Manufactured Housing and Land Lease Communities

  First, a message from Susan Brenton with NAMHCO and to our publisher, L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach. Tony: Here’s NAMHCO’s statement regarding the Disneyland issue, from President Neal Haney. “It is important to get the nomenclature right – whether it be modular offices or manufactured homes.  Trailers are for …

Neal T Haney, NAMHCO Then, Now and What’s Next in Manufactured Housing and Land Lease Communities Read More


New Association Weighs In, Giving Credit Where It’s Due, Opportunitie$, But Winds of Change Challenge Manufactured Housing’s Future

  Every part of the headline will be covered in this column and analysis, only the sequence will be mixed. Let’s frame this report simply.   Affordable housing is potentially worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year in the U.S. That’s the conclusion of Jeff Bezos’ Amazon Alexa Fund. …

New Association Weighs In, Giving Credit Where It’s Due, Opportunitie$, But Winds of Change Challenge Manufactured Housing’s Future Read More


“Top 10” – RV Horizons Lost License, Reports Mainstream Media, Protests, MHU/MHP Funds Leader Responds

  “Since Colorado-based RV Horizons purchased Houlton’s St. Croix Meadows RV Park in the fall of 2015, Town of St. Joseph Town Board has twice voted to deny renewal of the park’s operating license, citing various infractions including failure to pay its bills to the city,” said the Wisconsin-side of …

“Top 10” – RV Horizons Lost License, Reports Mainstream Media, Protests, MHU/MHP Funds Leader Responds Read More


Jobs Blowout, Fed Comments, Markets Leap, Plus MH Markets Mostly Rise, Update$

Headlines, good or those viewed as problematic, continue to fuel sharps spikes and falls in the major markets on Friday. Better than expected jobs, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s comments, and some added data points will be our focus for this evening, when almost all tracked manufactured home stocks rose.   …

Jobs Blowout, Fed Comments, Markets Leap, Plus MH Markets Mostly Rise, Update$ Read More


Legacy Housing IPO (LEGH) Quiet Period Set to Expire, SA’s Don Dion

  Don Dion on Seeking Alpha provided an executive summary goes like this. “LEGH’s quiet period is set to expire on Jan. 8, 2019. Our research has demonstrated that prices enjoy a temporary increase around the expiration of quiet periods. Risk-tolerant investors should consider buying shares ahead of LEGH’s quiet …

Legacy Housing IPO (LEGH) Quiet Period Set to Expire, SA’s Don Dion Read More


New Year’s Respect for Those Who Get It Done, Epic, Honest, Mobile Home Professional’s Plug

  Let’s be clear. There are good reasons to use proper terminology. That said, this world-famous “epic and honest” commercial further below has 4.8 million views at the time we are posting it on the Daily Business News on MHProNews. At the time that WAAY-31 TV spotlighted them, they were …

New Year’s Respect for Those Who Get It Done, Epic, Honest, Mobile Home Professional’s Plug Read More


Comparing Conventional Housing Data for November 2018, to Manufactured Housing Industry Data, Nov 2018

  Here’s the overview for this evening’s report.  First, we’ll look at HUD and the U.S. Census Bureau’s November 2018 conventional housing data.   Then, compare that to the data that was just published today on HUD Code manufactured homes for November of 2018. Finally, we’ll wrap this evening up …

Comparing Conventional Housing Data for November 2018, to Manufactured Housing Industry Data, Nov 2018 Read More


Listen Now to Warren Buffett, Most MH Tracked Stocks Drop, Manufactured Housing Market Updates

It is all about knowing what’s wheat, what’s chaff. It is about what’s sustainable, and what’s problematic. It’s about knowing what’s moral or legal, vs. what’s immoral and illegal. The rest are the details and commentary on today’s market plunge, which the Daily Business News on MHProNews market report last …

Listen Now to Warren Buffett, Most MH Tracked Stocks Drop, Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Manufactured Home Production Decline Accelerates in November 2018

  The Daily Business News will save its comments for after the new releases below from MHARR on MHProNews.   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                   Contact: MHARR                                               …

Manufactured Home Production Decline Accelerates in November 2018 Read More


Teen Sex Slaves, Lawlessness, Affordable Housing, Weaponized News, MH Accountability, as Nation Awakens to House Divided

  “…And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand,” – Mark 3:25, cited by Abraham Lincoln in the following quote. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all …

Teen Sex Slaves, Lawlessness, Affordable Housing, Weaponized News, MH Accountability, as Nation Awakens to House Divided Read More


Markets Tick Up Slightly, But Tomorrow Could Be Ugly – Apple Nosedives, Plus MH Market Updates

On the first day of trading in 2019, the broader market stocks rose marginally. Manufactured housing stocks tracked closed mixed. But watch tomorrow closely, because the announcement by Apple has cause their stock – and others in the tech sector to drop, per MarketWatch and others. It’s a troubling reality …

Markets Tick Up Slightly, But Tomorrow Could Be Ugly – Apple Nosedives, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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