

YIMBY, Amazon backed Plant Prefab Introducing ADUs, Product Video

  Treehugger says, “Yes in my back yard” (YIMBY), “Yves Behar and Plant Prefab introduce ADUs.”   California recently signed into law the okay for a broader use of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The environmental focused publisher, says, “The reason prefabs make so much sense in the A.D.U. context is …

YIMBY, Amazon backed Plant Prefab Introducing ADUs, Product Video Read More


CAVCO Stock Slowly Recovering, But More Law Firms Announce CVCO Investigations, Plus MH Market Updates

Cavco Industries (CVCO) stock has been slowly recovering from the word last week that the SEC issued a subpoena to the firm in connection with trading by now ex-Chairman and CEO, Joseph Stegmayer. 2 law firms subsequently announced investigations.  Now, 2 more law firms are diving in.  That will be …

CAVCO Stock Slowly Recovering, But More Law Firms Announce CVCO Investigations, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Latest on the FHA, New Federal Report to Congress, Insider Insight

  “FHA is in good hands, guarding against excessive risks, protecting the American taxpayer, and remaining true to our core mission to facilitate safe and affordable mortgage options for qualified borrowers.” – HUD Secretary Ben Carson, M.D.   “As we look to the future, FHA must continue to seek the …

Latest on the FHA, New Federal Report to Congress, Insider Insight Read More

MH State Association Issues Midterms Report – Rent Control Alert – Reveals Troubling Trend

  Before diving into this report, in fairness, several state manufactured housing association reports have been sent to the Daily Business News on MHProNews for possible fact-checks and analysis.   That’s said to be clear that selecting this one from the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association (IMHA) should not be misconstrued …

MH State Association Issues Midterms Report – Rent Control Alert – Reveals Troubling Trend Read More


Criminal Justice Reform – Fact$ & Why it Matters to Manufactured Housing Professionals, Investors, and America

Let’s start with some facts.   There’s a shortage of construction and other workers.  That worker shortage impacts manufactured housing, and other builders too.  There is also the cost and consequences of incarceration.    According to Wikipedia, “In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was …

Criminal Justice Reform – Fact$ & Why it Matters to Manufactured Housing Professionals, Investors, and America Read More


LoL! Larry King on RT Says – “CNN Stopped Doing News” – Demos How Fake News, Media Propaganda, Are Done, Plus MH Market Updates

Don’t skim this featured report. If you are reasonably young, you may or may not recall that Larry King used to be on CNN.  If you aren’t familiar with RT ‘news,’ it’s one of the troubling realities of American media today.  Politico reminded readers last December that the Department of …

LoL! Larry King on RT Says – “CNN Stopped Doing News” – Demos How Fake News, Media Propaganda, Are Done, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Cavco Shareholder Suits Prepping, CVCO, SEC, Insider Responses to Growing Scandal

  Cavco and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have both responded to inquiries from the Daily Business News on MHProNews. Before turning to their comments, the larger news item is the start of the headline above. At least two law firms are calling on Cavco Industries (CVCO) shareholders to …

Cavco Shareholder Suits Prepping, CVCO, SEC, Insider Responses to Growing Scandal Read More


HUD Announces Relief from California Wildfires, MH Owners Can Qualify

  The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced disaster relief assistance for the victims of the devastating fires in California.   Manufactured home owners are among those who have been impacted by the fires. FYI, the death toll has risen since this video posted below, which shows …

HUD Announces Relief from California Wildfires, MH Owners Can Qualify Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute on Cavco Industries, ex-Chairman Joe Stegmayer SEC “Debacle”

  The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has sent out a message to their members earlier today.  It’s debatably a common-for-the-Arlington, VA based trade group, in that it has a mix of purportedly accurate, questionable, misleading, and missing information.   Among the more interesting points are what MHI was mute on. …

Manufactured Housing Institute on Cavco Industries, ex-Chairman Joe Stegmayer SEC “Debacle” Read More


Manufactured Home Transporter Dies, Services Announced

  Paul Lee Nelson, who was age 72, passed away at his home in Bend, Oregon, on Wednesday, November 7, 2018.  Local media reports that his family was with him at the time of his death. The Bend Bulletin says that “A Graveside Service will be held on Friday, November …

Manufactured Home Transporter Dies, Services Announced Read More


‘Use Government to Handcuff Your Rivals, Clever’ – Stossel

What’s the “Enemy of Capitalism?”  That’s a question that John Stossel asks in this thought-provoking video.   There are good reasons for taking a ‘wheat and chaff’ approach to information sourcing. Sometimes it will be the Washington Post, but at other times, it may be the Washington Examiner or the …

‘Use Government to Handcuff Your Rivals, Clever’ – Stossel Read More


PreFab SunDog’s Leaders Encourage Buyers to “Contain Yourself”

The report by WFLA, an NBC affiliate in Tampa, FL, is so glowing, one must wonder if the article and report were ‘commissioned,’ or a straight-news report. The Daily Business News on MHProNews asked WFLA.  Normally, mainstream news media are happy to say, unless it is a de facto advertorial, …

PreFab SunDog’s Leaders Encourage Buyers to “Contain Yourself” Read More


Oil Drop – Outlook, Energy Production, and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Equities Updates

You don’t have to be a ‘toter’ driver to know that fuel prices have been falling. Everyone that gets a new or pre-owned manufactured home moved has or will see a reduction in moving costs.  What’s ahead on the horizon?  What other impacts do energy costs have on our HUD …

Oil Drop – Outlook, Energy Production, and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Equities Updates Read More


Dead Pimp, and Multiple MH Owner, Wins Election

“A brothel-owning, evangelical Christian-backed Republican candidate who died last month won his race for the Nevada state legislature late on Tuesday, according to state election officials,” said Reuter’s. “Dennis Hof, 72, defeated Democratic candidate and educator Lesia Romanov in the race for Nevada’s 36th Assembly District, earning about 68 percent …

Dead Pimp, and Multiple MH Owner, Wins Election Read More


“Family Jewels,” MHVille Insider Tips, “Info Wars” and Omaha, Knoxville, California, Seattle and Arlington, and DC Connections

  A well-placed source said from inside the hexagon began by saying something in a series of messages to MHProNews that thousands of manufactured housing (MH) industry professionals know. “MH is a logical solution to the affordable housing crisis in our cities. Does not matter [,]1 they are typically run …

“Family Jewels,” MHVille Insider Tips, “Info Wars” and Omaha, Knoxville, California, Seattle and Arlington, and DC Connections Read More


Clayton Homes “New” Image Campaign, Surprising Facts Behind Have it Made Stigma Attacking Video

Over a year has gone by since Clayton Homes and their marketing company launched their new image campaign. It was touted in part with the video published on YouTube, which is shown below. The screen capture above is from the Clayton video, below. As of 2:02 PM ET, on 11.12. …

Clayton Homes “New” Image Campaign, Surprising Facts Behind Have it Made Stigma Attacking Video Read More


Tariffs, Tech, Fed, Oil, Commodities and Today’s Tumble, Plus MH Equities Updates

CNBC did highlight the factors noted in the headline, above as factors in the markets tanking today. What wasn’t included was talk that House Democrats are reportedly now up to over 100 planned investigations of the Trump Administration.  So much for bipartisanship. Elections have consequences, and the early signals are …

Tariffs, Tech, Fed, Oil, Commodities and Today’s Tumble, Plus MH Equities Updates Read More


Work, Life Balance and MHVille, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Meeting

  It goes without saying that life is a series of marathons, not just a single sprint. That: first home sale, that first business deal, that first new client, are important. But once isn’t enough.  Repetition is critical for learning.  Systems that can more routinely produce the desired outcome are …

Work, Life Balance and MHVille, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Meeting Read More


An MHProNews Thank You to America’s Veterans, Plus VA Market At-a-Glance

  Our 11, soon to turn 12-year-old son Tamas (pronounced “Tah Mash”, in photo above, on the left) Kovach spotted the veteran in his scooter as we strolled in Disney Springs. Tamas knows we stop and thank our veterans for their service, as well as uniformed law enforcement officers too. …

An MHProNews Thank You to America’s Veterans, Plus VA Market At-a-Glance Read More


Affordable Housing, the Visible, Yet Mysterious Struggle for an Obvious Solution, Case Examples

  “It was then best of times, it was the worst of times…” –  Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens was writing about the French Revolution, but considering the famous opening to his novel, “A Tale or Two Cities,” one might believe that Nostradamus was writing about the USA …

Affordable Housing, the Visible, Yet Mysterious Struggle for an Obvious Solution, Case Examples Read More

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