

America First, Economic Nationalism, Sycophancy, Presidents and Manufactured Housing’s Future

  There are millions who find the truth to be uncomfortable.   Millions are misinformed about manufactured housing. The obvious answer is education. Millions don’t know, so they don’t understand just how failed many public policies have been. Millions don’t understand how public policy impacts business and jobs, including those …

America First, Economic Nationalism, Sycophancy, Presidents and Manufactured Housing’s Future Read More


As Washington Boils, and Trade Roils, POTUS Heads to MN for Rally – Plus MH Market Updates

The carefully orchestrated backlash to the enforcement of federal immigration law has taken center stage in media for the last 2 days. Forgotten is who passed the law, or that Presidents Bush and Obama to various degrees had a similar policy of enforcing the law.  Trade is still on investors …

As Washington Boils, and Trade Roils, POTUS Heads to MN for Rally – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Federal Action Expanding Access to Quality, Affordable Health Coverage for Millions of Americans Employed by Small Businesses

Since the passage for ObamaCare – the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA) – manufactured housing industry businesses of all sizes have been wrestling with the consequences of the law. The Daily Business News won’t call the effects of the ACA or ObamaCare “unintended consequences” because MIT’s Jonathan Gruber is on …

Federal Action Expanding Access to Quality, Affordable Health Coverage for Millions of Americans Employed by Small Businesses Read More


U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay”

“You are entrepreneurs in the best tradition of the free enterprise system.” ~ The President of the United States to the MH Industry   The U.S. President began his talk with these words, “There are problems in the economy and in the mobile home industry.  I am not so naïve …

U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay” Read More


Factory-Crafted Home Living, Reimagined – “The Art Park” vs. MHCs – Interview with Robbie Antonio, Founder of Unicorn Revolution Precrafted Homes

Housing is a global need, and Asia is the largest market. As the Daily Business News recently reported, U.S. based Hometown America is one of several operations in manufactured housing that has ties to Asia, some of which are deepening.  Hometown’s recently announced deal is valued at nearly ½ a …

Factory-Crafted Home Living, Reimagined – “The Art Park” vs. MHCs – Interview with Robbie Antonio, Founder of Unicorn Revolution Precrafted Homes Read More


Owners Report Increased Profits, Compensation, Expansion Plans

“The Small Business Optimism Index increased in May to the second highest level in the NFIB survey’s 45-year history,” said the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) to the Daily Business News in a release. “The index rose to 107.8, a three-point gain, with small businesses reporting high numbers in …

Owners Report Increased Profits, Compensation, Expansion Plans Read More

“Trade War!” Buffett, Tudor Jones, Lloyd Blankfein React, Plus MH Market Updates

It’s never a dull moment with reality TV star, business and real estate billionaire, President Donald J. Trump in the White House. The Dow shed almost 300 today, as investors are sweating what many believe is now a trade war.  But what do big boys say on the issue?  That’s …

“Trade War!” Buffett, Tudor Jones, Lloyd Blankfein React, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


White House Announces Surprise Pick to Head Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

“President Donald J. Trump announced [Monday] his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration,” the White House pressroom tells the Daily Business News. Dino Falaschetti of Montana, is to be the Director of the Office of Financial Research (OFR), Department of the Treasury.  The White …

White House Announces Surprise Pick to Head Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Read More


Facebook, Marketing & News – Manufactured Housing Pros, Sarah Miller, ‘Citizens Against Monopoly’ Sound the Alarm

“We got word that [Tuesday], Facebook Inc. is inviting Capitol Hill staffers to Washington DC’s “newest, most exclusive event venue” for free food and drinks. Events like this enable Facebook to peddle influence in the halls of power, and keep lawmakers from cracking down on its abuse of our democracy.” …

Facebook, Marketing & News – Manufactured Housing Pros, Sarah Miller, ‘Citizens Against Monopoly’ Sound the Alarm Read More


Different Kind of Community Closure, Continues Grabbing Headlines in Mainstream News

“Don’t pretend that this isn’t happening, folks,” said receiver Mark Adams, addressing a gathering of the remaining residents of the Loyalton Mobile Estates, per KOLOTV. “I’m sympathetic. I understand this is where you’ve been living, but it is what it is and it is happening.” That was several months ago, …

Different Kind of Community Closure, Continues Grabbing Headlines in Mainstream News Read More


Housing, Oil, and Tariffs, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report Updates

Markets dipped today, and three issues were among the factors that analysts say are furrowing the brows of investors. Housing, oil, and tariffs  – read ‘trade wars’ – are going to be our featured report this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are …

Housing, Oil, and Tariffs, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report Updates Read More


Ease Shortage with 400,000 More Manufactured Homes for California, says Jonathan Lansner, MHI’s Next CEO?

Industry professionals should note the mixing of nomenclature, or feel a level of angst in reading in California’s Orange County Register the following.   “Look, I know mobile homes[1] are not for everybody and have a nasty stigma that is sometimes deserved.” That line was preceded by the opening words, …

Ease Shortage with 400,000 More Manufactured Homes for California, says Jonathan Lansner, MHI’s Next CEO? Read More


Is Your Operation a David vs. a Goliath? 4 Keys to Success, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Marketing and Sales Meeting

Is your manufactured housing location or operation a small – or even tiny – David fighting a metaphorical Goliath?   The featured image above cuts to the chase of the ancient Biblical drama of David and Goliath. Let’s just say that despite the difference in size, plus long odds, David …

Is Your Operation a David vs. a Goliath? 4 Keys to Success, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Marketing and Sales Meeting Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.10.2018 to 6.17.2018

“Chutzpah“ What connects or divides people are words, ideas, education, culture, communications, and an open or closed mind. The closed minded are by definition the hardest to communicate with. That doesn’t mean that the effort shouldn’t be made, but it must be balanced out by the other realities of living. …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.10.2018 to 6.17.2018 Read More


“Take the MH Advantage Challenge – Can You Tell the Difference?” Fisk of Sarah Edelman, Director of Duty to Serve, Single-Family Mortgage Business for Fannie Mae

“Most people wouldn’t recognize today’s factory-built homes. The manufactured housing industry has diversified and enhanced the models available so they can blend seamlessly into traditional neighborhoods of site-built homes, offering comparable amenities and curb appeal,” said Sarah Edelman, Director of Duty to Serve, Single-Family Mortgage Business.   Her open is …

“Take the MH Advantage Challenge – Can You Tell the Difference?” Fisk of Sarah Edelman, Director of Duty to Serve, Single-Family Mortgage Business for Fannie Mae Read More


Buffett, Dimon, Housing, Economic, Political Freedom, IG, Deep State, and Manufactured Housing Industry Progress

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, GoodReads.   “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” – Warren Buffett, BrainyQuotes.   “Most of us are imprisoned by something. We’re …

Buffett, Dimon, Housing, Economic, Political Freedom, IG, Deep State, and Manufactured Housing Industry Progress Read More


“Coming Collapse of China,” Trade War “Will be Easy to Win,” Plus MH Market Updates

“The Coming Collapse of China” author Gordon Chang discusses why the U.S. would win a potential trade war with China.  With that being a hot topic, that will be our focus for tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the …

“Coming Collapse of China,” Trade War “Will be Easy to Win,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“’Trailer Trash’? Watch Who You’re Insulting When You Throw Around Those Words” – Buffalo News

SuperPages says that the community that was once known as Leisure Acres has since been renamed the Woodlands. “The Woodlands in Lockport, NY — 6237 S. Transit Road” used “…to be called Leisure Acres…” Today, the online reviews give the property 3.1 stars out of 5. But current community and satellite pictures still routinely look good.  …

“’Trailer Trash’? Watch Who You’re Insulting When You Throw Around Those Words” – Buffalo News Read More


How “Location, Location, Location” in Housing Can Shift, and Manufactured Home Industry Impact

One of the challenges facing manufactured housing for years falls under the heading of “Location.”   In real estate, there is an axiom that the three most important things about a property are location, location, and location. Per the Real Deal, “the “Yale Book of Quotations” found the phrase used …

How “Location, Location, Location” in Housing Can Shift, and Manufactured Home Industry Impact Read More


Revised Economic Numbers Spotlight Strongest GDP in Years, Q2, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report

As the Daily Business News has noted previously, the broader economic and political developments routinely impact manufactured housing, and publicly traded stocks.  Reports from publicly traded companies often point to broader U.S. economic issues, such as job creation, consumer confidence, or rising wages as factors supporting more sales. So tonight’s …

Revised Economic Numbers Spotlight Strongest GDP in Years, Q2, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report Read More

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