

Eleven Picked, RV/MH Heritage Foundation Class of 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees

ELKHART, Indiana.  The RV/MH Heritage Foundation board of directors has announced the names of those who will be honored and inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame (Hall) as members of the Class of 2018. Foundation President Darryl Searer said, “In an extraordinary move, the MH nominating committee recommended that …

Eleven Picked, RV/MH Heritage Foundation Class of 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees Read More


“What the Hell?” “The Audacity of Hope” – Obama, Trump, Presidential Promises Kept, & MH

  Facts can be nettlesome. Stating the obvious, successful businesses rely on facts. Most businesses do better when there is economic, legal, and regulatory clarity. For investors and business professionals, certainty – dependability – matters. Just as the power to tax is the power to destroy, so too regulatory burdens …

“What the Hell?” “The Audacity of Hope” – Obama, Trump, Presidential Promises Kept, & MH Read More


“Devil’s Bargain,” “Fire and Fury” – Head Fake, or Uncivil War?

Whatever your politics or personal take on the 45th president and his agenda, there is widespread agreement on one thing. American politics may never be the same again. With manufactured housing and other stocks riding high, some wonder what impact this highly publicized uncivil war will have on the Trump …

“Devil’s Bargain,” “Fire and Fury” – Head Fake, or Uncivil War? Read More


Dow Tops 25k! Jobs, Oil and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Market Update$

The Dow has topped 25,000 for the first time in history. It’s the latest in a series of records that have led even some in the left-of-center media to admit that President Donald J. Trump’s economic policies are having a positive economic impact. Jobs, oil, and manufactured housing will be …

Dow Tops 25k! Jobs, Oil and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Lawsuits for Triple Damages – Anti-Trust, Anti-Monopoly Law, Manufactured Housing, and You

“The Clayton Act also authorizes private parties to sue for triple damages when they have been harmed by conduct that violates either the Sherman or Clayton Act and to obtain a court order prohibiting the anticompetitive practice in the future,” says the Federal Trade Commission website page, further linked below. …

Lawsuits for Triple Damages – Anti-Trust, Anti-Monopoly Law, Manufactured Housing, and You Read More


State Associations – Clear Evidence of Advancing the Case for Manufactured Housing

Their video is professional quality. The topic is a critical one for the industry – zoning and placement for manufactured homes. Lenny Kopowski – with the Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association – presents in the video below another example of how state-level manufactured housing trade associations have taken an often bold, …

State Associations – Clear Evidence of Advancing the Case for Manufactured Housing Read More


The Economy isn’t just Good, It’s Surging, Puzder on Repatriation and 2018 Preview; Today’s MHMarket Update$

Former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder on companies using extra profits from tax reform to re-invest in the U.S, per reports from media outlets across the political spectrum today. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – …

The Economy isn’t just Good, It’s Surging, Puzder on Repatriation and 2018 Preview; Today’s MHMarket Update$ Read More


Former WH Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon Blistered by President Trump, Manfort Suing DOJ; Impacts on Agenda, Nation?

Let’s break the rule of news and analysis of hooking readers first, and then slowly giving out the key facts. The Guardian’s report on excerpts from the upcoming book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff claim that generally pro-Trump, right-of-center Breitbart’s Steve Bannon’s called the …

Former WH Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon Blistered by President Trump, Manfort Suing DOJ; Impacts on Agenda, Nation? Read More


Celebration, Fact Check$, Plus Small Biz Nuts and Bolts on 2018 Tax Changes

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) issued the following statement in a release to MHProNews. President and CEO Juanita Duggan, speaking about the on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act becoming law: “NFIB fought for decades for a real tax cut for small business owners. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act dramatically improves …

Celebration, Fact Check$, Plus Small Biz Nuts and Bolts on 2018 Tax Changes Read More


Sellers Could Boom, Buyers Could Struggle in 2018, and Manufactured Housing

“Without a significant jump in home construction, prices will remain high and likely move higher. Mortgage rates could also move slightly higher, and new tax policy limiting mortgage and property tax deductions, is hitting homeowners in some states hard,” says Diana Olick for CNBC’s real estate “Reality Check.” Olick pointed …

Sellers Could Boom, Buyers Could Struggle in 2018, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Shock!?! “Never Trump” NYTimes Touts “Trump Effect” on Business, POTUS Video, Plus MH Market Update$

It was obvious to the publishers of the Daily Business News 18 months ago. But when an increasing number of left-and-right wing “never Trump” media and figures are admitting that his policies are having a positive impact on the economy and business, is it time for other never-Trumpers to sit …

Shock!?! “Never Trump” NYTimes Touts “Trump Effect” on Business, POTUS Video, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


“I’m tired…” – Terry Decio, Skyline Homes, on Manufactured Housing

“I’m tired of being the best kept secret. I’m ready to help house America.” – Terry Decio, Skyline Homes, to MHLivingNews. Terry Decio’s energetic video comment is a statement that leads to questions. Why is manufactured housing the best kept secret in America? The answer to that question isn’t an easy …

“I’m tired…” – Terry Decio, Skyline Homes, on Manufactured Housing Read More


Top News Story for 2017? Includes 3 Letters, First is S, the Last X

The top story for the year wasn’t about the president and his administration. That was number 2. That’s according to a survey of U.S. editors and news directors that first occurred in 1936. The Associated Press (AP) says that the sexual misconduct allegations was the top story for the year …

Top News Story for 2017? Includes 3 Letters, First is S, the Last X Read More


Tiny Houses for the Homeless, The Controversy Over What Happened Next

“Elvis Summers crowdfunded $100,000 to build dozens of tiny homes.” But as this video by Reason spotlighted for over a million viewers, “City officials looking to pass a $2 billion housing plan tried to shut him down.” It’s a classic example of what’s wrong with the challenges that are in …

Tiny Houses for the Homeless, The Controversy Over What Happened Next Read More


“Trailer Park Millionaires: How to Get Rich on Housing for the Poor,” Guardian Features

  “It’s the industry’s other image campaign,” quipped Marty Lavin, JD, an MHI award winner, to MHProNews. Marty Lavin Lashes the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) Latest Initiative How do the ‘two campaigns’ compare?   The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) launched the video part of their “image campaign” on November 15, …

“Trailer Park Millionaires: How to Get Rich on Housing for the Poor,” Guardian Features Read More


Millennials, Affordable Housing and Manufactured Housing, 2017 to 2018

Among the larger groups of mainstream housing shoppers are millennials. “Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living generation, according to population estimates released this month by the U.S. Census Bureau. Millennials, whom we define as those ages 18-34 in 2015, now number 75.4 million, surpassing the 74.9 million Baby Boomers (ages 51-69),” per …

Millennials, Affordable Housing and Manufactured Housing, 2017 to 2018 Read More


Clayton Homes Praise for Pro-Industry Trade Media – Monday Morning Sales Meeting

Before we get into the featured image at the left, and the headline above, some background will be useful to tee-up this Monday Morning Sales Meeting. Messages, calls, visits, and inquiries from marketers are among the common visitors to and So, perhaps it’s no surprise that a marketer for Clayton Homes …

Clayton Homes Praise for Pro-Industry Trade Media – Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


“More Dangerous…Decisions” – Unlocking the Industry Professional’s Potential Power in 2018

It’s not about political labels. It’s about a search for the truth that alone informs and sets people free from the poverty of ignorance. When you surf to the right-of-center Forbes website, or read your left-of-center New York Times emailed news, they both feature quotable quotes. Those pithy expressions often …

“More Dangerous…Decisions” – Unlocking the Industry Professional’s Potential Power in 2018 Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.25.2017 to 12.31.2017

On this the 7th day of Christmas, we’ll dive in below to the highlights – and countdowns – in the factory built home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” ©, on dates that make up “the most wonderful time of the year.” We will also review some of …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.25.2017 to 12.31.2017 Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis

It was a document read into the Congressional Record. It was first published by MHProNews. Barney-Frank_Finance-Reform_ManufacturedHousingLendingDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews The document originated from a reader who sent it in as a news-making tip. As in last night’s report, industry veterans will rapidly ‘get it.’ The two “Smoking Gun” documents from 21st Mortgage were …

Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis Read More

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