

Manufactured Housing Facts 2017, By the Numbers

The U. S. Census Bureau recently published data and projections on manufactured home sales for 2017. The seasonally annually adjusted rate (SAAR) projections suggest that 2017 will finish with some 92,000 new HUD Code manufactured housing units built this year. Using data from July 2017, the Census Bureau said that …

Manufactured Housing Facts 2017, By the Numbers Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.17.2017 to 12.24.2017

Within minutes of yesterday’s emailed headline news being delivered, the messages began coming into MHProNews from industry readers. It’s a reminder that this post, and our headline news, are closely read, and considered. On Friday, among the calls were a pair of corporate types.  They began with a few minutes …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.17.2017 to 12.24.2017 Read More


Ladies – Love, Lunacy, Leadership, and those “Laddies”

Ladies, you recall the following expression. “The only difference between men and boys are the price of their toys.” Ladies, you know the time we gals invest in picking out the right outfit to ‘suit’ the occasion. In making sure that our hair, and makeup are just so. You know …

Ladies – Love, Lunacy, Leadership, and those “Laddies” Read More


Most Popular Home of Year Goes To…Shotgun like ‘Single Sectional’ – Think “Lido” Manufactured Home

Are millions of housing-hunters still asleep at the switch? The National Association of Realtors (NAR) ® in a release to MHProNews drew attention to their hyper-busy website’s most popular house of the year. Was it a multi-million dollar mansion? A coastal mansion? A mountaintop chalet? As the headline, suggested, it …

Most Popular Home of Year Goes To…Shotgun like ‘Single Sectional’ – Think “Lido” Manufactured Home Read More


The “Lighter” Side, Melania’s White House, VP’s Home at Christmas, Plus MH Market Update$

Have you ever driven a neighborhood which have great Christmas lights? Is so, today’s feature will be ‘on the lighter side,” as we move into the three day Christmas weekend. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever …

The “Lighter” Side, Melania’s White House, VP’s Home at Christmas, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Morality, God, Freedom. and the Holidays

The word ‘holidays’ is a contraction of the words, ‘holy days.’ With Christmas upon us, and Hanukkah just past, a reflection on what the ‘holidays’ should mean is timely. In an era when we see so much corruption in Washington, and other problems in society, more are asking: is it …

Morality, God, Freedom. and the Holidays Read More


Association Reaction to HUD’s Pam Danner, Lois Starkey, Revelations

In a memo dated 12.21.2017, Mark Weiss, President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) addressed his trade association’s board of directors, and copied their Technical Review Group and state affiliates. That memo was obtained by the Daily Business News, and reads as follows.   DECEMBER …

Association Reaction to HUD’s Pam Danner, Lois Starkey, Revelations Read More


Killing Off 100s of Independent Manufactured Home Retailers, Production Companies – Tim Williams/21st Mortgage “Smoking Gun” Document 2

Executive Summary: Choke off enough lending options, drive out enough manufactured home retailers, and you’ll witness a increasing number of  producers of HUD Code manufactured housing fail, and/or those independent retailers and producers will be forced into a ‘consolidation’ with larger companies. As “Smoking Gun? Part 1” outlined, companies as large …

Killing Off 100s of Independent Manufactured Home Retailers, Production Companies – Tim Williams/21st Mortgage “Smoking Gun” Document 2 Read More


Sen Coons (D-DE) I-word “Premature,” WaPo Admits, Tax Bill Will Be Popular, MHMarket Update$

The White House and the GOP are aglow, but oddly so are Democrats.  Can they both be correct in their projections? After over a year of investigations, by often leak-prone federal officials, months by special counsel Robert Muller, and much of the left-of-center mainstream media scrambling to find evidence of …

Sen Coons (D-DE) I-word “Premature,” WaPo Admits, Tax Bill Will Be Popular, MHMarket Update$ Read More


Major Shakeup-HUD Manufactured Housing Program-Danner, Starkey-Manufactured Housing Industry Regulators, Associations, MHI, MHARR – Special Report

America is in a well-documented affordable housing crisis. NAR’s Yun – No Quick Fixes Spell$ Manufactured Housing Opportunitie$ As MHLivingNews and MHProNews have noted for years, an important part of the solution for that crisis has been hiding in plain sight. Uncommon Sense, Stating the Obvious, Affordable Housing Crisis, and …

Major Shakeup-HUD Manufactured Housing Program-Danner, Starkey-Manufactured Housing Industry Regulators, Associations, MHI, MHARR – Special Report Read More


Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) Finds Manufactured Home Industry Support for Reform bill

“The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has announced its support for legislation introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) that would enshrine in federal law the sweeping regulatory reforms implemented in recent Executive Orders issued by the Administration of President Donald J. Trump,” the …

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) Finds Manufactured Home Industry Support for Reform bill Read More


Cheers, Jeers, and “Miller Time” Beers, Reaction to Tax Plan, Plus MHMarket Update$

We’ll provide snapshots, videos and the reactions – Cheer and Jeers – to the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. AT&T, in reaction to the passage, has already announced bonuses and new thousands of new jobs/hiring plans. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – …

Cheers, Jeers, and “Miller Time” Beers, Reaction to Tax Plan, Plus MHMarket Update$ Read More


“Death by Government,” Fascism, Communism, Socialism, ‘Big Brother,’ per Williams, Rummel and Owens

“Education has always been the key to freedom,” said Clarence Burgess Owens, on Talk Radio AM 1430 in Lakeland, FL. Owens is a retired safety who played ten seasons in the National Football League for the New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders, states Wikipedia. “He graduated from Rickards High School in Tallahassee, Florida …

“Death by Government,” Fascism, Communism, Socialism, ‘Big Brother,’ per Williams, Rummel and Owens Read More


Belated Hanukkah, Advent Greetings, and HUD Rumors

In the hyper-busy dash between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year, the Daily Business News’ customary Hanukkah, and Advent greetings has been delayed until now. We wish all our Jewish friends, colleagues, and readers a happy final day to their festival of light. Millions of Christians are preparing for Christmas, …

Belated Hanukkah, Advent Greetings, and HUD Rumors Read More


Plans for Floating Modular Cities, “Seasteading” is Becoming Reality

The billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, is one of the driving forces behind the Seasteading Institute, which has announced it has struck a deal that can yield the first floating city by 2020. The Drudge Report, Britain’s Daily Mail and a host of media are covering the announcement that …

Plans for Floating Modular Cities, “Seasteading” is Becoming Reality Read More


POTUS Trump’s 4 Pillars, Economic Optimism, Winning, 90s Trump Video, & MHMarket Update$

The House has passed the reconciled Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, but Democrats have pulled a technical stall strategy. The Senate is up next, and there are several indicators that the economy is moving into ever higher gear.  4 short videos, including a bonus classic Trump clip from the 1990s. …

POTUS Trump’s 4 Pillars, Economic Optimism, Winning, 90s Trump Video, & MHMarket Update$ Read More


Duty To Serve, “Complete Waste of Time” per Tim Williams, CEO/21st Mortgage; POTUS Trump, Warren Buffett Insight$

The 45th President of the United States (POTUS), Donald J. Trump, and Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett have very differing political views. But there is an area of agreement that yields a valuable takeaway for any manufactured home professional to grasp, and adopt. Warren Buffett invests the time, and learns …

Duty To Serve, “Complete Waste of Time” per Tim Williams, CEO/21st Mortgage; POTUS Trump, Warren Buffett Insight$ Read More


MHARR vs. MHI on DOE Energy Rule, Pushback Pay$ Off?

Washington, D.C. – ”The proposed rule to implement manufactured housing “energy” standards, published by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on June 17, 2016 and consistently opposed by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) in every phase of its development – the only national manufactured housing industry trade …

MHARR vs. MHI on DOE Energy Rule, Pushback Pay$ Off? Read More


Tax Foundation Analysis of GOP Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Report to MHProNews

Optimism on the prospect for the passage of the tax cut and jobs act helped set new records in the markets yesterday. Manufactured housing connected stocks have benefited, as has the industry at large, as this link to the latest market data from yesterday reflects. There is significant levels of …

Tax Foundation Analysis of GOP Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Report to MHProNews Read More


Oil Needs MH Look, Taxe$ on Radar, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$

Taxes, taxes, taxes are the big talk, but there are many reasons why manufactured housing (MH) professionals and investors need to be looking at what’s taking place in the oil marketplace.  Because as many retailers, communities, producers, and other vendors already know – oil jobs create more MH sales. If …

Oil Needs MH Look, Taxe$ on Radar, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$ Read More

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