

Maxine Waters Statement, Preserving Access Manufactured Housing Act 2017, Warren Buffett, Clayton Homes

The Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act of 2017 was passed last week, as the Daily Business News reported at the first linked article below. Today’s report spotlights the opposition to the bill from Democratic lawmakers; in this case, Representative Maxine Waters. Expect her House opposition to be carried into the …

Maxine Waters Statement, Preserving Access Manufactured Housing Act 2017, Warren Buffett, Clayton Homes Read More


Sex Allegations, Roy Moore, Trump Agenda, GOP Pivot; Plus MH Market Update$

Democratic Minnesota Senator Al Franken has not stepped down, even though there are photos, his apologies, and several accusers. The most senior Democratic leader in the House, John Conyers (D-GA) has announced he won’t seek re-election.  That has come from his hospital room, and only after significant pressure from within his …

Sex Allegations, Roy Moore, Trump Agenda, GOP Pivot; Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry

“This kind of wealth-based banishment scheme is unconscionable discrimination,” said Phil Telfeyan, Executive Director of the non-profit, Equal Justice Under Law. “McCrory, [AR] and all of our communities, should invest in residents rather than criminalize poverty,” Telfeyan said. Telfeyan’s comments addressed to MHProNews related to a victory reported by the …

“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry Read More


Latest Manufactured Home Shipment Data, for October 2017 Released

Washington, D.C. – In a release to the Daily Business News, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that “according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), year-over-year manufactured housing industry production grew once again during October 2017.” “Just-released …

Latest Manufactured Home Shipment Data, for October 2017 Released Read More


U.S. Army, Manufactured Home Industry Veteran, Passes

“Robert D. Galazia, 84, passed away the morning of Nov. 23, 2017, at his son’s residence,” the Vindy tells the Daily Business News. “Born on March 31, 1934, in Youngstown, he was the son of the late John R. and Vera B. David Galazia,” the Vindicator’s report, datelined from Edinburg, …

U.S. Army, Manufactured Home Industry Veteran, Passes Read More


Fake New$ Legal Suit? MH Market Updates DBN

The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, isn’t an attorney. But he has access to plenty of them, and he’s been involved in his fair share of litigation over the years. The president’s take, plus other expert views on a muffled mainstream media report that cost investors …

Fake New$ Legal Suit? MH Market Updates DBN Read More


Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed

The image to the left and those below are from a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) produced booklet. It’s good. With nuanced exceptions, it’s accurate. This booklet – combined with other educational materials – are precisely the kind of document that could appeal to and inform: home buyers/consumers, public officials, policy …

Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed Read More


The Top 10 American Corporations, Manufactured Homes, and PreFab Housing

Every professional adult interacts/or is impacted by every Top 10 U.S. based giant periodically. But odds are excellent that manufactured housing operations, and interests like your business, are impacted daily – either directly, or indirectly – by the top 6 mega-corporations shown in the infographic below. There are also many …

The Top 10 American Corporations, Manufactured Homes, and PreFab Housing Read More


Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting

Today’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting (MMSM) offers lessons, that similar to last week’s, are simple yet profound. There will be 3 actionable takeaways. We’ll use as a starting example the automotive world. We’ll begin with a series of facts, and then, make the point relevant for manufactured housing professionals. Examples There’s …

Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Former CFPB Attorney Spotlights Problems, Judge Rules on English/Mulvaney Leadership

A federal judge has ruled on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) case filed by Leandra English. English was selected by outgoing agency director, Richard Codray, to replace himself. She sued to claim Cordray’s old job. Meanwhile, the CFPB’s own general counsel advised CFPB staff that the president’s pick, Mick …

Former CFPB Attorney Spotlights Problems, Judge Rules on English/Mulvaney Leadership Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.26.2017 to 12.3.2017

If you are a regular here daily, you read last week that the most important habit that Warren Buffett says he has is reading.  You’ve also read how the majority of those who are successful leaders make reading a habit; with many getting up 3 hours before work, so that they can …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.26.2017 to 12.3.2017 Read More


Tax Reform, “Epic Blunder” in “Bizzaro World,” Fact Check$, Videos Across Partisan Divide

Higher wages.  More economic output. More opportunities. All of these would be good things for manufactured housing, and it goes to the heart of what the White House Pressroom has told the Daily Business News is at the heart of what they say this bill that passed early this morning …

Tax Reform, “Epic Blunder” in “Bizzaro World,” Fact Check$, Videos Across Partisan Divide Read More


Influencing the Socialists in Your Office, the Best Way Out of Poverty

A recent survey reported by the Daily Business News stated that some 44 percent of millennials believe more in socialism than capitalism.  So if you have several millennials in your workplace, there are odds chances that some believe more in socialism than in free enterprise. Despite the promises by various …

Influencing the Socialists in Your Office, the Best Way Out of Poverty Read More


Media Political Chess/Poker, Market$ Drop, Recover-Behind Bluffs, Noise-Analysis

‘Markets like certainty’ is a well known investment mantra. When news broke earlier that former White House and Trump Campaign team member, General Michael Flynn agreed to a guilty plea, the market’s tanked. They’ve since largely recovered. We’ll tell you what’s behind the curtain.  We’ll also share expert analysis on …

Media Political Chess/Poker, Market$ Drop, Recover-Behind Bluffs, Noise-Analysis Read More


House Approves the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act, Again, Meanwhile…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives “passed bipartisan legislation on Friday that protects consumers’ ability to become homeowners and access affordable housing,” said a release from the House Financial Services Committee to MHProNews. “Manufactured housing serves as an affordable housing option for roughly 22 million Americans and represents the largest …

House Approves the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act, Again, Meanwhile… Read More


Drain Cleaning System for Manufactured Home Communities, Multi-Family Properties, Announced by Electric Eel

Owners, managers, operators, and service personnel at manufactured home communities (a.k.a., “mobile home parks”), know the often-ongoing headaches caused by clogged drain lines. Besides the hassles, there are the time delays, plus those ongoing expenses of having outside contractors come in to service those needs. There are resident satisfaction issues …

Drain Cleaning System for Manufactured Home Communities, Multi-Family Properties, Announced by Electric Eel Read More


Warren Buffett, and Agree

There are known areas of concern, and disagreement (for example, see the caption under the photo at the top). But that is not the focus for this report. There are topics of agreement between Warren Buffett, and One of those areas of agreement is on this quote that follows below. …

Warren Buffett, and Agree Read More


Elvis & Priscilla Presley Honeymooned In this Mobile Home, Shown Here

In this teaser for an upcoming report for Manufactured Home Living News (, is this photo of the home that Elvis and Priscilla Presley spent part of their honeymoon in. The home was a true mobile home, built well before the national manufactured housing construction and safety standards went into …

Elvis & Priscilla Presley Honeymooned In this Mobile Home, Shown Here Read More


Hedge Funds Investing Facts, Infographic – Plus MH Markets Update$

On the day that the markets smashed passed 24,000 on the Dow, we look today as a spotlight, this question.  What is a hedge fund? If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found …

Hedge Funds Investing Facts, Infographic – Plus MH Markets Update$ Read More


Retailers, Communities, Producers – Floor Planning Homes? NADA Says, Call Your Senators to Support Inclusion of Floorplan Lending in Tax Reform Deductibility

“Senators need to hear directly from YOU about the importance of floor plan financing to your business. Call your Republican Senators and ask them to cosponsor Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to ensure floor plan interest remains fully deductible,” said the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). In a media release, David …

Retailers, Communities, Producers – Floor Planning Homes? NADA Says, Call Your Senators to Support Inclusion of Floorplan Lending in Tax Reform Deductibility Read More

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