

Trump Tax Reform Plan Made Simple in 52 Second Video, What’s in it for You?

It’s anyone’s guess if voter ire and feedback during the August recess will help the GOP controlled Congress bridge their own internal gaps on pending promises, such as tax reform. But it may motivate professionals who vote if they better understood what was in the desired Trump plan. The video …

Trump Tax Reform Plan Made Simple in 52 Second Video, What’s in it for You? Read More


Motley Fool-Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Losses Drag Conglomerate’s 2Q, Clayton Homes, Market Updates

News about big companies understandably draw a larger audience. Today’s market update featuring the Motley Fool’s report on Berkshire – with several details on Clayton Homes and its sister firms – will likely follow that pattern. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Motley Fool-Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Losses Drag Conglomerate’s 2Q, Clayton Homes, Market Updates Read More


MH Activist Group Responds to Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Orlando Meeting Protests

The following formal words from an activist resident group that follow are important, but is far from the full story. “I won’t be at the MHI meeting in Orlando,” Dave Anderson, Executive Director of the National Manufactured Home Owners Association told MHProNews in an emailed comment. “NMHOA isn’t planning to …

MH Activist Group Responds to Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Orlando Meeting Protests Read More


MH Industry, Capital and Manufactured Home Communities, Spotlights & Snapshots

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

MH Industry, Capital and Manufactured Home Communities, Spotlights & Snapshots Read More


Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway’s Clayton Homes’ Latest Buyout, More

Today’s spotlight showcases an exclusive report on the latest acquisition by Warren Buffett’s Clayton Homes. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The …

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway’s Clayton Homes’ Latest Buyout, More Read More


New MH Industry Reports – “Politically Incorrect, Factually Accurate”

As promised last week, the Manufactured, Modular and PreFab Housing Industry’s new featured articles and reports are live on the MHProNews home page. Recent or first-time visitor? Then go to the home page, and scroll down past the Daily Business News and MHLivingNews modules, and on the center left, you’ll …

New MH Industry Reports – “Politically Incorrect, Factually Accurate” Read More


Sunday Morning Weekly Recap Manufactured Housing Industry News July 30th to August 6th, 2017

Our new August issue will go live tonight, Aug 6th.  Until then, our  theme for the month: July Justice 2017 – MH Billionaires, Millionaires, and You  Our featured articles will be available on the home page. Our May theme will be available mid-week this week.  To see the line-up of over 2-dozen featured …

Sunday Morning Weekly Recap Manufactured Housing Industry News July 30th to August 6th, 2017 Read More


“Make MH Great Again” – Marty Lavin Exclusive

It could prove to be one of the most controversial, witty, sarcastic, and challenging commentaries of the year about the state of the modestly growing manufactured housing industry. The title MHI award-winning Marty Lavin has chosen isn’t “Make MH Great Again.” But that’s precisely what his unstated theme is. Lavin …

“Make MH Great Again” – Marty Lavin Exclusive Read More


2 Communities Rise; Supplier, MHC REIT Slide, Small Business in 5 Charts

Today’s spotlight showcases the all important small business sector.  While the operations that are publicly traded are important to the industry, so too are those ‘mom and pop’ operations to manufactured housing, and the nation as a whole. If you’re hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

2 Communities Rise; Supplier, MHC REIT Slide, Small Business in 5 Charts Read More


“8 Fantastic Years”

“Tony, congratulations on 8 fantastic years and cheers to many more!” said Stephanie McAnuff. In August, 2009, the groundwork for what has become MHProNews and MHLivingNews was started. Thanks to social media, such as LinkedIn, words of congratulations and encouragement are coming in daily. While many keep it simple, “Congrats!” …

“8 Fantastic Years” Read More


“Sabotage” says U.S. Senator

“I think there has been a concerted effort to sabotage this administration since day one on the part of many in the media and of course our Democrat colleagues in the House and Senate,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said to Newsmax TV. “So obviously what they’re trying to do is …

“Sabotage” says U.S. Senator Read More


Tech’s Huge Impact on MH, Markets – 32 Second Video Answers – Is There a Bubble?

If you’re hooked on our new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is found further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both …

Tech’s Huge Impact on MH, Markets – 32 Second Video Answers – Is There a Bubble? Read More


Latest HUD Code Manufactured Housing Shipment Statistics, June 2017

Washington, D.C., August 3, 2017 – “The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), year-over-year manufactured housing industry production increased during June 2017,” the association told MHProNews. “Just-released statistics indicate that HUD Code manufacturers produced …

Latest HUD Code Manufactured Housing Shipment Statistics, June 2017 Read More


MH Pros List “ABUSES” by Pam Danner, Current HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator

“The current HUD manufactured housing program administrator, Pamela Danner – “parachuted” into that position on a career basis in violation of section 620(a)(1)(C) of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000,” says Mark Weiss, JD. Addressing state associations and other interested industry parties, Weiss, President and CEO of the Manufactured …

MH Pros List “ABUSES” by Pam Danner, Current HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator Read More


Carlyle Group Soar$, Dow Breaks 22,000 – Fiery WH REACH Immigration Debate, Video

If you’re hooked on our new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is found further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both …

Carlyle Group Soar$, Dow Breaks 22,000 – Fiery WH REACH Immigration Debate, Video Read More


Local Market Best Practices Sustainably Grow Sales x4, Says MH Lender, 15 Minute Seminar

In a new, exclusive new video report in our Inside MH series on MHProNews, Credit Human’s Barry Noffsinger shares a fact-packed PowerPoint presentation. Noffsinger’s themes include the best practices for manufactured home retailers and communities that want to sell more homes to cash and well qualified buyers in their local …

Local Market Best Practices Sustainably Grow Sales x4, Says MH Lender, 15 Minute Seminar Read More


CVCO, SKY Rise, LPX, LCI slide, Trump Small Business Video

If you’re hooked on our new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is found further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both …

CVCO, SKY Rise, LPX, LCI slide, Trump Small Business Video Read More


…Until the Fat Lady Sings

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has said that is is over. ObamaCare is here to stay. Some Republican legislators and political leaders want it to be over too. Governor John Kasich of OH is among them. In opera, there is an expression that the performance isn’t finished until “the …

…Until the Fat Lady Sings Read More


AMG Roar$, Most MH Communities Snore – New Market High

If you’re hooked on our new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is found further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both …

AMG Roar$, Most MH Communities Snore – New Market High Read More


Sunday Morning Weekly Recap Manufactured Housing Industry News July 23rd to July 30th, 2017

Our theme for this month: July Justice 2017 – MH Billionaires, Millionaires, and You  Our featured articles will be available on the home page. Our May theme will be available mid-week this week.  To see the line-up of over 2-dozen featured articles for this month, along with the headline commentary, please click the …

Sunday Morning Weekly Recap Manufactured Housing Industry News July 23rd to July 30th, 2017 Read More

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