

Discover the 8 Minute Setup Prefab, Videos, Cost and Comparisons

The Daily Business News on MHProNews has reported for years on new and emerging pre-fabricated and 3D Printed Housing technologies. Some reports have demonstrated that what looked cool, wasn’t even really available. Great looking animations, but no production or even a prototype to back it up. AOL’s report, and the …

Discover the 8 Minute Setup Prefab, Videos, Cost and Comparisons Read More


Hit & Run Drama, Mercedes Meets Manufactured Home

“The front door wouldn’t open…so I had to kick it in,” Nick Cobb said. “All of a sudden, the entire house — I feel it move, and it throws me back into the wall,” Kelly Cobb said. Nick and Kelly Cobb were winding down for the night, their children already …

Hit & Run Drama, Mercedes Meets Manufactured Home Read More

AMG Rise, Breaks ‘Technical Barrier’ – Patrick & ELS Lead Movers

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of …

AMG Rise, Breaks ‘Technical Barrier’ – Patrick & ELS Lead Movers Read More


Giant L&G Sees Modular as Natural Evolution in Housing, Brit & U.S. Ties, Report & Video

The need for more affordable housing isn’t only a problem in the United States – it’s a problem around the world.  As populations continue to grow, and older residences continue to deteriorate, housing needs obviously grow too. Legal & General (L&G), a conglomerate that includes an insurance company which has …

Giant L&G Sees Modular as Natural Evolution in Housing, Brit & U.S. Ties, Report & Video Read More


MH Estates – Manufactured Housing, Community Sector, Reimagined

“While the concept of Manufactured Housing Estates (MHEs) is still in its infancy and undergoing an evolutionary phase in Australia, it is firmly on the rise.” says Trudy Crooks, national sales manager at Resort Brokers Australia. In recent years, MHProNews has been following the development of the manufactured housing industry …

MH Estates – Manufactured Housing, Community Sector, Reimagined Read More


Energy Secretary Rick Perry, the Law of Supply and Demand

“Here’s a little economics lesson,” said Rick Perry, Secretary of the Department of Energy, in response to a question about how the coal industry can stay competitive, when the shale revolution of the last 10 years has made the supply of natural gas so abundant and cheap. “Supply and demand: You …

Energy Secretary Rick Perry, the Law of Supply and Demand Read More


Alpha’s Thomas – Will Warren Buffett Buy This Manufactured Home Community REIT? Market Movers

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight report feature, you’ll find that red hot part of our daily market report by scrolling just beyond the first three set of graphics, facts and figures. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market …

Alpha’s Thomas – Will Warren Buffett Buy This Manufactured Home Community REIT? Market Movers Read More


“SCANDALOUS” Harmful to Manufactured Housing Industry, Homeowners, Proposal Exposed, Rejected

The comments period for the Trump Administration’s Executive Orders numbered 13771 and 13777 to the Department of Energy (DOE) is closed, but the manufactured home industry fireworks may just now be starting. Yesterday, the Daily Business News reported on MHI’s input to the DOE’s RFI. A new set of comments, …

“SCANDALOUS” Harmful to Manufactured Housing Industry, Homeowners, Proposal Exposed, Rejected Read More


Does a 2017 Harvard Study Point to More Manufactured Home Industry Potential?

There are those Manufactured Housing Professionals who are directly engaged in the sale of new homes that already realize they’re part of a broader housing market. There are also others, who quite frankly, don’t really fully appreciate that fact. ‘But it is what it is.’ Those who ‘dial into’ the …

Does a 2017 Harvard Study Point to More Manufactured Home Industry Potential? Read More


You Can Earn HOW Much in San Francisco, and Still Qualify for Affordable Housing?

Depending on where you live, the definition of what is “affordable housing” might change. For example, in San Francisco, the cost of living is higher than in most of the United States. That leaves not just very-low and low-income families in need of affordable housing, but moderate to middle income …

You Can Earn HOW Much in San Francisco, and Still Qualify for Affordable Housing? Read More


Elon Musk, of Tesla SpaceX Fame, Provides Stark Warning to Governors About AI

Tesla and Space X chief executive Elon Musk is warning again for the proactive creation of regulations for artificial intelligence (AI) because “by the time we are reactive in AI regulation, it’s too late.” The Guardian, reports that while Musk was speaking at the National Governors Association summer meeting in …

Elon Musk, of Tesla SpaceX Fame, Provides Stark Warning to Governors About AI Read More


ELS, UFPI lead gainers, Tricon and Skyline Lead Decliners

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight report feature, or are ready to get the fever – today we have a recap that hot-links several recent ones. Please check back for a new spotlight segment of our broader market report tomorrow. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks …

ELS, UFPI lead gainers, Tricon and Skyline Lead Decliners Read More


Suicide, Sadness and Questions on How the Manufactured Home Industry Should Address Community Closures

Minnesota’s ‘Twin Cities’ Star Tribune reported on the anguish of residents impacted by the Lowry Grove community closure.  The Daily Business News has followed that drama for some time. “Mobile home [sic] communities are disappearing in pockets across the metro — and at a much higher rate in Hennepin County, …

Suicide, Sadness and Questions on How the Manufactured Home Industry Should Address Community Closures Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Shifts on DOE Regulatory Rule, Report, Analysis

In a release to the manufactured home industry dated today, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has published the comments they state they submitted regarding DOE regulations impacting manufactured homes, per the Trump Administration’s executive orders on regulatory freezes and roll backs. In their cover message to the industry, MHI stated …

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Shifts on DOE Regulatory Rule, Report, Analysis Read More


Protests Planned by Activist Groups at Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Annual Meeting? 

As long-time Daily Business News readers know, digital and actual protests by activist-minded resident groups have been taking place for several years in the manufactured housing industry, generally focused on the community sector. For several years, Daily Business News has been virtually alone in reporting on such events by manufactured …

Protests Planned by Activist Groups at Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Annual Meeting?  Read More


Sunday Morning Weekly Recap Manufactured Housing Industry News July 9 to July 15, 2017

July 15th, 2017 DOE RFI Closed, But Issue, Impact Still Looms over Manufactured Housing, HomeBuyers July 14th, 2017 The REAL Truth, vs. Fake News, About Modern Manufactured Homes Sun, LPX, ELS Rebound – Spotlight LCI, other MH Industry, Macro Market Moves Bernie Sanders, Steve Forbes, Prager U – Tax Reform, …

Sunday Morning Weekly Recap Manufactured Housing Industry News July 9 to July 15, 2017 Read More


DOE RFI Closed, But Issue, Impact Still Looms over Manufactured Housing, HomeBuyers

On May 30, 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comments. The RFI was in response to the Trump Administration’s Executive Order (EO) No. 13771 (“Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs”) issued on January 30, 2017, and on Executive Order No. 13777 …

DOE RFI Closed, But Issue, Impact Still Looms over Manufactured Housing, HomeBuyers Read More


The REAL Truth, vs. Fake News, About Modern Manufactured Homes

There is an apparently ever-growing mountain of alleged ignorance – or agenda driven – reporting about manufactured homes. PBS NewsHour, NPR and more recently The Raleigh, NC headquartered News & Observer are just 3 of many examples of what Marty Lavin, JD has paradoxically called, “the manufactured housing industry’s other …

The REAL Truth, vs. Fake News, About Modern Manufactured Homes Read More


Sun, LPX, ELS Rebound – Spotlight LCI, other MH Industry, Macro Market Moves

If you are a first time visitor, our headline “Spotlight” report is deeper below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of the left-right media divide – this report also helps readers see …

Sun, LPX, ELS Rebound – Spotlight LCI, other MH Industry, Macro Market Moves Read More

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