

AEI Housing Center Reports Surprising Surge, State-by-State Post-COVID19 Housing Data, Jimmy Lai-China-Hong Kong Storm, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

“Dear Mr. President, We now need both your public support and the diplomatic efforts of the United States to help keep our city a center of international trade and home for freedom. Mr. President, please help us. A real HongKonger.” That tweet is found on the Apple Daily Twitter feed. …

AEI Housing Center Reports Surprising Surge, State-by-State Post-COVID19 Housing Data, Jimmy Lai-China-Hong Kong Storm, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More

IndependentJournalistSharylAttkissonCBSPhotoDeep StateCallItTreasonInterviewCovid19PresidentDonaldJTrumpManufacturedHomeProNews

Independent Journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s “Deep State” “Call it Treason” Interview, COVID19 & President Donald J. Trump

The allegation of a “deep state” and “treason” are about as serious as it gets. There are those who would say these are conspiracy theories if applied to modern America, while others insist it is an in-your-face reality with significance evidence. The Oxford Languages dictionary defines the term “deep state” …

Independent Journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s “Deep State” “Call it Treason” Interview, COVID19 & President Donald J. Trump Read More


Memorial Day’s Grim 100,000 Dead Americans Milestone, Decades of Abuse, Memorial Day Like No Other

Whatever someone thinks about President Donald J. Trump, his comparison of the Wuhan Virus to 9.11 and Pearl Harbor are worth pondering on this Memorial Day. Memorial Day is the commemoration of those who lost their lives in defense of freedom. Millions have never properly learned American History. They have …

Memorial Day’s Grim 100,000 Dead Americans Milestone, Decades of Abuse, Memorial Day Like No Other Read More

AmericanQuislingsBenedict ArnoldsPicPhotoTraitorsAmongUs-SundayHeadlinesReview5.17to5.24.2020MHProNewslogo

American Quislings, Benedict Arnolds, Traitors Among Us – Sunday Headlines Review 5.17 to 5.24.2020

“What I have always found is that when it comes to foreign policy, it is important to remember that politics stops at the water’s edge.” – Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State during the Obama Administration. Quote per the Jeff Bezos owned, left-of-center Washington Post.   Despite the keen thought that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed in …

American Quislings, Benedict Arnolds, Traitors Among Us – Sunday Headlines Review 5.17 to 5.24.2020 Read More


Pandemic Becomes Billionaires’ Bonanza! Bezos, Buffett, Gates, Zuckerberg, Ellison Wealth Surges $100s of Billions in 2 months, says Institute of Policy Studies & Forbes – Report

“The number of U.S. citizens filing for unemployment increased to 38.6 million since March 18, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the same two months, the wealth of U.S. billionaires has surged $434 billion – an increase of 15 percent.” So says author Chuck Collins at the Institute …

Pandemic Becomes Billionaires’ Bonanza! Bezos, Buffett, Gates, Zuckerberg, Ellison Wealth Surges $100s of Billions in 2 months, says Institute of Policy Studies & Forbes – Report Read More


Killing Machine–Real ‘Unexpected’ Tragedies of COVID19 on Health, Business Surfacing, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

The New York Times, NPR, Vanity Fair and others in media have raised the issue of when President Trump knew about the COVID19 pandemic outbreak and a purported slow response. The Washington Post, for example, said that if the Trump Administration had implemented social “distancing measures a week earlier in …

Killing Machine–Real ‘Unexpected’ Tragedies of COVID19 on Health, Business Surfacing, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


In Manufactured Housing’s COVID19 War, MHARR Wins A Battle – Retailers, Installers & Transporters Alert

Governor Andrew Cuomo (NY-D) and President Donald J. Trump (GOP) are among those who have called the fight against the Wuhan Virus a war against an invisible enemy. While the metaphor fits in some ways, an argument can be made that the enemies in this war are both visible and …

In Manufactured Housing’s COVID19 War, MHARR Wins A Battle – Retailers, Installers & Transporters Alert Read More


New Data Surfaces on Buffett Family, Foundation Funding Sources Which Attacked Manufactured Housing, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

Peter Buffett. Jennifer Buffett. Warren Buffett. The NoVo Foundation. Who they have donated money to support. How those donations impact and/or influenced manufactured housing. These will all be explored in tonight’s featured focus. Facts are what they are. “Truth” could be defined simply as “that which is true or in …

New Data Surfaces on Buffett Family, Foundation Funding Sources Which Attacked Manufactured Housing, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates Read More


“Embracing Facts Over Fear,” Edward Pinto, Director AEI Housing Center, on COVID19’s Impact, Data-Driven Insights

The analysis below about COVID19 related data was sent to MHProNews by Edward Pinto, Director of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Housing Center. Pinto and AEI have periodically been referenced by the mainstream media and MHProNews for years. Properly understood, their information is both insightful and troubling. For a background …

“Embracing Facts Over Fear,” Edward Pinto, Director AEI Housing Center, on COVID19’s Impact, Data-Driven Insights Read More


Weekly Mortgage Applications Reflect Rapid Homebuying Recovery, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Left-of-center CNBC reported today a surge in mortgage applications. HousingWire issued a similar report. Both sets of insights, with week-over-week data is found further below. This is occurring as dozens of states are ‘reopening’ from various degrees of partial shutdowns that have sidelined over 36 million Americans in about 2 …

Weekly Mortgage Applications Reflect Rapid Homebuying Recovery, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Saga Continues, Legacy Housing’s [LEGH] Latest Surprise

Lisa Levin, writing for the investor’s publication Benzinga, wrote on 5.18.2020 in an article entitled “70 Biggest Movers From Friday” that “Legacy Housing Corporation [LEGH] rose 15.8% to close at $11.79 following upbeat Q1 results.” Simply Wall Street said on 5.19.2020 that “Results: Legacy Housing Corporation Beat Earnings Expectations And …

Saga Continues, Legacy Housing’s [LEGH] Latest Surprise Read More


MHC Resident View During Pandemic, Frank & Dave Pitch, Zacks, UFPI Shed Light on Building Industry in COVID19 Era, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Preface, Programming Notes. Third-party MailChimp reports an increased level of engagement with MHProNews’ 2x weekly emailed headline news. Still at number 3 among the metro areas that are interacting with our emailed headlines is Washington, D.C. That has been the steady for recent messages. Additionally, third-party Webalizer data tells us …

MHC Resident View During Pandemic, Frank & Dave Pitch, Zacks, UFPI Shed Light on Building Industry in COVID19 Era, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More

MainstreamMediaSpotlightsMHARR_LettersHUDDana WadeFHFA-MarkCalabriaManufacturedHousingAssocRegulatoryReformLogoMHProNews

Mainstream Media Spotlights MHARR Letters on HUD’s Dana Wade, FHFA’s Mark Calabria

The MReport – says they are “Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking News.” On 5.15.2020 that popular site for mortgage professionals spotlighted and linked the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) in their report entitled, “Industry Reacts: Federal Housing Commissioner Nominee Advanced.”   The MReport article opened with “Leaders …

Mainstream Media Spotlights MHARR Letters on HUD’s Dana Wade, FHFA’s Mark Calabria Read More


The Summer Wind, by Frank Sinatra – Finishing #59? Plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

If you were in a race and finished number 59, at first blush, that would hardly seem like something to brag about. However, if you started years after others in the race did, plus there were over 3 million competitors and you had already lapped millions of others in just …

The Summer Wind, by Frank Sinatra – Finishing #59? Plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


WSJ – Justice Department Preps Major Antitrust Suit

There are broadly speaking two kinds of leaks in Washington, D.C. There are ‘intentional’ leaks that have some level of authorization and there are leaks by tipsters who are trying to draw attention to an issue that they may or may not like. Readers can decide if the reports from …

WSJ – Justice Department Preps Major Antitrust Suit Read More


Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – RINOs, DINOs & MHInos, Classic Head Fakes, Gaslighters, Turncoats and Event 201 – Sunday Headlines in Review, 5.10 to 5.17.2020

Most people don’t think – much less behave – in devious or treacherous ways. The trusting are thus susceptible to buying into the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. In politics, think RINO or DINO. Understanding the notion of gaslighting as a form of propaganda and manipulation is important too.   …

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – RINOs, DINOs & MHInos, Classic Head Fakes, Gaslighters, Turncoats and Event 201 – Sunday Headlines in Review, 5.10 to 5.17.2020 Read More


Pandemic Problems Presents Opportunities for Ethical, Profitable Solutions to Manufactured Housing’s Decades of Dilemmas

  “The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist.” – Zig Ziglar, per Quote Fancy.   “I think Dad’s quote says it best: “You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and take responsibility for solving it.”” – Zig Ziglar, …

Pandemic Problems Presents Opportunities for Ethical, Profitable Solutions to Manufactured Housing’s Decades of Dilemmas Read More


Lawsuit Charges Harm by Giant Mosaic, Yes Manufactured Home Community Operator/Developer, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

It has nothing to do with COVID19. This suit is about “radiation contamination,” says Mark Lanier, founder of the Lanier Law Firm. The press release to MHProNews touts that “The National Law Journal,” named “Lanier Law” as an “Elite Trial Law Firm.” Lanier has offices in Houston, New York, Los …

Lawsuit Charges Harm by Giant Mosaic, Yes Manufactured Home Community Operator/Developer, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


White House Spotlights What House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wants in Next ‘Coronavirus’ Bill

“There are no coincidences in Washington [DC]” and “Follow the money” are the keys to understanding American politics. – Attributed to the late Senator William Proxmire (WI-D), according to reporter John Solomon.   The White House press room has provided MHProNews with the media release are below. It will be followed …

White House Spotlights What House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wants in Next ‘Coronavirus’ Bill Read More


Soaring Unemployment Data By Economic Sector, per Federal Reserve, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

For the 36 million plus officially unemployed there are not many silver linings in the facts that are pouring in from a variety of sources, including the Federal Reserve. The 2020 data dwarfs the so-called Great Recession of 2008-2009 that was sparked by the housing/finance meltdown largely sparked by so-called …

Soaring Unemployment Data By Economic Sector, per Federal Reserve, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More

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