

Trillion Dollar Worker-Small Business Coronavirus Relief Plan, Chapman University’s Kotkin Calls for “Decoupling” from China, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

This evening’s focus will be a ‘sandwich’ account. The featured segment will open and close with insights about and from the White House on their evolving plan. But in the middle of those elements will be a deeper dive into an issue aiming at the root cause for what’s occurring …

Trillion Dollar Worker-Small Business Coronavirus Relief Plan, Chapman University’s Kotkin Calls for “Decoupling” from China, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Shake it Up! Great Debate Proposed NOW Between President Trump, former VP Biden and Senator Sanders

Talk isn’t always cheap, as former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s over half-billion-dollar self-funded multi-media campaign demonstrated. It is just one of several instances one can point to of something quite different about 2020 than the norm. Whatever the cause of COVID19, the nation is in the grip of an increasingly broad …

Shake it Up! Great Debate Proposed NOW Between President Trump, former VP Biden and Senator Sanders Read More


Canadian Trade Group Share Coronavirus Tips, Insights – plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Our manufactured home community industry comrades up north have thoughtfully shared some insights from their side of the line with respect to the COVID19/coronavirus outbreak. That will be accompanied by some national, international and other charts, data and videos. On a day when the industry’s equities and broader markets plunged …

Canadian Trade Group Share Coronavirus Tips, Insights – plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


“Feckless” “Swamp” Leadership! MHARR Documents “Tainted” Process Harmful to Affordable Housing Consumers! Manufactured Home Independents

  “…all regulation, that excessively impacts small business…In fact, big companies secretly love regulation because regulations are in fact  anti-competitive — every new rule, law or compliance measure limits the ability of existing smaller competitors or new start-ups to compete.” – Carol Roth – American television personality, bestselling author, entrepreneur, radio host, and investor. Roth appears regularly …

“Feckless” “Swamp” Leadership! MHARR Documents “Tainted” Process Harmful to Affordable Housing Consumers! Manufactured Home Independents Read More


Pick Pockets, Free and Illegal Speech, Weapons of Mass Distraction, plus Sunday Weekly Headline Recap 3.8 to 3.15.2020

A pick pocket that is good at their devious and criminal art-form can lift a wallet without the “target” or “mark” realizing it. The fact that some ‘get away with it’ doesn’t tempt the vast majority of Americans to become pickpockets.     In some of the great scams of …

Pick Pockets, Free and Illegal Speech, Weapons of Mass Distraction, plus Sunday Weekly Headline Recap 3.8 to 3.15.2020 Read More


Illusions, Collusions – “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose” – “Never Let a Serious Crisis Go To Waste” – Gates, Buffett Massive Money Grabs?

  “Be greedy when others are fearful, be fearful when others are greedy.” – Warren Buffett, Chairman of the Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) conglomerate.   “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.” – Rahm Emanuel, former Mayor Chicago and former chief of staff to President Barack Obama.   “We study …

Illusions, Collusions – “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose” – “Never Let a Serious Crisis Go To Waste” – Gates, Buffett Massive Money Grabs? Read More


2020 Tunica Manufactured Home Show Cancelled, Manufactured Housing Institute Event Apprise, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Programing notice: there is a coronavirus-related special report that is developing. Update, that report is linked here. That said, tonight’s featured focus is on updates from the South Central Manufactured Housing Institute (SMCHI), the parent organization for the Tunica Manufactured Home Show. There is also an update obtained from the …

2020 Tunica Manufactured Home Show Cancelled, Manufactured Housing Institute Event Apprise, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Are Manufactured Housing Supply Chains in China Threatened by Coronavirus?

As a growing list of sporting, educational, entertainment, and business events are getting cancelled, the question has arisen. What risk, if any, is looming for HUD Code manufactured home producers? MHProNews reached out to Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and independent producers alike. “Off record I don’t see a lot of …

Are Manufactured Housing Supply Chains in China Threatened by Coronavirus? Read More


Markets Plunge Again, Industry Equities Tank, $1Trillion Move by Fed, Can’t Have it Both Ways; plus Manufactured Home Investing Stock, Updates

You could call it a weapon of mass distraction. Think about the hot topics from a month ago, or even 3 weeks ago. They are buried in the background. You could call it a massive transfer of wealth in process, with the parties that are to benefit yet to be …

Markets Plunge Again, Industry Equities Tank, $1Trillion Move by Fed, Can’t Have it Both Ways; plus Manufactured Home Investing Stock, Updates Read More


Market Analyst Craig Kucera on UMH Properties, “Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste” – Industry, Investment, National Insights

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Rahm Emanuel, former Mayor of Chicago and former Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama.   Analyst Craig Kucera gave a buy recommendation on UMH Properties on 3.11.2020. Kucera works for B Riley FBR, which does analysis work on publicly traded firms. …

Market Analyst Craig Kucera on UMH Properties, “Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste” – Industry, Investment, National Insights Read More


UMH Statement on “Economic Developments,” Recent Stock Drop, Attkisson Warns of “Money Grab,” plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Equities Updates

Tonight’s market report features a formal statement from UMH Properties President and CEO Sam Landy, J.D., relating to the sharp drop experienced by his firm and others in the manufactured home sector. It is coupled with some pull quotes from award-winning investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson.   Every evening our headlines …

UMH Statement on “Economic Developments,” Recent Stock Drop, Attkisson Warns of “Money Grab,” plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Equities Updates Read More


Alert to Independent Producers, Retailers – Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Wages War in Congress vs Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) “CrossModTM Homes” Controversy

In a written invitation to MHProNews to see their latest responses to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) “CrossModTM homes” controversy, the Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) provided several updates. As part of their grade group’s broader “Advancing Modular Housing Initiative,” the MHBA met with key Congressional leaders. Per their own …

Alert to Independent Producers, Retailers – Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Wages War in Congress vs Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) “CrossModTM Homes” Controversy Read More


“Illegal mergers are half the picture, and illegal monopolization is the other half.” – 3.10.2020 Senate Anti-Trust Testimony, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

“The platform monopolists of the 21st century have long followed the monopolist’s classic playbook, in which they exploit their positions as providers of multiple essential services to bankrupt, supplant, or sideline rivals in every market in which they operate.” Those comments came as part of the formal testimony today – …

“Illegal mergers are half the picture, and illegal monopolization is the other half.” – 3.10.2020 Senate Anti-Trust Testimony, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Surveillance State, Sanders Rips Buffett, Gates & Bezos in Battle with Billionaire-Backed Biden to Face President Trump in Mini-Super Tuesday Contests, POTUS Announces Small Business, Worker Relief Plans

“Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste.” – Rahm Emanuel, Former POTUS Obama Chief Of Staff.   At various times during their respective political careers, each of the three contestants for the 2020 presidential race have addressed the topic of the surveillance state in America. They all acknowledge that …

Surveillance State, Sanders Rips Buffett, Gates & Bezos in Battle with Billionaire-Backed Biden to Face President Trump in Mini-Super Tuesday Contests, POTUS Announces Small Business, Worker Relief Plans Read More


Rent Control Bill Advances, Manufactured Housing Institute Silent, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

The Trump Administration has taken the stance that rent control has a negative impact on new housing creation. Pro-rent control voices say that predatory practices by certain manufactured home community operators leaves them with few choices to stop the bleeding that is or would otherwise cause residents to lose their …

Rent Control Bill Advances, Manufactured Housing Institute Silent, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Former Manufactured Housing Institute Vice President Sounds Off on Manufactured Home Financing

  “The manufactured housing industry did not become the legitimate and affordable housing of today from the trailers of yesteryear THROUGH REVOLUTION, BUT RATHER THROUGH EVOLUTION, thus establishing a long and rich history of success, which many in the industry today tend to distort and/or forget altogether in order to …

Former Manufactured Housing Institute Vice President Sounds Off on Manufactured Home Financing Read More


Events Canceled Due to Coronavirus Fears, Manufactured Housing Institute Spring Meeting Update, Plus Sunday Week in Review 3.1 to 3.8.2020

    “News is the first rough draft of history.” – Philip Leslie Graham, American newspaper publisher (July 18, 1915 – August 3, 1963).   According to WWD and other media sources, a growing list of events have been canceled due to coronavirus concerns. They include the following. Facebook F8 …

Events Canceled Due to Coronavirus Fears, Manufactured Housing Institute Spring Meeting Update, Plus Sunday Week in Review 3.1 to 3.8.2020 Read More


Fires, Eviction, Frustration, Fears – 3F’s of I70, “Mobile Home Park” Living, Dark Lessons

In the United States today, statistically several hundreds – perhaps thousands – of collective views of various videos on mobile and manufactured home living will occur. What are the not so subtle messages that are being sent by fairly common reports? This report could be a fine bookend or prelude …

Fires, Eviction, Frustration, Fears – 3F’s of I70, “Mobile Home Park” Living, Dark Lessons Read More


Flashback Friday – Enron, WorldCom and Bernie Madoff – Lessons, Implications for Manufactured Housing Regulators and Investors? Plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

It goes without saying that the good guys don’t always win, which implies that the bad guys often get away with it. If justice always prevailed – each and every time – then there would likely be very little crime, including so-called white-collar crimes. Robbing someone at gun point or …

Flashback Friday – Enron, WorldCom and Bernie Madoff – Lessons, Implications for Manufactured Housing Regulators and Investors? Plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Trump Administration Asked to Withdraw Brian D Montgomery Nomination Over Conflicts of Interest

“It’s not what you know but who you know.” – American maxim.   Preface. This report will outline the seemingly obvious conflicts of interest and other problematic behavior involving Brian D. Montgomery, J.D., and some of the insiders in the manufactured housing industry. As is our modus operandi, this report …

Trump Administration Asked to Withdraw Brian D Montgomery Nomination Over Conflicts of Interest Read More

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