Average Sales Price of New Manufactured Homes by Region and Size of Home by Month of Shipment, More HUD Code Manufactured Housing Data with NAR, NAHB Comparisons with More Facts and Analysis


“Middle income home buyers in the United States are finding little on the market to buy, even if they can qualify and afford a mortgage, according to a new analysis from the National Association of Realtors” said the NAR in a recent tweet. Nobility Homes and Legacy Housing have each reported sales data that bucked the national trends claimed by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and some of their Big Three manufactured home producers have apparently supported. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) said on 6.19.2023 that “Home builder confidence rose 5 points in June to a level of 55 in the NAHB/@WellsFargo Housing Market Index (HMI), marking the first time builder confidence has been in positive territory since July 2022.” Restated, there is plenty of evidence that manufactured housing ought to be collectively roaring. But that is obviously not the case. Instead, manufactured housing is in its 7th month of an apparently accelerating slump. How is that possible? The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has advanced their data-supported hypothesis. To better understand just how odd the manufactured housing industry downturn is, the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau should prove helpful.

Part I – U.S. Census Bureau Data on HUD Code Manufactured Housing by Region, Size, Month

Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary (note the markets were closed on Monday, 6.19.2023 for the Juneteenth federal holiday, so there is no market recap today.


Part I.

Average Sales Price of New Manufactured Homes
by Region, Size of Home and
by Month of Shipment


United States
Total1 Single Double
January 126,100 82,100 156,900
December 122,100 80,200 155,700
November 125,200 88,000 155,200
October 128,300 81,400 160,400
September 130,400 95,800 159,400
August 125,700 86,500 158,800
July 131,800 85,200 161,600
June 126,900 87,600 159,600
May 124,900 85,800 159,200
April 132,000 83,100 168,000
March 129,200 87,300 156,600
February 128,000 87,700 156,300
January 122,500 84,600 152,800
December 123,200 80,900 150,300
November 111,900 76,400 139,900
October 112,000 81,700 138,200
September 118,300 78,800 141,300
August 112,000 80,000 138,000
July 118,700 76,000 137,800
June 106,800 70,200 128,100
May 106,500 69,900 128,300
April 100,200 66,700 122,500
March 98,100 63,300 123,200
February 98,300 65,400 122,500
January 95,000 64,100 118,500
December 90,200 62,600 110,800
November 92,600 63,500 112,800
October 89,400 57,200 110,000
September 87,300 58,300 107,800
August 88,200 57,700 109,300
July 84,200 59,800 102,700
June 85,600 52,900 109,800
May 85,900 55,200 109,100
April 86,900 53,300 108,200
March 82,900 53,800 106,900
February 83,400 55,600 107,500
January 86,400 55,300 107,900
December 86,400 54,400 105,700
November 81,600 52,100 107,100
October 81,700 53,900 103,800
September 81,500 55,600 101,800
August 84,100 49,200 107,900
July 82,000 54,000 106,500
June 84,400 52,800 103,800
May 78,100 53,800 98,100
April 78,900 55,700 100,700
March 78,900 50,400 102,100
February 85,000 52,600 107,600
January 81,800 53,400 103,400
December 82,400 52,100 106,000
November 79,900 55,400 100,500
October 82,400 54,500 106,000
September 83,600 54,400 105,400
August 81,500 55,100 100,900
July 78,900 52,000 99,300
June 85,400 54,900 101,300
May 81,200 57,100 99,100
April 74,900 50,600 98,700
March 70,600 49,800 91,400
February 73,400 47,900 93,800
January 69,000 47,300 92,100
December 72,900 53,400 91,800
November 71,800 46,600 99,100
October 68,300 46,400 95,500
September 71,800 47,100 93,800
August 73,800 47,600 94,300
July 75,300 47,900 93,800
June 75,600 49,500 97,400
May 71,800 49,100 87,900
April 73,300 47,400 89,900
March 70,100 50,800 88,000
February 71,000 48,700 92,500
January 68,100 44,900 89,700
December 73,100 49,900 90,800
November 71,700 47,000 90,900
October 71,600 48,300 87,400
September 69,400 46,700 93,000
August 74,200 50,000 93,100
July 73,300 49,500 91,000
June 70,500 46,600 87,000
May 71,300 45,800 87,800
April 67,800 44,100 87,500
March 69,800 44,500 88,300
February 67,600 43,900 92,600
January 67,600 45,900 84,100

Figures are in U.S. Dollars.

Northeast Midwest South West
Total1 Single Double Total1 Single Double Total1 Single Double Total1 Single Double
January 122,900 86,700 148,300 107,200 83,600 153,100 129,200 81,200 158,300 131,500 81,300 156,700
December 113,900 75,300 158,300 104,700 82,300 144,300 124,000 80,700 155,400 134,700 77,600 162,400
November 119,200 93,900 146,700 113,600 89,100 147,600 126,000 86,500 155,800 138,400 89,500 161,800
October 127,000 86,400 155,300 113,500 87,500 156,700 128,100 77,000 160,000 153,600 86,200 167,300
September 131,300 101,400 162,000 114,600 93,000 155,500 130,300 94,400 158,500 148,600 107,500 163,900
August 117,800 74,700 145,100 110,900 87,500 151,900 126,400 86,000 159,400 144,100 93,400 166,400
July 129,700 93,300 157,400 110,800 83,600 156,100 131,300 82,900 158,700 156,800 97,300 178,200
June 118,500 92,700 134,100 112,500 90,100 146,500 125,300 88,200 159,900 154,200 68,400 174,500
May 121,500 82,100 148,500 112,300 83,600 148,800 124,400 85,900 162,400 142,000 91,900 156,100
April 128,900 87,200 154,700 110,400 80,500 147,800 132,100 83,500 169,900 155,400 82,400 176,600
March 117,900 97,400 145,300 118,500 90,000 154,200 127,400 85,200 154,400 156,100 89,800 171,600
February 130,600 76,000 152,700 115,900 82,400 155,500 126,300 89,500 155,000 150,100 85,100 163,600
January 120,600 85,900 141,800 108,300 82,800 145,400 122,700 85,400 153,300 140,800 80,700 161,000
December 104,700 73,900 127,200 103,300 88,200 129,400 123,500 80,000 149,600 145,200 76,900 170,600
November 100,900 71,600 133,500 107,300 78,100 143,800 110,700 77,000 138,400 128,800 68,400 145,500
October 110,300 74,400 138,700 101,000 81,000 132,600 110,700 81,900 136,400 131,600 85,000 150,400
September 102,100 76,100 124,100 109,300 80,900 142,300 119,300 78,500 142,200 132,100 76,200 141,600
August 105,000 86,000 117,000 100,000 77,000 132,000 112,000 80,000 139,000 135,000 79,000 143,000
July 98,500 74,100 125,700 110,500 79,100 139,300 119,200 74,500 137,100 131,100 81,700 142,800
June 101,600 73,700 124,200 94,900 65,600 125,800 107,500 70,700 128,000 116,400 72,200 131,500
May 98,400 69,900 121,500 94,300 67,500 128,200 109,900 70,600 129,200 104,400 70,300 125,500
April 95,900 73,800 113,300 85,400 61,800 125,400 100,400 67,700 122,200 118,400 65,000 125,000
March 91,400 58,600 121,300 86,400 60,800 119,100 98,100 63,700 122,400 113,000 67,300 130,800
February 88,300 59,400 113,800 87,300 62,400 118,100 98,100 67,100 121,800 116,900 60,900 131,900
January 102,600 67,900 116,200 83,000 62,100 112,700 94,000 64,600 117,300 113,400 62,300 129,500
December 93,600 58,200 115,300 77,100 55,800 107,900 90,100 64,500 109,900 108,800 64,500 115,900
November 85,600 63,600 103,900 81,000 62,400 117,400 92,600 64,200 109,700 115,400 60,100 128,200
October 91,000 57,700 112,100 81,700 58,300 108,000 87,400 56,500 107,900 108,900 61,200 120,000
September 84,800 61,000 105,600 72,100 52,800 98,300 86,900 58,400 105,700 110,100 68,600 126,600
August 87,600 56,700 109,600 75,900 59,500 97,600 87,900 56,800 109,100 104,900 60,500 119,500
July 78,600 58,600 100,300 72,600 56,900 97,000 83,700 59,500 101,300 103,700 72,100 113,200
June 91,700 55,400 117,000 81,400 56,100 115,200 82,700 51,700 106,800 102,700 55,600 117,000
May 79,100 56,300 100,200 73,400 56,800 100,900 85,200 54,100 108,500 105,100 60,700 117,800
April 86,100 53,900 105,200 79,500 57,000 105,000 84,000 51,600 106,100 111,800 64,500 120,300
March 79,100 54,400 102,400 79,200 55,300 108,400 82,000 53,300 106,900 92,600 54,300 106,700
February 81,500 54,000 109,800 70,900 55,200 98,200 82,000 55,300 105,600 103,500 59,600 118,900
January 77,700 52,900 104,800 74,200 55,400 101,800 86,200 55,200 108,100 103,400 59,900 111,300
December 79,500 54,000 98,500 70,200 54,400 96,100 87,900 54,600 106,900 97,700 52,100 107,600
November 79,200 49,400 113,100 73,400 50,600 104,000 79,500 52,500 104,800 101,400 54,100 114,700
October 80,600 61,200 101,600 72,100 53,800 100,200 81,600 52,500 103,400 96,600 58,800 109,100
September 84,100 59,600 103,700 71,900 55,900 98,400 80,200 55,100 99,300 99,500 55,300 113,000
August 81,900 45,700 101,200 75,700 52,500 99,800 81,400 48,700 106,600 107,500 48,200 120,700
July 88,000 51,600 129,500 74,400 53,900 105,700 78,100 54,900 100,300 108,400 45,700 121,000
June 84,800 57,800 109,100 72,600 52,700 97,100 83,400 53,200 100,500 100,600 47,000 118,800
May 76,400 49,200 105,200 72,300 56,000 98,100 75,800 53,600 95,000 96,300 55,000 106,800
April 82,000 59,300 109,000 70,800 56,700 91,900 77,100 54,000 99,300 95,400 63,600 109,100
March 74,500 48,000 98,400 71,300 49,900 96,300 77,800 50,900 101,600 92,900 49,100 108,500
February 74,100 52,300 97,500 72,500 56,000 97,200 84,800 52,600 106,600 103,100 43,500 119,400
January 86,600 60,100 109,000 68,000 54,200 98,000 81,100 51,400 101,700 95,800 59,000 110,400
December 79,600 57,500 93,600 74,300 53,800 96,400 80,100 51,500 104,900 101,400 51,600 120,400
November 81,400 52,300 104,700 74,100 56,200 101,900 77,100 54,600 97,800 99,300 62,600 107,800
October 81,600 59,300 96,200 73,100 56,700 94,300 79,800 53,500 105,900 105,100 57,300 116,500
September 78,800 57,600 97,300 76,700 58,300 105,500 81,600 51,900 104,500 102,600 62,000 111,600
August 82,900 58,400 113,000 73,600 54,500 97,800 79,800 54,500 98,100 97,400 57,600 110,300
July 73,600 33,900 100,600 79,600 57,300 104,500 74,900 51,300 94,000 102,800 59,300 118,200
June 82,400 52,900 97,500 77,400 52,700 99,700 83,200 55,100 97,100 105,000 57,600 122,900
May 81,700 62,400 104,300 72,500 57,600 92,900 79,000 56,300 97,000 104,000 60,300 108,900
April 87,300 54,900 109,900 67,300 51,600 92,800 71,100 48,600 95,300 103,100 67,400 113,400
March 70,900 50,400 96,600 67,700 50,600 93,800 68,900 50,000 88,900 82,900 45,800 98,700
February 80,400 50,800 98,200 72,100 49,700 98,000 70,600 46,700 91,200 87,100 53,900 100,600
January 79,500 52,400 106,000 59,300 44,900 85,600 64,400 46,300 85,900 98,900 59,400 114,200
December 76,900 49,200 100,300 64,900 48,700 84,500 70,000 54,000 89,000 96,400 58,600 103,900
November 75,300 49,400 107,000 68,100 48,500 90,500 65,800 45,900 91,600 114,500 49,800 130,300
October 76,300 45,100 96,900 65,600 48,600 88,600 64,200 45,700 93,600 95,200 50,900 106,900
September 72,400 50,800 92,700 62,800 45,500 87,200 68,800 46,600 89,000 95,600 51,700 116,700
August 70,400 50,400 88,700 65,300 48,200 88,600 72,500 47,200 91,500 91,600 46,600 110,900
July 80,700 52,500 102,100 70,900 48,200 89,400 70,300 47,900 88,400 99,700 44,500 111,900
June 84,800 57,300 95,500 69,400 49,900 94,300 70,800 49,300 91,600 106,300 46,600 125,000
May 78,800 55,500 93,300 64,600 45,200 84,400 68,500 49,400 84,000 94,900 47,800 104,500
April 79,600 53,800 100,200 63,900 47,800 84,500 70,900 45,500 86,600 93,000 57,200 104,300
March 76,900 56,700 100,700 64,500 49,600 83,900 67,000 50,700 84,600 89,800 49,400 99,400
February 86,500 48,700 96,300 61,500 46,800 84,700 66,200 48,400 87,300 104,200 59,000 115,100
January 84,700 59,900 99,600 59,800 45,800 85,100 64,600 44,000 85,900 93,600 45,800 107,100
December 73,900 44,200 92,800 67,100 45,000 85,800 71,400 50,100 89,000 85,900 56,000 101,500
November 70,800 45,500 94,000 58,900 46,500 84,700 72,100 47,100 88,000 89,200 48,100 108,900
October 75,300 45,700 90,700 60,200 47,600 81,300 71,300 47,500 84,700 85,100 54,100 104,000
September 79,600 55,400 101,800 62,400 46,100 96,500 65,300 45,400 89,300 93,900 58,000 99,000
August 86,100 57,500 106,600 60,800 45,500 84,300 71,600 46,100 91,300 95,000 79,900 99,600
July 73,900 53,400 103,600 65,900 48,200 91,700 70,200 47,700 87,100 96,800 67,700 100,600
June 85,000 50,900 113,700 61,500 45,100 84,100 66,800 44,900 81,500 89,000 57,100 100,300
May 75,900 45,900 99,600 63,500 46,700 86,600 69,800 45,000 84,600 83,500 48,000 96,400
April 78,600 45,400 100,100 61,600 45,900 86,900 64,900 42,500 85,000 85,400 53,900 92,900
March 72,800 45,100 103,200 59,200 46,200 83,200 69,600 44,100 86,300 83,200 42,500 97,000
February 81,500 50,000 97,300 57,900 45,600 85,100 65,300 43,000 89,700 84,800 45,400 106,600
January 69,400 48,100 90,700 61,400 48,200 86,800 65,200 44,600 80,200 86,900 50,000 96,100


Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief

The following tweets are from the National Association of Realtors (NAR).


Note that despite inventory challenges far more costly conventional housing has been essentially flat for months, with two months of increases. That stands in stark contrast to the 7 month drop in HUD Code manufactured housing.  More on that further below.

April 2023 brought 4.28 million in sales, a median sales price of $388,800, and 2.9 months of inventory, said the NAR. Even figuring in the cost of a homesite, a new HUD Code manufactured home may be a fraction of the cost of an existing conventional house.

Next, let’s look at what the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) said.

On April 25, 2023, the NAHB said: “The median new home sale price rose in March to $449,800, up 3.2% compared to a year ago.”

So, once again, factoring in the cost of a home site and necessary utilities and improvements, someone can own a new HUD Code manufactured home for a fraction of the price of a conventional house. In numbers of scenarios, per federal data, the total cost for buying a new manufactured home with land can be about half that of purchasing a new conventional house.

  • Home Bay on April 24, 2023 said: “A new study found that 72% of renters are convinced they’ll never be able to afford a home.”
  • The left-leaning Washington Post on April 19, 2022 said: “A recent analysis by Porch, a home services platform, found that 61 percent of renters can’t afford to a buy a home in their city.”

Publicly traded Nobility Homes (NOBH) demonstrated in their latest quarterly report that they have in several ways bucked the trends that MHI and brands such as Cavco Industries (CVCO).


Nobility Homes (NOBH) 56th – Sales and Earnings Results for their Second Quarter 2023, Data Reveals Fresh MHVille Saga Details; plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Housing Industry Headlines Recap

Legacy Housing (LEGH) similarly demonstrated in their most recent quarterly earnings and reporting data that they too have bucked the trends in certain ways.


Legacy Housing Financial Results and Earnings Call 1Q 2023-‘Sales Slowed but Margins Improved’ Duncan Bates Boasts of Manufactured Housing ‘Business Tailwinds’ Official Data-Analysis

So, while MHI is producing ‘housing market’ reports that are essentially their ‘defense’ of why manufactured housing is declining in an affordable housing crisis, the facts above from the Census Bureau, NAR, NAHB, Washington Post, and Home Bay demonstrate why manufactured housing ought to be soaring. After all, in the current economic environment with higher interest rates, perhaps 60+ percent of renters can’t afford to buy a conventional house. But some 25-26 million renters, per Freddie Mac, could buy a new HUD Code manufactured home.

Nevertheless, time and again, MHI manages to push (or avoid pressing) positions that harm the manufactured housing industry’s growth potential.  See the exclusive report and analysis below.


Trojan Horse-Looming Impact? Troubling Questions, History Raised on Potentially Deceptive “Bait and Switch” Housing Legislation Poised to Harm Manufactured Home Industry? Facts and Analysis

These facts are difficult for MHI and their leadership to escape. Which may explain why MHI’s leadership would rather duck, dodge, and distract, rather than address the reality head on. Historically, manufactured housing has performed better during higher interest rate eras than it has been during this current period.


Longtime MH Retail Sales Manager Asks Manufactured Home Leaders – Why are Manufactured Housing Production Levels Today About Half of 1980s When Interest Rates Hit 20.5% APR on ARM Loans?

Ironically, Cavco Industries (CVCO) has undercut some of MHI’s distraction and dodge claims in several of their recent corporate remarks.

Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.

See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.


https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/manufactured-housing-institute-mhi-claims-contradicted-by-cavco-industries-ir-statements-shortage-of-affordable-housing-costs-economy-2trillion-annually-plus-mhville-markets-upd/ There is no lack of evidence that there is an affordable housing crisis. But that being so, why is MHI making the odd argument in their most recent (4.10.2023) Federated States ‘Newsletter’
that the industry ought to expect this current downturn because more expensive site built housing is also in a downturn? MHI’s research and reasoning are arguably a classic example of PALTERING and the use of a RED HERRING logical fallacy. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.

Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.

See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Compare the data from 4.5.2023 MHI PowerPoint these two slides are from to the facts, analysis and expert commentary found on the MHProNews Masthead dated 4.4.2023. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.

It isn’t just MHARR and MHProNews/MHLivingNews that is pressing MHI and their dominating brands on why the industry is underperforming during an affordable housing market.  Analyst Gregory Palm pushed Cavco’s President and CEO William “Bill” Boor (who happens to be MHI’s vice chairman) on why manufactured housing is production is “so weak?”  Check out that report below.


Analyst to Cavco-‘Why is Manufactured Home Industry Production So Weak?’ Paradox Develops-‘Lower Expectations’ ‘More Singles’ in Q1-2023 Cavco Industries Quarterly Facts, Trends+MHVille Analysis


Pro-MHI linked trade media can’t spin hard enough, it seems, to get beyond the facts once the facts and the spin are lined up side-by-side.

Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.

See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. Learn more here: https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/investopedias-cautionary-post-on-illusory-truth-effect-what-is-the-illusory-truth-effect-how-does-illusory-truth-effect-apply-in-mhville-fact-check-analysis-viewpoints-plus-mh-stocks-upd/


Investopedia’s Cautionary Post on Illusory Truth Effect. What Is the Illusory Truth Effect? How Does Illusory Truth Effect Apply in MHVille? Fact Check, Analysis, Viewpoints Plus MH Stocks Update

The facts with common sense analysis doesn’t lie, even though others apparently like to palter, spin or even fib.


TheRulesAre SimpleTheyLieToUsTheyKnowWeKnowTheyAreLyingMHVillageMHInsiderDarrenKrolewskiUnveilsSoberingClaimHowToWasteGoodMoneyOnMarketing-PlusMHVilleStock$MHProNews


‘Weakness and Delay in Washington’ ‘Helped Fuel Decline’ – Manufactured Housing Institute Faulted by MHARR for ‘Shocking’ ‘Decline’ in Manufactured Home Production; plus MHVille Markets Update

The report from the Texas Manufactured Housing Association and the Texas Real Estate Research Center didn’t help out MHI’s narrative either.


TMHA VP Rob Ripperda’s Tell Damages Manufactured Housing Institute Claim, While Dr. Harold Hunt Remarks Undercut Cavco’s Bill Boor Statements on Manufactured Housing? Plus MHVille Markets Update


MHI can talk about ‘elevating the industry’s profile’ but if they do so then what they are calling attention to for thinking people is that manufactured housing is once more dropping in sales and shipments while they claim to be ‘elevating’ the profile and “expanding” the industry’s products because they are ‘attainable.’ Who at MHI makes their drivel up?


Doc Drop – As Sales, Production Fall During Affordable Housing Crisis Why Won’t the Manufactured Housing Institute Fight for Good of All Segments of the Manufactured Home Industry? Plus MHMarkets Update

Research and reports involving four different attorneys shed tremendous light on what’s gone wrong in HUD Code manufactured housing. Some directly or indirectly point their fingers at MHI and some of their leading brands.


What Bing Had to Say

In response to the following inquiry: Write a 1000 word article on why manufactured housing is underperforming during an affordable housing crisihere is how Bing replied.

BingsAIchatAnswerImage-MHProNewsManufactured housing is underperforming during an affordable housing crisis for several reasons. According to Samuel Strommen of Knudson Law, the manufactured housing industry is rife with lack of oversight and consolidating power, subsuming an industry that is praying upon the vulnerability of the impoverished in a gross, incestuous symbiosis 12.

The growing housing supply shortage is also a key contributor to the housing affordability crisis. Following the Great Recession, the share of homes being built fell significantly, causing buyer demand to exceed housing production. In fact, fewer new homes were built in the decade following the Great Recession than in any decade since the 1960s 3.

However, manufactured-housing developers are in a position to close local affordable housing gaps more quickly than traditional home builders. Planners often underestimate manufactured housing’s potential for alleviating affordable housing supply shortages 4.

I hope this helps.

Learn more:

  1. bing.com 2. einnews.com 3. epi.org 4. housingmatters.urban.org 5. manufacturedhomepronews.com

That wasn’t even close to 1000 words, but Bing’s AI repeatedly referenced points, articles, and media releases that MHProNews and/or MHLivingNews have pointed to the facts that our industry-leading platforms have.

Senator Tim Scott (SC-R) is clearly open and favorable to manufactured housing issues. He, his team, and allies should push for new Congressional hearings on what has gone wrong with the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA), it’s enhanced preemption provision, and the Duty to Serve (DTS) manufactured housing. If has been about a dozen years since members of Congress held their Danville field hearings on the implementation of the MHIA, and there has been no apparent improvement since then. Let honest lawmakers and public officials explore these issues in a public and transparent fashion. Only be exposing the root causes of the lack of affordable housing can the obvious solutions be unchained for the benefit of millions of Americans of all backgrounds. ###


‘Vexing Dozen’ Led by Gary Shiffman, Sun Communities CEO ‘Insurance Scam’ Claim by Brian Benderoff-Legal Action Report, Other MHVille News, Reports Follow; plus MHMarkets Update

Hypothetically Speaking-Imagine You’re Among Thousands in Sales or Management at Clayton Homes–‘Gaslighting’ by Clayton Leaders, Buffett-Berkshire-Clayton Moat and MHI–plus MHVille Market Update

Did the Late Sam Zell Overpay? Fresh Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS), Manufactured Housing Institute New Document Insights – The Truth Hiding in Plain Sight, plus MHVille Stocks, REITs Update

Trade media can and should be a ‘cheer leader’ when it is appropriate to do so. But authentic trade media also holds the powers that be to account. Who says? The American Press Institute.
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Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, as well as our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.


Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach



Related References:

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