On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and December 26, talk radio shows often use “’best of’ repeats. At this time of year, the mainstream media traditionally includes ‘year in review’ news stories.
Here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews we’re doing something similar to the later, because we want fresh content daily for our readers, not just best of stories. So what follows is new and suited to the professionals engaged in our industry.
Everyone needs and benefits from third-party and objective perspectives. Arguably one of the reason MHProNews dominates in this niche is because we provide news, commentary, and analysis that is relevant to our readers. That’s why even during the holidays, you and thousands of others like your logon here.
We as publishers don’t have to agree or disagree with a topic in order to present it. That’s the case with these 3 curated videos. The first video has over 1.5 million views.
The above’s video views dwarfed in a day or so what all of MHI’s combined ‘industry promotional’ videos yielded in views in over a year. Why the huge gap in the public response? Where is MHI’s expertise, clout, or bottom line results for factory built housing professionals?
The next video is brand new from Dwell, but already blows away the response to MHI’s promotional videos.
The public found these videos of interest. That means that you as industry professionals, and we as pro-growth industry trade media should too.
We also want to take a moment to thank our readers, clients, news tip sources, and sponsors for their input and support this year and the days ahead. We as digital publishers and industry pros truly want ‘all the best’ for our industry, our industry’s customers, the nation, and world.
The best rarely happens by accident. It comes from understanding, testing, and finally systems are developed that routinely result in consistent performance.
Factory home building is part of the future. Together, we will continue to explore the potential, and see our respective roles in shaping and profiting from that future.
Don’t just enjoy the videos, think – why are so many viewing these videos? What does the number of views of this video suggest or say to you? That’s this morning’s MH “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News , analysis, and commentary.)

(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Related Reports:
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$300 Billion Market, As Predicted, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon Alexa Fund Dives Deeper into PreFab Homes
Details Emerging on Amazon’s Plans for Plant PreFab Modular Home Investment
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The “Need For Quality Affordable Housing Has Never Been Greater,” Says LT – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
The headline is missing two words from the original that was provided to MHLivingNews by Lending Tree (LT), via a news media release. Those missing two words? ” In Miami.” While that was accurate, it is equally accurate for the vast majority of the U.S. today, thus our edit of those two words.