When surveys suggest that some 88 percent of the U.S. citizens say the nation is on the wrong track under Biden-Democratic leadership, million may need little more incentive to head to the polls this November and vote for change that will stop their arguably harmful to Americans agenda. Knowing that the public mood is grim and that millions of loyal Democrats as well as left-leaning independents are apparently ready to vote for Republican candidates this fall, the Biden regime is letting it be known that sizable student loan debt forgiveness is on the table. It is a blatant use of taxpayer money to buy Democrats votes, say critics. In that context and the insights from our Sunday and other related reports shown below, are the latest revelations about other apparently corrupt behaviors involving federal officials in the Biden-era.
The following information is per the Mercola website. It references both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It will be followed by another third-party report that shines a light on FBI whistleblowers who are sounding of about their concerns from inside that law enforcement-domestic intelligence agency.
FBI Investigates Millions of Americans Without Warrants
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
August 24, 2022
- The 2022 annual transparency report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) reveals the FBI has been surveilling millions of American citizens — without warrants or proper cause
- Between December 2020 and November 2021, the FBI scoured private emails, texts and other electronic communications of 3.4 million U.S. residents, without obtaining a single warrant. Between December 2019 and November 2020, just under 1.3 million Americans were surveilled in this manner
- There’s also been a sharp uptick in the number of times government officials asked for the identity of individuals surveilled to be revealed, a practice known as “unmasking”
- Supposedly, FBI agents were looking for signs of potential terrorist activity. They also sought to prevent hacking attacks. In the process, they violated the constitutional privacy rights of millions, and considering the hacking attacks that have occurred anyway, this mass surveillance doesn’t seem to be achieving its stated aim
- Two attorneys and two journalists are suing former CIA director Mike Pompeo in Spanish High Court for illegally surveilling them and copying private data from their electronic devices and passports while they were visiting Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. The agency is also listed as a defendant, for purposes of forcing them to expunge all collected records
In the aftermath of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) unprecedented August 8, 2022, raid1 on former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, many are starting to question the FBI’s actions, not just in this case, but in a more general sense.
What’s become clear through this raid is that the FBI has been weaponized to hunt down and neutralize political opposition. On the surface, Republicans appear to be the target, but more specifically, the target is really anyone who disagrees with and wants to stop what we now know is a global coup by an unelected technocrat elite.
The raid on the former president shows that no one is safe from government overreach (or more precisely, the overreach of a government captured by the globalist cabal). This is made all the more disturbing by the fact that the FBI has been surveilling millions of American citizens — without warrants or proper cause.
Public assurances aside, the agency has repeatedly been caught acting lawlessly (the FBI-infiltrated kidnapping plot of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer being just one of the more recent examples2), and that lawless behavior is a piece of evidence that suggests it’s been captured by powers that do not have the welfare of American citizens at heart.
FBI Illegally Spies on Millions of Americans
According to the American Civil Liberties Union, the FBI is violating Americans’ privacy “on an enormous scale.” As reported by Bloomberg,3 the 2022 annual transparency report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) reveals the FBI, between December 2020 and November 2021, scoured private emails, texts and other electronic communications of some 3.4 million U.S. residents, without obtaining a single warrant.
Between December 2019 and November 2020, just under 1.3 million Americans were surveilled in this manner. The report also notes there’s been a sharp uptick in the number of times government officials asked for the identity of individuals surveilled to be revealed, a practice known as “unmasking.”
Supposedly, FBI agents were looking for signs of potential terrorist activity and sought to prevent hacking attacks. But in so doing, they violated the constitutional privacy rights of millions, and considering the hacking attacks that have occurred anyway, this mass surveillance doesn’t seem to be achieving its stated aim.
Privacy Rights Help Prevent Tyrannical Overreaches
While some say you have nothing to worry about if you’re not doing anything wrong, that old adage has long since worn out because, again, we’re dealing with an agency whose job it is to take out political opponents. You don’t need to do anything illegal or criminal to be targeted for neutralization.
“Wrong-think” is now a “crime” in and of itself, so you better believe that privacy matters. You do not want the FBI to rifle through your personal correspondence. They will find something, some sentence, some idea, some opinion, with which to hang you, figuratively speaking.
Just look at Dr. Simone Gold. She’s now serving a prison sentence over what amounts to medical opinion. She didn’t do anything criminal or illegal. She’s a political prisoner.
But by “political prisoner,” I’m not exclusively referring to opponents of the Democrat Party. The true political opposition parties in this day and age are the technocratic Great Reset insiders (who have infiltrated all political parties) on one side, and the rest of us, who see the playbook and don’t want to submit to their planned slave system, on the other.
Congress Must Protect Americans’ Fourth Amendment Rights
In response to the ODNI’s report, Ashley Gorski, a senior attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project stated:4
“Today’s report sheds light on the extent of these unconstitutional ‘backdoor searches,’ and underscores the urgency of the problem. It’s past time for Congress to step in to protect Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights.”
According to Bloomberg,5 the “authority” used to surveil Americans by the millions was Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). It’s set to expire at the end of 2023, unless Congress renews it. Clearly, they shouldn’t, as it’s being grossly misused.
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin’s secret police chief, once said.6 Beria oversaw the expansion of Stalin’s gulags for political dissidents, and bragged he could prove criminal conduct by anyone, anywhere. Framing innocent people is nothing new. It’s not even all that difficult, especially if you have access to everything a person has ever said, thought or done.
CIA Sued Over Fourth Amendment Rights Violations
The Central Intelligence Agency is also making headlines, and for the same disturbing reason. As reported by Newsweek,7 the CIA illegally surveilled and recorded Julian Assange’s conversations with American attorneys, journalists, doctors, celebrities and at least one U.S. Congressman while holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition.
The CIA also obtained copies of visitors’ passports, photographs of the IMEI and SIM card numbers in their cell phones (which allows devices to be identified on any network and are essential for surveillance targeting), as well as copies of the private data from their phones and other electronic devices brought into the embassy.
Passports and electronic devices had to be handed over to security guards and could not be brought inside. Unbeknownst to visitors, everything was then meticulously photographed and copied in their absence.
As a criminal attorney, I don’t think that there’s anything worse than your opposition listening in on what your plans are … I don’t understand how the CIA … could think that they could do this. It’s so outrageous that it’s beyond my comprehension. ~ Margaret Kunstler, Attorney
Four Americans who visited Assange are now suing then-CIA director Mike Pompeo in Spanish High Court, seeking damages for violation of their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. The agency as a whole is also listed as a defendant, for the purpose of forcing them to expunge all collected records.
Plaintiffs include two New York attorneys on Assange’s legal team, and two American journalists who interviewed him. Lead plaintiff, attorney Margaret Kunstler, told Newsweek:8
“As a criminal attorney, I don’t think that there’s anything worse than your opposition listening in on what your plans are, what you intend to do, on your conversations. It’s a terrible thing. It’s gross misconduct. I don’t understand how the CIA … could think that they could do this. It’s so outrageous that it’s beyond my comprehension.”
Attorneys aren’t the only ones bound by confidentiality. Doctors and journalists also rely on confidential relationships with patients and sources, so the arbitrary copying of everything on their private devices is a gross privacy violation against any number of individuals they may have had interactions with.
CIA Crossed Lines That Shouldn’t Be Crossed
The four plaintiffs are also seeking damages against UnderCover Global, a Spanish security firm that provided embassy protection. The lawsuit was launched after whistleblowers from the firm came forward, admitting they illegally spied on Assange’s visitors, copied their passports and electronic devices, and then passed everything on to the CIA.
UnderCover Global CEO David Morales allegedly was being paid “substantial sums of money to share surveillance data with the CIA.” According to Newsweek:9
“Legal experts, including a former senior intelligence official, told Newsweek that the allegations in the lawsuit, if proven, show the CIA crossed lines drawn to protect American citizens from surveillance by overzealous intelligence agencies.”
According to Tim Edgar, professor at Brown University and former deputy privacy and civil liberties officer for the ODNI, the copying of visitors’ cell phone data is particularly difficult to defend.
“That seems to me like a very excessive amount of collection,” he told Newsweek. “What’s the expected intelligence value from that? It’s a high bar to justify. If it’s just everyone who visited Assange, then it’s not like you have a specific reason to look at a particular phone.”
During one visit, actress Pamela Anderson wrote down her email and Apple ID passwords to get help with technical security from Assange. A photograph of the slip of paper with her passwords and PIN numbers was given to the CIA.
This hardly seems justifiable from a national security standpoint. It smacks of perversion, really, and one wonders how many CIA agents have sifted through Anderson’s private messages for no other reason than pure titillating entertainment.
Seizure of Privileged Material Makes Fair Trial Impossible
But getting back to more serious matters, the CIA’s blanket data collection “may make it impossible for Assange to get a fair trial,” attorney Richard Roth, another plaintiff in the lawsuit, told Newsweek. Making matters even worse, when Assange was arrested by British police in April 2019, the embassy turned over all of Assange’s legal papers and computers to the U.S. Department of Justice. As noted by Roth:10
“When a federal prosecutor comes after a lawyer with a search warrant and seizes their devices, there are multiple layers of review and protection for privileged lawyer-client communications. None of that happened here. They just grabbed everything.”
When done in accordance to law, a court will typically appoint a special master, someone who is independent from the prosecuting government, to make sure privileged communications, such as lawyer-client communication, are segregated from the communication handed over to the prosecution.
Alphabet-Soup Agencies and The Great Reset
Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we’ve seen ever more egregious overreaches by government. Intelligence agencies have gone so far as to slap a “domestic terrorist” label on anyone who expresses an opinion that counters the narrative directed by the globalist cabal. This is why privacy rights must be protected at all costs.
In August 2021, former assistant secretary for Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem proposed putting all unvaccinated Americans on a no-fly list. Doctors who speak out against the medical tyranny that is COVID standard of care are being stripped of their medical licenses.
Global organizations such as the International Grand Committee on Disinformation (IGCD), which consists of “an international array of legislators, policy advisers, and other experts,” are working together to end free speech worldwide, and every click, comment and online search can and will be used against you.
The digital identity they want to roll out depends on the same kind of intrusive mass surveillance the FBI and CIA have been caught doing, but covering every person on the planet, and without any legal barriers impinging on the kind of information they can gather about you.
In the end, if the technocratic cabal gets their way, you won’t even be able to use a public toilet without a compliance passport giving you the green-light.11 That’s already the case in China, as you can see in the video below.
This is what life has become in China🇨🇳 since Wuhan initial Covid outbreak
A green QR code is needed to access public transportation, stores or to go to work. That means your Covid test can’t be older than 48 hours. Keeping it current cost each person 💵50 a month in testing fees pic.twitter.com/lY8P0NlncH— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) July 23, 2022
Tell Congress to Rein in Out-of-Control Surveillance Powers
Surveillance powers have always been sold to us as something that will protect us. It’s high time to realize we’ve been sold a lie. All the surveillance acts are, in fact, being used against us, and for all we know, that’s what they were intended for all along.
After all, The Great Reset didn’t emerge out of nothing, overnight. It’s a plan that’s been in the works for decades, and the digital surveillance network required for it to function as an “open-air prison” has been built up around us for just as long.
We were fooled into thinking it was for our own good, for our protection, but it’s not. It’s to ensure we won’t have the ability to rebel when the final pieces of the Great Reset plan are put into place.
As suggested by Gorski with the ACLU, we need to urge members of Congress to step in and revoke or severely restrict government surveillance powers, and reaffirm the absolute supremacy of the U.S. Bill of Rights. These are rights that cannot be taken from us, come hell or high water — or deep state billionaires with egos the size of Mount Everest.
The way things look, many government agencies — including the FBI and CIA — also need to be dismantled, and only put back together if absolutely necessary, and if so, in new, more limited forms with greater public oversight and more checks and balances.
Make no mistake, this is the highest-stakes game in human history. We’re facing nothing short of the enslavement of all of humankind, and our intelligence agencies are proving — through their questionable, biased and often lawless actions — which side they’re really on. ##
The above should be view in the context set by the following news item from the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews is on a different but related topic. It
‘Completely out of control’: FBI whistleblowers sound alarm on massive corruption
Say agents know ‘they will not be held accountable for their illegal behavior and misconduct’
By WND Staff Published August 23, 2022 at 5:59pm
Many Americans view the FBI with suspicion, not respect, these days.
After all, its agents and officials were integral to the now-debunked Russiagate collusion conspiracy that the bureau created, along with Democrats, against President Trump.
Then, of course, there was the recent FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, in which agents purportedly searched for government documents that Trump already had promised they could have if they asked.
But it gets worse.
A report in the Washington Times charges that FBI whistleblowers now have accused managers in multiple field offices of corruption, cover-ups and retaliation.
“Current and former FBI leaders at the bureau’s offices in Miami, Salt Lake City, Buffalo, New York, and Newark, New Jersey, are facing whistleblower complaints,” the report said.
Claims are that the supervisors coerced agents to sign false documents, fabricated terrorism claims to pump up their own performance stats, sexually harassed a female agent, engaged in sex with a subordinate in a government vehicle, and crashed the vehicle, and more.
One female agent who charged that FBI Director Christopher Wray and others ignored her claims of sexual harassment, said the bureau actually works under a “mob-like mentality.”
The report quoted the agent, not identified, who said in a letter to Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, “The FBI is completely out of control and its culture and structure needs to change. Not only is the political bias completely out of control and disgustingly obvious, the FBI knows they will not be held accountable for their illegal behavior and misconduct.”
The Times said its information come from reviewing complaints, or discussing the cases with the whistleblowers or their lawyers.
One attorney said the allegations now are in the hands of Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee Republicans, and could become part of a broader examination of the Department of Justice’s conduct.
One whistleblower who worked in the Buffalo FBI office told the Times FBI chiefs are interested in the numbers of cases.
“It’s basically a report card for him, so at the end of his two-year term as a SAC, he gets moved to a better position down in Washington. And everything focuses around his metrics,” the employee said.
“You have to have so many terrorism cases per year in your office, or else you fail,” he said. “So they would come to us and say things like ‘Open up a case. I don’t care if it’s got merit or not. Just open it up. We only have nine, and we need 10 for me to pass.'”
Former FBI agent Kurt Siuzdak said that’s the situation all across the country.
“Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, there’s a number of field offices, and the SAC picks somebody for everybody to follow because it helps them with their metrics. So they pick somebody to scrutinize, often without merit from wherever, and that’s the bad guy you need to follow and put your assets on,” he said.
He now represents FBI whistleblowers, the Times reported.
Just the News reported that before the FBI’s raid on Trump’s estate, “a string of whistleblowers had come forward with accusations of political bias against senior FBI officials. The Washington Field Office, which sent the agents to Florida to raid Trump’s estate, was facing its own set of allegations.”
After that raid, the report said, Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson “put out a call for FBI whistleblowers to come forward with misconduct concerns. Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan said that 14 whistleblowers had contacted his office following the raid.” ##
Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
Facts always are what they are.
Stating the obvious can bring surprising clarity to issues.
Why are America’s ‘leaders’ making such mind-numbingly foolish decisions? Is it mere coincidence? Or is it part of a plan, as a growing number of informed souls and the public are beginning to believe?
Decades ago, there were individuals who warned Americans about the nexus between a relatively small cabal of financially powerful individuals who worked in conjunction with certain public officials and nonprofits. That has been going on for years though it was often dubbed as ‘conspiracy theories.’ Let’s note that some conspiracy theories are pure fantasy. Others are a mix of plausible and dubious claims. But some ‘conspiracy theories’ have proven with the passage of time to be largely or entirely true. A classic example of that was reported last Sunday, because the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK-D) was deemed by Congressional investigators to be a “conspiracy” involving at least two shooters. The number of other possible conspirators are unknown, but the handling of the slain President JFK’s security was deemed to be sloppy and questions arose with respect to federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies – you may have guessed it – the FBI and the CIA. See that and more in the report linked below which links up the federal research into the subject.
Among the authors in decades gone by who researched and asserted the notion of a ‘conspiratorial view of history’ was Ralph Epperson, author of once popular tome “The Unseen Hand.” Per Google, where on this date some 93 percent liked the book: “Ralph Epperson contends that the major events of the past, the revolutions, the wars, the depressions and the revolutions, have been planned years in advance by an international conspiracy. He puts forward his Conspiratorial View of History…” a documented 488 page volume. Epperson’s book is just one of scores of such books, some obviously better than others. At the time, some mocked them, others embraced them.
Fast forward to our times.
Today, much of that ‘conspiratorial’ behavior is out in the open. The World Economic Forum (WEF) doesn’t meet in secret. Neither do some of the satellite and apparently related organizations to the WEF, see the first link below. These titans and leaders announce their meetings, have a website, have YouTube videos, tweet as do other nonprofits, think tanks, and other groups. But the WEF effectively bars the press from their meetings. The WEF releases only the things that they want to say or do. The WEF and the “World Government Summit” – check their name – recalls the maxim, ‘sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight.’

Editor’s note: excuse the typo on Bet-David’s name, once the link has been set, it is problematic to change it.
At a minimum, awareness of these clearly linked international issues is useful to manufactured housing pros, investors, advocates, and all others. Why? Because the issues are interlaced with what is occurring in our industry too. It isn’t just manufactured housing that has been subverted from within. It isn’t just voices on the political right that think so, liberal voices on the political left like Naomi Wolf, Glen Greenwald, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have either recently joined this fight (Wolf) or have been engaged since at least the 2020 election cycle. This isn’t just a left-right issue. But as MHProNews has been documenting for some time, and as sources such as the New York Times and the Washington Post admit, the Democratic Party has in recent years become largely controlled by men and the corporate interests such as Buffett, Gates, George Soros, Larry Fink, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, etc. Note that Bloomberg ‘ran as a Republican’ to become mayor of New York City but ran as a Democrat in a failed attempt to become that party’s 2020 presidential nominee. For those who look at the evidence, facts, and trends, it is hard to deny what has become quite obvious.

Wolf, Greenwald, and Kennedy are among those who various sources on the left have all but demonized and vilify. Yet those same personalities were embraced not so long ago. As soon as they began to focus their attention and energies on issues involving COVID19 and its handling, when they questioned “Biden Administration” behavior vs. the traditional claims of the Democratic Party, they were ousted from Martha’s Vineyard style polite leftist company.
Just as no one could possibly be as inept as the Biden administration has been in the past 19+ months, a parallel argument could be made that it is inconceivable that in our industry, that the Manufactured Housing institute (MHI) could possibly be as inept as they are. Perhaps some of the Biden regime’s errors and missteps (and by analogy, some MHI glitches) are honest errors. But when one misstep after another occurs, one at a minimum must ask the question, is there a plan? If so, who benefits from these errors? In short, follow the money and follow the facts until a clear picture emerges. Then, continuously test that notion to see if the concerns continue to stand the test of time.
MHI’s latest email made this routinely repetitive but update statement emailed circa 9 AM Wednesday, August 24, 2022).
Note first that in that same email, MHI said not one word about the HUD standards issue addressed by MHARR in a deep dive fashion. Recall that MHI outside attorney John Greiner told us by email that MHI pays his firm to monitor our MHProNews website, and presumably the MHARR website too for similar reasons. So, it is likely that MHI knew about the concerns raised and their response is to ignore it and hope that no one notices.
Then note on that segment above that MHI keeps providing a count of home many emails have been sent. But let’s frame that comment with some facts. If MHI indeed has over 1000 member companies, then 750 emails represents less than a ¾ of an email clicked and sent to members of Congress. Pathetic.
As or more important, there is still no reported claim by MHI of any Democrats as co-sponsors. Without a Democrat on, there is no chance for House passage. Further, without a Senate companion bill that is bipartisan, there is no chance that a bill could emerge that might hit the Biden White House’s desk. This is something MHProNews has said since shortly after their announced ‘plan’ – see the related report below.

Swinging back to national, international and global events related to the World Economic Forum (WEF), which has featured on their website U.S. financial giants that include Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. The YouTube video below is called “Cometh the Horsemen: Pandemic, Famine, War | Michael Yon & Dr Jordan B Peterson.” Peterson and Yon each have their following. Wikipedia says of Canadian Jordan Peterson this: “Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, media personality, author, and a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. He began to receive widespread attention as a public intellectual in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues, often described as conservative.” Peterson is perhaps aptly deemed an intellectual force that is quite willing to engage with personalities on the left and right who contradict sound reason. He is an evidence based thinker.
Yon’s Wiki describes him as thusly: “Michael Yon is an American writer and photographer. He served in the Special Forces in the early-1980s, and he became a writer in the mid-1990s. He focused on military writing after the invasion of Iraq.” Perhaps more useful is this bio-in-brief from his website: At age 19, Michael Yon became the one of the youngest people ever to successfully complete Green Beret training. Over the next six years he learned what it takes to be accepted into one of the United States’ elite and unconventional warfare units. His Green Beret experience taught him the art of observing and surviving in the most dangerous environments on earth. Combining his skills as a writer and a photographer, and with the encouragement of fellow veterans, Michael began his correspondent career by traveling to Iraq in December of 2004. That was the first step in his nearly 20 year journey—traveling the globe to report on world events firsthand. He has traveled to more than 80 countries including China, India, Bhutan and Vietnam.
Restated, these men are objective-minded analytical thinkers and doers. The video below is an insightful international romp with Von and Peterson. Von shares his insights into global events, with boots-on-the ground insights from locals in dozens of nations.
Consider what they’ve said. Then compare it to the years of related reports on MHProNews/MHLivingNews, and you’ll see apparent ties. This isn’t because they follow us, or we follow them (only on occasion when an item like the video discussion above is brought to our attention). That video above is worth the time in an evening instead of some drole ‘newscast’ or relaxing entertainment. Fascism in its true meaning as described by fascist Benito Mussolini has come to wide parts of the Western World. That doesn’t mean it is inevitable. But the point that it is now so obvious is perhaps a blessing in disguise. How that fascist behavior plays out in manufactured housing is thus important to grasp.

Next up is our daily business news recap of yesterday evening’s market report, related left-right headlines, and manufactured housing connected equities.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left leaning CNN and Right-leaning (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this daily business report has been evolving over time, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. For instance. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market-moving’ news items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 8.24.2022
- Bigger than the pandemic
- Houses overlooking the Port of Aberdeen sea port in the Torry district of Aberdeen, UK, on Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Aberdeen in northeast Scotland is trying to make the leap from an oil town to a renewables hub amid growing demand for cheap home-grown energy.
- The UK will have to find an answer to soaring energy bills soon or risk a humanitarian crisis
- What Wall Street hopes to hear from the Federal Reserve at Jackson Hole
- Twitter executives face questions from employees after whistleblower claims
- The 5 key takeaways from the Twitter whistleblower
- Meet the former Twitter exec blowing the whistle on the company
- Twitter whistleblower was on CNN 22 years ago. Here’s what he said
- JPMorgan forces sale of Russian oligarch’s $75-million megayacht
- Biden was wrongly blamed for rising prices. But he doesn’t deserve much credit for the drop
- Japan turns back to nuclear power in significant policy shift
- Are you ready to bet on some football? Gambling stocks hope to get an NFL boost
- MoviePass is coming back. Its timing couldn’t be worse
- US rents hit a record high for the 17th month in a row
- A person wears a face mask outside a Halloween costumes store near Union Square as the city continues Phase 4 of re-opening following restrictions imposed to slow the spread of coronavirus on September 24, 2020 in New York City.
- Party City is hiring 20,000 new workers, expecting an epic Halloween
- A customer views a Apple iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max in the new green color during the sales launch at the Apple Inc. flagship store in New York, U.S., on Friday, March 18, 2022.
- Apple expected to unveil new iPhones at ‘far out’ event on September 7
- How your company can help you pay for starting a family
- Houses under construction at the Norton Commons subdivision in Louisville, Kentucky, US, on Friday, July 1, 2022.
- New home sales fall 12.6% in July as prices rise
- Mortgage rates drop, signaling inflation may have peaked
- New home builds cool as people get priced out
- Home Depot sales show the housing market is still strong
- Most Americans worry about being able to pay rent
- WUHAN, CHINA – NOVEMBER 11: (CHINA OUT) An aerial view of the coal fired power plant on November 11, 2021 in Hanchuan, Hubei province, China. China and the United States on Wednesday released the China-U.S. Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s here at the ongoing COP26 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.his is the 26th "Conference of the Parties" and represents a gathering of all the countries signed on to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Climate Agreement. The aim of this year’s conference is to commit countries to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- China is back to coal as heatwave causes power shortages
- Russia to shut off Europe’s gas again via Nord Stream 1
- Why UK energy prices are rising faster than in Europe
- UK recession looms as households feel pain of energy bills
- EU countries to reduce gas consumption to prep for winter
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 8.24.2022
- Biden Reveals Plan to Cancel $10K in Student Debt for Millions
- President Joe Biden returns the White House Wednesday before announcing the details of his student loan forgiveness plan.
- President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced his long-awaited plan to deliver on a campaign promise to provide $10,000 in student debt cancellation for millions of Americans – and up to $10,000 more for those with the greatest financial need.
- Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
- FBI Conduct Questioned in Trump, Whitmer Cases
- Biden Admin Allowed FBI to Review Classified Documents
- Constitutional Lawyers Argue Warrant Had No Legal Basis
- Dershowitz to Newsmax: To Indict Trump, It ‘Better Meet the Nixon Standard’ | video
- Kash Patel to Newsmax: WH Lied About Knowledge of Mar-a-Lago Search
- Meuser to Newsmax: Mar-a-Lago Raid ‘Outrageous’ | video
- Trump Files Motion for Special Master to Review Seized Materials
- Election Primaries 2022
- Dems Pick Rep. Charlie Crist to Face Gov. DeSantis in November General
- Trump Cheers ‘Fantastic Evening’ of Endorsement Wins
- Former Impeachment Lawyer Goldman Unseats Dem Rep. Mondaire Jones in N.Y.
- Langworthy Edges ‘Mad as Hell Carl’ in N.Y.’s Most Republican District
- Republican Molinaro Lost Special in N.Y.-19 But Should Be in Congress Next Year
- Rep. Markwayne Mullin Wins GOP Senate Primary Runoff
- Y. Dem Rep. Nadler Defeats Dem Rep. Carolyn Maloney
- Trump-Backed N.Y. Rep. Malliotakis Sails Through GOP Primary
- Trump-Backed Candidates Sweep Florida GOP Primaries
- Newsmax TV
- Mullin: ‘Pretty Ugly’ Senate Race Expected This Fall | video
- Grothman: Biden’s Student Loan Plan ‘Kick in the Teeth’ | video
- Pataki: Molinaro Loss in Upstate New York a Concern | video
- McCaul: Revived Nuclear Deal Would Make Iran a Global Power | video
- Spartz: Ukrainians ‘Willing to Die for Freedom’ in War | video
- Chad Wolf: CNN Hosts Talk Over Trump-Affiliated Guests | video
- Dick Morris: McConnell Discounting Red Wave a Disgrace | video
- Fallon: Students Should Pay Off Loans | video
- Newsfront
- Ron Johnson: FBI Whistleblowers Claim Agency Waited on Hunter Biden Laptop
- Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said this week that whistleblowers contacted his office to “allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election.”… [Full Story]
- Kobe Bryant Crash Photo Lawsuit Now With Jury
- A jury in a multi-million-dollar civil case brought by Kobe Bryant’s [Full Story]
- Ukraine President Vows Fight ‘Until the End’ on War Anniversary
- President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a deadly attack on a rail [Full Story]
- Biden Team Defends Palestinian Terrorist Front Groups
- Even as critics blast President Joe Biden’s controversial quest to [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- How Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Will Impact US Consumers
- President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday a long-awaited plan to [Full Story]
- Newsmax to Host New Hampshire GOP Senate Debate at Saint Anselm
- Newsmax is hosting a live New Hampshire Republican Primary Debate at [Full Story]
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- Blackstone Inc is among the several bidders for British rock band [Full Story]
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MHProNews has pioneered in our profession several reporting elements that keep our regular and attentive readers as arguably the best informed in the manufactured housing industry. Among the items shared after ‘every business day’ (when markets are open) is our left-right headline recap summary. At a glance in two to three minutes, key ‘market moving’ news items are covered from left-of-center CNN Business and right-of-center Newsmax. “We Provide, You Decide.” © Additionally, MHProNews provides expert commentary and analysis on the issues that others can’t or won’t cover that help explain why manufactured housing has been underperforming during the Berkshire era while an affordable housing crisis and hundreds of thousands of homeless in America rages on. These are “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © features and others made and kept us the runaway #1 in manufactured housing trade publisher for a dozen years and counting.

Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

- 2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Enjoy these ‘blast from the past’ comments. MHProNews. MHProNews – previously a.k.a. MHMSM.com – has celebrated our 11th year of publishing and have completed over a dozen years of serving the industry as the runaway most-read trade media.
- 2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
Sample Kudos over the years…
It is now 12+ years and counting…
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Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.