Bill Gates, Warren Buffett Ally and Multi-Billion Dollar Berkshire Hathaway Investor, Ordered to Trial in Covid-19 Connected Case; Gates Backs Kamala Harris with $50 Million; Buffett on Election


According to a PDF posted on the Berkshire Hathaway website homepage: “Fraudulent Claims Regarding Mr. Buffett’s Endorsements of Investment Products and Political Candidates: In light of the increased usage of social media, there have been numerous fraudulent claims regarding Mr. Buffett’s endorsement of investment products as well as his endorsement and support of political candidates. Mr. Buffett does not currently and will not prospectively endorse investment products or endorse and support political candidates.” That noted, longtime Buffett ally and prior Berkshire Hathaway board member William “Bill” Gates III has reportedly backed the Kamala Harris (D) campaign with $50 million.  Gates has also been ordered to trial in a Dutch case involving claims by Gates regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 treatments dubbed as “vaccines.”


According to left-leaning Google’s AI powered Gemini is the following.

According to recent information, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation currently holds approximately 21% of its portfolio in Berkshire Hathaway stock, making it the second largest holding in the foundation’s portfolio after Microsoft, with the majority of these shares being donated by Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway;. 

Key points about Gates Foundation’s Berkshire Hathaway holdings: 

  • Percentage of portfolio: Around 21% 

  • Major source of shares: Donations from Warren Buffett 

  • Current position: Second largest holding in the Gates Foundation portfolio 


Also, per left-leaning Yahoo Finance (7.9.2024) is the following.

“Gates’ foundation owns billions in Berkshire Hathaway stock. Today, the trust’s stake in Microsoft is valued at around $15.4 billion. Berkshire Hathaway, meanwhile, is the third-largest position in the trust’s portfolio at around $7.3 billion. Most of those Berkshire shares were donated to the foundation by Buffett.”

According to left-leaning U.S. News Money (8.28.2024) “Bill Gates Portfolio” and “With two big exceptions, the Gates portfolio stayed fairly stable in 2024. Here’s an inside look.”

“Microsoft Corp. (ticker: MSFT) co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates may keep his foundation distinctly separate from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust’s portfolio, held by Cascade Investment LLC, but the trust’s stock lineup is certainly doing its part to support the foundation’s goals.

The trust’s latest 13F filing shows the portfolio’s increase from $45.9 billion in the first quarter of 2024 to $47.7 billion in the second quarter. The portfolio had a modest turnover from quarter to quarter, with Cascade adding big to a cornerstone investment, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B), while leaving other top-tier holdings in place for the quarter.”

“The Gates “value tilt” comes through in his pile-on to Berkshire Hathaway, which has value investment king Warren Buffett as chair and CEO. His most significant investment by far is in Microsoft, which recently represented about a third of the portfolio’s value.”

“The trust’s top two holdings combined, Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway, represent about half of the portfolio at this point.”

With that backdrop, consider the following from the WND News Center to MHProNews in Part I with a related analysis and commentary in brief and related information found in Part II.


Part I


‘They trusted the vaccine narrative and are now paying the price’: Bill Gates ordered to trial as COVID-shot injury case moves forward

Facing claims from 7 injured by the injections ‘over his involvement in misleading the public’

By Bob Unruh | October 23, 2024

A ruling from a Dutch court means that American Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, a major influence in world organizations and a big supporter of the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines,” will go to trial in a case brought by seven people hurt by that agenda.

He repeatedly promoted the vaccines, which have since proven probably to be just about as damaging as COVID-19 itself, with side effects including fatal heart conditions and more.

Here’s one of his promotions:



It is the Gateway Pundit that reported on the judicial decision, and even posted that document online.

The report said Gates will be on trial in the Netherlands “over his involvement in misleading the public about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.”

The seven plaintiffs all described the vaccine injuries they sustained, and they brought the lawsuit last year. Recent court time has been consumed by court consideration of the Gates motion to dismiss the case, based on his claim he was not subject to Dutch courts.

Others named as defendants included former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, members of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 Outbreak Management Team, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and the Dutch government itself.

Gates multiple times made demands of the public regarding the China virus, which probably originated in a Chinese lab experimenting with how to make viruses worse. He and others claimed the vaccine would stop people from getting the virus, and that those taking the virus would not get sick or die.

The Gateway Pundit reported, “The plaintiffs argue that Gates, through his involvement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), was involved in a far-reaching agenda – referred to as ‘The Great Reset Project’ – which sought to exploit the global crisis in order to implement sweeping societal changes, all under the guise of combating the pandemic.”

One claim is that included pushing, even forcing, vaccines on populations even though those “treatments” were known to be dangerous.

“One of the seven plaintiffs has reportedly died since the initial filing, leaving six others to carry on the fight against Gates and his cohorts. These ordinary Dutch citizens, whose identities have been redacted from the court documents, say they trusted the vaccine narrative and are now paying the price,” the Gateway Pundit explained.

It was a ruling from the Leeuwarden District Court that confirmed it does have jurisdiction to hear the case, and that the defendants will include Gates.

The ruling included the conclusion: “Article 7 paragraph 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that if the Dutch court has jurisdiction over one of the defendants, it also has jurisdiction over other defendants involved in the same proceedings, provided that there is such a connection between the claims against the various defendants that reasons of expediency justify joint proceedings.”

The ruling ordered Gates to pay some $1,500 to the plaintiffs for legal costs at this point in the case. ##

Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

1) The PDF of the Dutch court ruling against Gates is linked here.

2) Longer term MHProNews readers may recall that Gates and Buffett went together to East Tennessee to meet with Kevin Clayton and tour a Clayton Homes factory.


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3) In a hyper-busy society with 24/7/365 news it may be that some will tend to forget that in 2020 several controversies erupted linked to Buffett, Gates, and events that occurred in that election cycle. The following are flashback reports. Note that while photographed with Jeffrey Epstein, reports indicate that Trump and Epstein were not buddies. By contrast, Gates and Epstein have been an ongoing source of embarrassment for Gates and may have contributed to the breakup of Bill Gates with his now ex-wife Melinda. Some have speculated that Gates and others are backing Kamala Harris due in part to concerns that if Trump gets back into the White House, details about Epstein and those (like Gates?) in his circle could be revealed. But there is an array of items that may come out should Trump win, and Republicans hold or expand their lead in the U.S. House and take control in the U.S. Senate.




On September 13, 2020, this linked report was uploaded. It points to some of the same people involved in the WEF and the Great Reset. But it also shows how those plans impact the lack of affordable housing, including the lack of manufactured housing, here in the U.S.
The Munger in MTO is the now late Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s longtime partner. Ron Olson’s time on the Berkshire board is documented in the screen capture linked here.








3) Since 2020, obviously several developments have occurred related to those stories and others. It is worth noting that the reports stood the test of time. For example, the apparent corruption involving leaders of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement – linked to self-declared Marxists – have been clarified and routinely confirmed by other sources.




4) Kamala Harris’ (D) own Twitter (now X) feed from that year showed that she raised money for BLM protestors. The leadership of that protest were self-declared Marxists, as is shown above. There was credible evidence of corruption by those BLM Marxists leaders. How was it that Harris, with her years of law enforcement experience and government contacts, was unaware of those things when basic research by MHProNews provided evidence for concern at that time?




5) Restated, the concerns about Harris’ connections to Marxism are a legitimate issue. She has been a far-left politician for years according to multiple sources, with two examples shown.





6) According to the U.K. Telegraph about Kamala Harris’ purportedly Marxist father: “The academic background of Donald Harris, an economics professor at Stanford University, underpins Trump’s accusations.” “Donald Trump branded Kamala Harris a Marxist, claiming her father, a Left-wing academic, had influenced her.” “She’s a Marxist — everybody knows she’s a Marxist,” Trump said during” their debate.  “Her father is a Marxist professor in economics, and he taught her well,” said Trump.

Per that same source: “Robert Blecker, one of his former students told The New York Times, that Professor Harris was outspoken. Although Ms Harris’s parents divorced when she was seven, Prof Blecker said that he could see echoes of her father in Ms Harris. “He was certainly not shy. When I saw Kamala grill Judge Kavanaugh at his hearing, I saw echoes of her father grilling someone in a seminar.”

7) According to the Heritage Foundation in a post that is NOT Kamala Harris linked are the following insights.

…American Marxists, making use of the complacency that victory often produces, have gained more influence than ever before. Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, they now seek to dismantle the foundations of the American republic by rewriting history; reintroducing racism; creating privileged classes; and determining what can be said in public discourse, the military, and houses of worship. Unless Marxist thought is defeated again, today’s cultural Marxists will achieve what the Soviet Union never could: the subjugation of the United States to a totalitarian, soul-destroying ideology.


8) Trevor Loudon is someone who has studied Marxists, socialists, and communists for years. He said the following about Kamala Harris back on 3.12.2019 via the anti-communist Epoch Times. Per the Epoch Times: “Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.”

Loudon said the following.

QuoteMarksLeftSideDemocratic presidential primary front-runner Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) recently told reporters at a campaign stop in New Hampshire that she is “not a democratic socialist.”
The next question should have been obvious: “Well, then, what kind of socialist are you?”
Harris has been surrounded by socialists and communists her entire life—beginning with her staunchly Marxist father. Harris is the older child of two 1960s Berkeley radicals: Shyamala Gopalan, a cancer researcher from the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India, and Donald J. Harris, an economist from Jamaica.
Gopalan and Donald Harris were very active during the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protests of the era, often taking baby Kamala to protests in a stroller, according to a recent article in San Jose daily newspaper The Mercury News on the Harris family.
The couple separated after Donald Harris took a professorship at the University of Madison–Wisconsin. Gopalan filed for divorce in 1971 and won custody of her two daughters in 1973.
Kamala and her younger sister, Maya—now her presidential campaign chair—regularly visited their father during school holidays.
In 1972, Donald Harris left the University of Madison–Wisconsin to begin a visiting professorship of economics at Stanford University.
On Nov. 3, 1976, an article published in the Stanford Daily newspaper claimed that more than 250 students were clamoring for more Marxist perspectives.

Shortly thereafter, a letter was published in the Stanford Daily on Nov. 12, 1976, signed by the Stanford branch of the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE), with signatures from members Bill Dittenhofer, Ari Cohen, Eric Berg, David O’Connor, Arthur Slepian, Sandy Thompson, and Tracy Mott:

“The program in Marxian economics would be much weaker than it is today if had it not been for massive student efforts in the form of petitions, open meetings …

“[It] was only after a divisive one and a one-half year struggle that the opposing elements in the department gave into student pressure and conceded to ’the appointment of Prof. Donald Harris. Thus the presence of Marxian economists here simply indicates the success of the student struggle. … The recent addition of course offerings in Marxian economics is again a direct result of student pressure, not departmental benevolence.” After an 18-month campaign by the union, Harris was offered and accepted a permanent professorship.
The URPE (which last year celebrated its 50th anniversary) began in 1968 as a spinoff of the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). URPE has overlapped considerably with America’s largest Marxist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), since its founding in 1982. One of professor Donald Harris’s Stanford supporters and URPE letter signatories, Mott, is now a professor at the University of Denver, where he works with local DSA activists.
During the summer and fall of 2006, the DSA’s Political Action Committee helped DSA activists around the country host house parties to raise funds that helped Bernie Sanders become the “sole socialist in the U.S. Senate.”
Ironically, Kamala Harris’s most formidable opponent in the Democratic primary so far is Bernie Sanders, a favorite of professor Harris’s old URPE and DSA colleagues…”

9) Japan Today reported on 8.7.2024 that:

Harris picks Minnesota Governor Walz as running mate


10) While controversial, Elon Musk has flatly accused Kamala Harris of being a communist who rewords Marxist and communist expressions in a way that still means much the same thing.




With respect to this next X-post, and in fairness to Kamala Harris (D), Richard Nixon (R) also tried to use wage price-controls. It failed for Nixon and would for Harris.


11) Back to Trevor Loudon via X-posts.


While some might dispute the total estimated millions of “illegals” in the U.S., the thrust of Loudon’s points are supported by a range of sources. For example. Gordon Chang, an expert and author on Communist China, told Vince Collanaignse on WMAL on 10.24.2024 said that TikTok is being used to influence the U.S. elections in favor of Kamala Harris including in down ballot races (meaning, Democrats for state, local, and federal offices).


12)  The enthusiastic support given to Trump by Cuban businessmen is an example of those who have experienced socialist or communist living have in favor of the 45th president and in opposition to Kamala Harris (D). Pundit, author and tech investor Dan Bongino said via WMAL on 10.24.2024 that Republicans are reportedly leading in Miami-Dade early voting.

13) The Wall Street Journal and left-leaning CNBC have both released new polls that indicate Trump is ahead in battleground states, and nationally in the popular vote too.  Right-leaning Newsmax framed it like this.

Former President Donald Trump holds a 2-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris less than two weeks before Election Day, according to two separate surveys.

Trump leads Harris 47% to 45% on a ballot that includes third-party and independent candidates, according to WSJ survey results announced Wednesday night.

CNBC All-America Economic Survey results released Thursday show the former president with a 48%-46% overall lead in the race for the White House.

Both polls are within the margin of error.

CNBC also found that Trump leads 48% to 47% in seven key battleground states. That’s within the 4% margin of error for that portion of the poll.

In August, Harris was ahead by 2 points in the WSJ survey and equal shares of voters viewed her favorably and unfavorably.

Since then, views of the vice president have turned more negative. A share of 53% view her unfavorably while 45% view her favorably, the poll results found. Also, voters now give Harris her worst job rating (42% approving, 54% disapproving) as vice president in the three times the Journal has asked about it since July.

“Voters are finally getting to know her,” said the GOP pollster David Lee, who conducted the Journal survey with Democrat Michael Bocian. “The definitional period is coming to an end, and more people are unhappy with what they have learned about her than what they know about President Trump.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s standing has improved.

The Journal’s survey results show voters recall Trump’s four years as president more positively than at any point in this election cycle. A share of 52% say they approve of his time in office and 48% disapprove.

Voters also say the Republican presidential nominee gets the edge in most cases when asked about the candidates’ agendas and policies.

Trumps holds a 10-point cushion over Harris when voters are asked about the favorability of the candidates’ economic policies. Voters say they have a more unfavorable view of the vice president’s plan by 4 points.

Skipping deeper into Newsmax’s article: “A share of 74% of Black voters, a group that strongly favors Harris, say they will definitely vote, compared with 81% of white voters, a group that leans toward Trump.”

14) With more Blacks and Hispanics reportedly moving toward Trump, and with apparent insults to Catholics and other Christians by Kamala Harris, there are several reasons to think that the momentum is behind Trump. But the bottom line is, as Michael Whatley, RNC Co-Chair told Vince Collanaignse on WMAL is a matter of pro-Trump voters not only voting, and voting early, but also sharing with 10 friends their preference for Trump and the GOP candidates over Harris and Democrats.

Note that Believers for Trump included former HUD Secretary Ben Carson, M.D.


15) Whatley said 230,000 people have volunteered to protect the vote. Bongino, who has run in several campaigns and has had several election experts as guests, has repeatedly indicated that the more people who vote early, the harder it is to cheat. Bongino says not to be thinking ‘red wave’ but to the focused on actually voting and bringing friends, family, and others to vote. Performance in the form of actual ballots by voters like you is what can win the election.


16) Kamala Harris has several problems, as we have reported for weeks, related to her record.  She also has some built-in advantages.  The advantages that she has is that billionaires like Bill Gates are backing her, as have dozens of CEOs. Hundreds in the military industrial complex have endorsed Harris. In a laugh-out-loud endorsement by RINO Republicans Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney while Kamala Harris says she has proudly embraced, Democrats have embraced a man that they repeatedly said was a warmonger and war criminal. The hypocrisy is evident.


17) While Buffett said he is officially staying mute in this election, his support for Democrats for years is well known. Harris has much of the mainstream media and big tech in her corner. Bongino says there will be cheating, but that it will likely be in the 1 to 2 percent of the total legitimate vote range, which explains why he, Whatley and Trump himself have said for weeks that what is needed is for low propensity voters to turn out and “Swamp the Vote.” The polling trends and latest polling are favorable for Trump to pull it off. Bongino says in recent shows that the more real votes there are the lower the likelihood of fraudulent votes influencing the outcome.

But it is also necessary to vote down ballot for those Republican candidates who at the local, state, and federal levels will support Trump’s policies. Bongino says it isn’t enough to vote for Trump and not for anyone else. So long as there is no fallout of Trump voters also voting for Republicans for Congressional and Senate races, the odds are excellent that the House will stay Republican and the Senate will become Republican. That means that the Trump agenda can move ahead.



18) When MHProNews provided Loudon’s video in advance of the 2020 election that linked Joe Biden with some of the same types of groups that Kamala Harris is linked with, some readers may have thought that was preposterous. But MHProNews began featuring Loudon’s research in 2018. Biden’s and Harris’ time in office have demonstrated that they have operated as leftist leaders. Meaning, once again, the reporting with analysis was proven to be correct well in advance of the events that followed.


Trevor Loudon’s “Who’s Who of House Pro-Socialists…Is Your Representative On The List?” Plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates


19) There may be a historic upset in the making. The early voting turnout is favoring Republicans. That could prove useful for manufactured housing. Why? Because as MHProNews has repeatedly reported, in the waning days of the Trump administration there was discussion of antitrust action by federal officials in manufactured housing and there was discussion in the White House of enforcing the “enhanced preemption” provision of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA 2000, MHIA, 2000 Reform Law, 2000 Reform Act). Additionally, as MHProNews reported weeks ago, Trump floated the idea of using tariffs to replace the federal income tax on individuals altogether while also bringing back more manufacturing and higher paying jobs into the U.S.  Of course, Communist China would want Kamala Harris over Trump with that prospect and others that could emerge from a Trump term 2.0.


20) MHProNews notes that historically, Trump has a point. Before Woodrow Wilson (D), the federal government was paid for primarily through tariffs. There was no federal income tax.



21) Barring the unforeseen, MHProNews’ management plans to go to an early voting station here in Polk County, FL and vote. For those who have not yet checked out the pre-election series of articles on the Patch, that includes affordable housing and manufactured home issues, and a range of other issues that impact our nation. That series encourages support for Trump and MAGA or “America First” Republicans for a variety of detailed reasons. But it could be boiled down like this. When 79 percent of the country thinks that the nation is on the ‘wrong track,’ per a recent Fox News poll. Joe Biden (D), Kamala Harris (D), have been running the federal government for over 3.5 years. Democrats in the House and Senate voted in virtual lockstep with Biden and Harris since they moved. Democrats own the last 3.5+ years.

Per left-leaning ABC News:

The Democratic majority in the Senate voted in lockstep last year — among the 147 final Senate roll call votes on questions on which Biden expressed a clear position (including his nominations for judicial or executive posts), the average Democratic senator* voted with Biden 99 percent of the time.

and per that same source is the following.

In 2023, the House took 54 roll call votes on measures on which Biden expressed a clear position. The average Democratic representative sided with Biden on those votes 93 percent of the time, while the average Republican representative voted with the president 5 percent of the time.

Paraphrasing former President Barack Obama (D) Secret Service agent, nationally syndicated talk radio pundit and author Bongino has an interesting way of saying it. Republicans may not be the solution to all of your problems, but Democrats are routinely the cause of your problems.


22) The management of MHProNews are independents. We’ve not been registered with any political party for years. That said, it is just common sense not to reward those who have caused the problems our country is facing, when then Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn admitted on left-leaning that Democrats knew when they enacted the Biden-Harris agenda that it would cause inflation.




Pumping trillions of dollars into the economy may have seemed like a boost to the poor or lower incomes initially. But increasing the money supply resulted in inflation, as then Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC-D)plainly told MSNBC. Inflation hits the lower incomes harder. But even the middle class has been harmed, as some 50 percent of the U.S. now says they are living paycheck-to-paycheck.



23) Clayton Homes and other Berkshire Hathaway linked brands have arguably played an outsized role in manufactured housing and at the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) for much of the 21st century. MHI appears to have taken a pro-Democratic Party stance; while saying they are nonpartisan.






24) Buffett and leftist billionaires like George Soros have supported leftist nonprofits for years, such as the Tides. They in turn support organizations like MHAction.


The collage above is how the WND home page appeared on 1.31.2023, sans the MHProNews third-party content logo and screen capture statement. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


25) Everyone has the right to vote, or not vote. But if someone dislikes what has been occurring in the U.S. in the past 3.5 years, it should be obvious that Democrats are at the root of the array of problems our nation faces.  The answer is rather easy. Vote against Democrats every time. If you can’t bring yourself vote for Trump and candidates who support Trump’s agenda, vote for anyone who is not Democrat. If you want to vote Republican, do an online search for a 2024 voters guide with your county Republican (GOP). Print it out. Take that sample ballot with you into the voting booth. Vote accordingly and watch what the voting machine does with your vote. If gun owners and people of faith voted en masse in every election, statistically the leftist in this country would never have a chance of winning, even in deep blue states. The answer is you vote, then tell your friends and circle of influence to do the same. To learn the latest, see our pre-election series on the Patch linked here.


26) MHProNews has made the case for years that the left and the billionaire class has a de facto alliance. Buffett may not formally back someone this time around, but his history is clear – he supports Democrats and leftist nonprofits. Buffett ally Bill Gates has openly backed Kamala with $50 million.  Left-leaning NBC said:

Kamala Harris’ political operation crosses $1 billion raised …

NBC News › politics › 2024-election › h…
Oct 9, 2024 — Vice President Kamala Harris‘ presidential campaign operation crossed the $1 billion fundraising threshold in September.

MHProNews reported a year ago that the billionaires and Marxists (a.k.a. socialists, communists, fascists, authoritarians, etc.) have a de facto alliance, per historian Hanne Nabintu Herland.




The post below is from April 21, 2021. It has stood the test of time.


To see this remark in context, the featured report linked below. Another item from Haskins is linked here: 


27) We do the documenting and research so you don’t have to, but if you want to double check, MHProNews provides the sources so you can see for yourself.






The Epoch Times is an openly anti-communist publication, which periodically produces infographic or other types of information that spotlights the woes involved in Socialism, Communism and those that follow “Marxist” thinking.
Left-leaning Wikipedia said: Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini’s fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state, which is a combination of crony capitalism and state capitalism:…“Per the ‘father’ of Italian fascism, “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” – Benito Mussolini. Note Mussolini, like Adolf Hitler, were both socialists. They were not from the political right; they were from the political left. Note: while some dispute this quotation, saying they can’t find a reference of the Italian leader saying this word for word, be that as it may, Mussolini’s writings at a minimum support such a possible paraphrase.
Definition of fascist per Benito Mussolini. Benito Musolini Created the Word Fascism. He defined it as ‘the merging of the state and the corporation. This was the definition in Webster’s up until 1987 when a corporation bought Webster’s and changed it to exclude any mention of corporations. Adam McKay.


28) Liars lie because they think that is the only way they can get your support or money.




29) To peacefully change what is going wrong, the answer is simple. Vote the scoundrels out of office. Vote wisely. Vote early if possible. But vote the billionaire-backed leftists and their Democratic allies out.




Walmart Moves into Tiny House Business-Manufactured Housing Industry Should Lean into this Development – Yet Another Cautionary Flag for MHVille and Warning for Manufactured Housing Institute

As a closing point on the election, if Democrats were going to help manufactured housing by enforcing existing laws, they would have done so 3 years ago, and we would not have the affordable housing crisis today. But MHProNews clearly reported that prior HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, the Biden-Harris regime appointee, rejected enforcing “enhanced preemption.”




Rewarding those who have created the housing and inflationary problems is like hiring the arsonist to fight fires. If you ask the arsonist if they are guilty, odds are good they’ll deny it just as Harris, Walz and their surrogates attempts to do. The Democrats themselves have said they have become the party of the wealthy and big corporations.


Some cheer others jeer Malcom X, but this quote is an insightful example of separating the wheat from the chaff. While quite different than Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X had some interesting thoughts on media.


So, vote wisely. Vote early. If you can’t vote before election day, vote on November 5th. But vote. Urge your circle of influence to do the same. There will be an ongoing blitz of stories designed to make Trump look terrible and Kamala look like a saint, but she is from the far left. Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-Democratic Socialist) has said he doesn’t think she has changed her views, she is only saying what she needs to say to get elected. In short, Harris is lying.


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“There are many kinds of journalism, but at the heart of their constitutional responsibilities, journalists are in the business of monitoring and keeping a check on people and institutions in power.” Trade media can and should be a ‘cheerleader’ when it is appropriate to do so. But authentic trade media also holds the powers that be to account. Who says? The American Press Institute.
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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