NLRTimes reports the North Little Rock (AR) City Council could not reach agreement on whether to change the zoning laws that would ban manufactured housing from an area called Crystal Hill. Crystal Hill residents have expressed opposition to becoming subject to zoning laws of North Little Rock, while Mayor Patrick Hays and other council members favor it. Under the previous proposed ordinance, most of Crystal Hill would be zoned R-2 which prohibits most manufactured housing. Existing manufactured houses could be grandfathered in, but if a house was moved or perished, it could only be replaced with a single-family traditional dwelling. Alderwoman Debi Ross made a motion for the R-2 designation to be replaced with R-6 zoning, which allows manufactured homes. “Why can’t we change this to R-6,” she said. “As far as manufactured homes, some of them are nicer than (traditional) homes.” Alderwoman Linda Robinson said some people in a stick-built home may not want a manufactured home right next door. Ross’ motion was defeated and the council voted unanimously to send the measure back to the Planning Commission.