Data from Comscore has reported sharp drops in all segments of mainstream media since Joseph “Joe” Biden moved into the White House. Following a report on that topic from right-leaning WND, graphics and pull quotes from left-leaning Axios are provided. That will be followed by traffic shift insights on MHProNews and MHLivingNews, which are apparently bucking the trend in the post-Trump White House era. Additionally, insights from Newsmax on their surge in viewership that tuned into the 45th President, Donald J. Trump’s, Ohio Rally rounds on this media roundup report.
With that brief set up, here is the first in a series of rapid-fire reports.
“Biden’s presidency killing traffic for all news media” courtesy of the WND News Center – used with permission. Published June 29, 2021
Biden’s presidency killing traffic for all news media
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Reuters suffer 18% drop
By WND News Services
Published June 29, 2021 at 12:06pm
By Andrew Trunsky
Daily Caller News Foundation
Media outlets across the political spectrum have suffered lower traffic since President Joe Biden took office, new data shows.
The data, compiled via Comscore and first reported by Axios, divides news outlets into “far left,” “left-leaning,” “mainstream,” “right-leaning” and “far right,” and shows all five declining from former President Donald Trump’s final months in office to the first months of Biden’s presidency. It shows that “far right” outlets like Newsmax and the Federalist suffered the most, with their aggregate traffic falling almost 44%.
“Far left” outlets like Mother Jones and Raw Story saw a 27% drop, the data shows, while outlets classified as “mainstream” saw an 18% drop. This category included The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Reuters.
Outlets described as “leaning” left or right also saw declines in aggregate traffic, the data showed, with those categorized as leaning right seeing a slightly higher drop than those leaning left.
While so-called “left-leaning” outlets like Buzzfeed News, The Atlantic and Vox saw a 26% decline in user traffic, outlets categorized as “right-leaning” saw a 31% decline, including Fox News and the Daily Caller.
Outlets described as “leaning” left or right also saw an enormous 50% drop in readers’ engagement with their stories on social media, while mainstream outlets saw a 41% drop.
Despite the decline, some predicted that the drop would only be temporary, especially with regard to conservative sites, with a Democrat in the White House.
“I anticipate traffic levels to conservative websites will start to rise in the first half of 2022 starting in about February,” Howard Polskin, who studies conservative media, told Axios. “The midterm elections will begin heating up and audiences will be seeking news and insights about the various races.
“That will help drive audience growth,” he added. “However, I would be surprised if we hit the traffic numbers we saw in 2020.”
This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation. ##
The following report is per left-of-center Axios. MHProNews will quickly note that the news on the border, inflation, rising crime and more are hardly “boring” problems. But left-leaning Axios framed it that way. MHProNews will briefly review the Axios-reported methodology of pigeonholing media bias. That will followed by a stunningly sharp contrast with the trends from mainstream media drop and a significant increase in traffic on MHProNews and MHLivingNews.
By Neal Rothschild, Sara Fischer
Changes in monthly traffic in the months before and after Trump left office
Selected media publications, August 2020-January 2021 (before) and February 2021-May 2021 (after)
In the months since former President Donald Trump left office, media companies’ readership numbers are plunging — and publishers that rely on partisan, ideological warfare have taken an especially big hit.
Why it matters: Outlets most dependent on controversy to stir up resentments have struggled to find a foothold in the Biden era, according to an Axios analysis of publishers’ readership and engagement trends.
By the numbers: Web traffic, social media engagement and app user sessions suggest that while the entire news industry is experiencing a slump, right-wing outlets are seeing some of the biggest plunges.
- A group of far-right outlets, including Newsmax and The Federalist, saw aggregate traffic drop 44% from February through May compared to the previous six months, according to Comscore data.
- Lefty outlets including Mother Jones and Raw Story saw a 27% drop.
- Mainstream publishers including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Reuters dropped 18%.
App visits tell a similar story. Both right-leaning (including Fox News, Daily Caller) and left-leaning (including Buzzfeed News, The Atlantic) saw considerable average drops in app user sessions over this time period at 31% and 26%, respectively, according to Apptopia data.
- Data from Sensor Tower shows that downloads of fringe-right social networking apps like MeWe, Rumble, Parler and CloutHub have also plummeted.
Engagement on social media has taken the biggest dive, according to data from NewsWhip.
- Left-leaning and right-leaning publishers have seen social interactions on stories drop by more than 50%, while mainstream publishers have experienced a slightly more modest drop of 42%.
The big picture: Opposition media traditionally relies on traffic booms when a new party takes office, but right-wing outlets have seen some of the most precipitous declines in readership since a Democratic president took office.
- “In this particular cycle, the opposition is more heavily linked to an ex-president than in the past,” says Rodney Benson, chair of NYU’s Department of Media, Culture, and Communication.
- “And the fact that Trump has been banned from the major social media likely has spill-over effects decreasing circulation of the opposition media.”
Between the lines: While the Biden administration has seen plenty of debate over policy, economics and a a crisis at the border, personality-based controversy has largely been absent.
- “He’s not giving the opposition a lot to attack,” Benson notes. “This could suppress the audience for pro-Trump media, at least in the short-term.”
- A slower political news cycle has put the spotlight on breaking news stories that may not have otherwise gotten as much attention in the Trump era, like a ship getting caught in the Suez Canal or the Derek Chauvin trial.
Yes, but: Changes to the media landscape could also be at play here. For example, there’s been enormous growth in conservative podcasts over the past year.
- In particular, an analysis from conservative media expert Howard Polskin finds that younger conservative talk personalities, like Ben Shapiro, Dan Bongino and Steven Crowder are gaining enormous traction, alongside veterans like Bill O’Reilly and Mark Levin.
What to watch: “I anticipate traffic levels to conservative websites will start to rise in the first half of 2022 starting in about February,” Polskin said.
- “The midterm elections will begin heating up and audiences will be seeking news and insights about the various races,” he said. “That will help drive audience growth. However, I would be surprised if we hit the traffic numbers we saw in 2020.”
Methodology: To measure the decline in engagement among certain types of publishers, Axios created five groups of publishers based on assessments of their news bias, in consultation with news bias ranking service NewsGuard. Each group contains 4 different publishers, with the exception of mainstream, which contains 8. Those groups include far-right, right-leaning, mainstream, left-leaning, and far-left. ##
Note that Sharyl Attkisson’s left-right media bias chart arguably provides a more useful insight that Axios did, above. Specifically, Axios said that the “New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Reuters” were considered to be “mainstream.” That is a dodge to the question of media bias. Attkisson’s media bias rates 3 of the four of those as leaning left. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), says Attkisson, leans right. MHProNews will further note that the WSJ might also be described as “establishment” media, which at times will align with corporate bias, that has for some time leaned left.

Additionally, this specific item from Newsmax yesterday (6.29.2021) may well underscore that a key difference for all mainstream media outlets is the void caused by the lack of President Trump being front and center in the news. “According to Nielsen, 1.9 million cable viewers tuned into Newsmax to watch the network’s coverage of the former president’s [Donald J. Trump] rally Saturday in Wellington, Ohio. Newsmax estimates another 1.3 million viewers watched through free streaming devices, bringing Newsmax’s total viewership over 3 million. Fox News did not air the President’s rally live.” That source added that “Newsmax had more than double CNN’s impressions and triple MSNBC’s, during the same time period.”
That also seems to confirm what Axios, Daily Caller and WND noted, namely that they expect engagement to rise on conservative media in 2022 as midterm elections approach.
MHProNews provided the transcript and video of the Trump rally in Ohio at the link below. Our most recent e-mailed news update traffic data reveals tha this report is near the top

A new survey also tellingly reflects the notion that nearly half of the all Americans questions or disbelieves the notion that Joe Biden is rightfully the U.S. president.

Additional Information, More MHProNews Analysis and MHProNews-MHLivingNews Traffic Insights
While it is true that traffic spiked on MHProNews in November 2020 and January 2021, apparently due to the drama of the various election-fraud claims and related controversies, nevertheless, Webalizer data on 6.29.2021 states that traffic on MHProNews month-to-date in June 2021 is up over July 2020.
Traffic month-to-date on MHProNews is up over 1.128% over July 2020.
Additionally, pages viewed per visitor stands at a at a robust 6.407 average pageviews per visitor in June 2021. That is about double the engagement of visitors reported by numbers in the mainstream media.
On MHLivingNews, the traffic growth has been higher still – 1.311 % growth month-to-date June 2021 vs. July 2020. MHLivingNews has far fewer pages than MHProNews (under 1000 articles and reports vs. over 20,000 on MHProNews). That said, MHLivingNews, which usually ads content about once or twice a week still enjoys a high engagement per visit rate of 5.406 pageviews per visitor average month-to-date in June 2021.
Reader feedback is considered on both platforms, along side Webalizer data that provides hard data. It seems apparent that even longer reports that both MHProNews and MHLivingNews often provide have yielded healthy engagement, loyal and increased audiences. Our audience apparently grasps this notion:
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” — Zig Ziglar.
While MHProNews and MHLivingNews are small compared to mainstream media sites, nevertheless, we enjoy several million unique visits per year on those sites. Compared to all other manufactured home trade media noted in the postscript of the report linked below, nothing else in manufactured housing even comes close. Facts, evidence, and common-sense analysis on MHProNews/MHLivingNews are paying off with the manufactured home industry’s runaway largest and most engaged audiences. Our thanks to our audience and sponsors for rewarding meaty content with manufactured housing’s largest following.

Next, is our evening market report and related left-right headlines.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left (CNN) – Right (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this business daily report has recently been modified, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market moving’ items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business = evening of 6.29.2021
- Partisan economics
- People carrying shopping bags cast shadows while walking in Midtown on December 13, 2020 in New York City.
- Unemployment is shrinking. The stock market is booming. But Republicans are miserable
- American consumer confidence jumps to highest level since the pandemic started
- Big Tech is booming again, and the bull run appears to be far from over
- United orders 270 jets, the largest aircraft purchase in the company’s history
- First-year analysts at JPMorgan will now make $100,000
- This shoe chain can’t find enough workers. It hopes self-checkout can fill the void
- The latest tech company offering employees the option to come back to the office
- Elon Musk touts SpaceX surging internet growth, but still says goal is to avoid bankruptcy
- A credit card giant says no one should work from the office five days a week
- Opinion: Housing demand is about to weaken. Here’s why
- Microsoft Office is getting a major redesign
- A migrant worker works at a building construction site on May 29, 2021 in Singapore.
- Millions of jobs and a shortage of applicants. Welcome to the new economy
- Tucker Carlson claimed the NSA is spying on him. Even his colleagues are skeptical
- Employees ring up customer purchases at the Hee Haw Fireworks store in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, U.S., on Wednesday, June 30, 2020. With widespread cancellations of community Independence Day celebrations nationwide due to social distancing mandates related to Covid-19, backyard fireworks use is expected to hit an all-time high this year.
- Fireworks will be hard to come by this year. Here’s why
- Watch Yellen warn Congress: This could have ‘catastrophic economic consequences’
- San Francisco’s crime surge fueled by Covid-19, poverty and homelessness
- Wedding planner: There’s panic-booking happening right now
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – evening of 6.29.2021
- Trump Blasts Barr As ‘Weak,’ Pathetic’ As Ex-AG Book Excerpt Made Public
- Former President Donald Trump pilloried his former Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday, accusing him of being “weak” and “pathetic” Washington D.C. “swamp creature.”… [Full Story]
- Newsmax Beats Fox in Key Ratings, Trump Rally Draws 3+ Million Viewers
- Donald Trump’s super-charged return to the political stage over the [Full Story]
- Israeli Foreign Minister Thanks Trump and Netanyahu
- Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid inaugurated Israel’s new embassy [Full Story]
- Trump Testing Czar Giroir: Lab Accident ‘Most Likely Origin’ of Virus
- Prominent Trump administration coronavirus task force member [Full Story] |
- GOP Lawmakers Pushing New Election-Auditing Office in Budget
- Republicans and Democrats are feuding over whether Pennsylvania’s [Full Story]
- Dollar Gains as New Virus Outbreaks Seen Undermining Global Recovery
- Other currencies falter, and the dollar becomes a haven. [Full Story]
- House Will Vote on Removing Confederate Statues from Capitol
- The House of Representatives will vote Tuesday on a piece of [Full Story]
- Experts Say the PRO Act Isn’t as Advertised
- The Protecting the Right to Organize (or PRO) Act could be costly for [Full Story] |
- California Governor Sues to Get Party ID on Recall Ballot
- California Gov. Gavin Newsom is suing the state elections chief he [Full Story]
- DeSantis on Speaker Roster at Nevada Event as Presidential Nom Race Heats Up
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is reportedly set to speak at a Nevada [Full Story]
- Moderna’s COVID Shot Produces Antibodies Against Delta Variant
- Moderna Inc. said its vaccine produced protective antibodies against [Full Story]
- Sopranos’ Fans Get First Glimpse Into Highly-Anticipated Prequel
- Fans of “The Sopranos” have just been given a glimpse into how a [Full Story] |
- Mo Brooks: ‘I Do Not Trust CNN to Be Honest or Truthful’
- Mo Brooks, R-Ala., ripped into CNN, saying it lies through its [Full Story]
- Newsom Suing State Elections Chief to Get Party Listed on Recall Ballot
- California Gov. Gavin Newsom has filed a lawsuit against California [Full Story]
- Prosecutors Press for Grand Jury Probe of Condo Collapse
- Prosecutors in Florida will pursue a grand jury investigation into [Full Story]
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- Biden to Visit Condo Collapse Site on Thursday
- Florida Condo President Warned of ‘Accelerating’ Damage to Building
- Donalds to Newsmax: Condo Boards Like in Surfside Make ‘Own Laws’ |
- Walmart Launches Low-priced Private Label Analog Insulin
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- 8th Grade Teacher Distributes Flyer Saying No Consent Needed For Abortion, Birth Control
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- Supreme Court: No Right to Hearing for Some Immigrants
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- Bloomberg: Rudy Giuliani Facing Probe of Lobbying Trump for Turkey
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- Derek Chauvin Close to Plea Deal on Civil Rights Charges
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- Eruzione to Newsmax: Olympian Berry Wrong to Protest Anthem
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- Trump’s Border Visit Showcases Key Issue for GOP Base
- Former President Donald Trump’s trip to the border Wednesday is [Full Story]
- Putin’s Powerful Propaganda Machine: Grabs Mantle as ‘Conservative Leader’
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- Obama Accuses Trump of Making Up ‘a Bunch of Hooey’ About Election
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- The U.N. investigator on human rights in Iran has called for an [Full Story]
- HHS: Big Drop in Children at El Paso Detention Facility
- A top U.S. official touted progress at an El Paso migrant children [Full Story]
- California Asks Residents to Avoid Charging Electric Cars Amid Power Grid Strain
- California’s power grid operators have asked the state’s residents to [Full Story]
- More Newsfront
- Finance
- Juul to Pay North Carolina $40 Million Over Claims it Targeted Youth
- E-cigarette maker Juul Labs Inc. has agreed to pay $40 million to North Carolina to settle a lawsuit by the state accusing it of marketing its products to minors. [Full Story]
- Consumer Confidence Soars on Upbeat Views About Economy
- Housing Prices Jump the Most in More Than 3 Decades
- United Goes All-In With Biggest Jetliner Order Ever
- IMF Nominates China’s Central Bank Deputy to Senior Post
- More Finance
- Health
- Common Viruses Surge Due to COVID ‘Immunity Debt’
- Healthcare experts around the world are warning that while cases of COVID-19 are declining there is a surge of viral outbreaks from other, more common diseases. By avoiding contact with others last year we failed to build up natural immunity and we will pay the price…. [Full Story]
- Kids Born Through Fertility Treatments Have No Higher Cancer Risk
- New Weekly Injection Found Effective Against Diabetes
- Nurse Continuity at Home Keeps Dementia Patients Out of Hospital
- An Unhappy Marriage More Harmful to Men’s Health Than Smoking
Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

Spring 2021…
Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.