The government has produced 130,000 units of housing each year, but the government needs 230,000 homes per year, Collins told MPs, reminding them that “prefabrication” has become associated with the incredible housing need following WWII. He stated, “Things have moved on a lot in the prefabricated market and modern methods of off-site construction and manufacture and then on-site assembly have transformed the use of this technology and its application for modern housing.”
He says it will re-balance as well as stimulate the market, “not through subsidy of the market but through the development of new technology that will offer new choice and lower price.” Citing the Y:Cube modular homes in South London that MHProNews reported on May 22, 2014, he said they can be built in a week, assembled on site in a week, resulting in 50 accommodations in less than 11 months, inexpensive and durable.
Noting this will unleash a revolution in the design and delivery for new homes in the UK, Collins adds, “This changes the economy totally of the housing market, both for the developer and also for the tenant of the property as well,” as he urges his fellow MPS to support the initiative. ##
(Photo credit: 24dash–modular apartments in England)