

Legacy Housing Files for IPO, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates

Legacy Housing has announced that it has filed a form S-1 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding its Initial Public Offering (IPO). That IPO and some related insights will be our featured report for this evening.   If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

Legacy Housing Files for IPO, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates Read More


Cavco Chairman Joseph H. Stegmayer Steps Down Under SEC Cloud, “Personal, Confidential” SEC Document, Cavco Industries’ Statement

  A memorandum from the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) dated yesterday opens as follows: “November 8, 2018 Personal and Confidential   Joseph H. Stegmayer [Address] [City, State Zip]   Dear Joseph: This letter confirms our discussions regarding your resignation from your current positions as Chairman of the Board and …

Cavco Chairman Joseph H. Stegmayer Steps Down Under SEC Cloud, “Personal, Confidential” SEC Document, Cavco Industries’ Statement Read More


Markets Muted, Mixed, See FED OMC Meeting Notes, Plus MH Market Updates

The day after a 500+ point rise on the Dow, the markets were mixed and muted. The Federal Reserve Open Markets Committee kept rates the same, but there were some interesting clues in the tea leaves that investors – including those in MHVille – need to digest. That will be …

Markets Muted, Mixed, See FED OMC Meeting Notes, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


National New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Data Summary, September 2018 Analysis

    The most recent data collected on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reflects a small dip in new manufactured home production.   According to information and analysis provided by MHARR, the following are the totals for September 2018. “Just-released statistics indicate that HUD …

National New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Data Summary, September 2018 Analysis Read More


Direct Relationship – Rule of Law, Sound Information, Equal Access, Profits & Pay – MHVille, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson

  “A group of protesters gathered outside the Northwest D.C. home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Nov. 7,” is how the left-of-center Washington Post and related video reported it.     The front door of right-of-center Fox News host Carlson’s home was cracked yesterday by purported AntiFa type …

Direct Relationship – Rule of Law, Sound Information, Equal Access, Profits & Pay – MHVille, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson Read More


Sun Communities Strategic Investment in Ingenia Communities, Info, Videos Beyond the Release, Plus Manufactured Home Industry Market Updates

The markets are up over 500 points today, as the midterms and that part of ‘uncertainty’ are done. The full import of what’s occurred will be sorted out by professionals and investors.  While voters were being cast, and pundits were getting ready to pour over data, Sun Communities announced yesterday …

Sun Communities Strategic Investment in Ingenia Communities, Info, Videos Beyond the Release, Plus Manufactured Home Industry Market Updates Read More

Red Wave? Blue Wave? Here’s What Wall Street Is Watching, plus MH Market Updates

Take a giant step back. Then, stop and think. The first part of that headline is from CNBC, a left-of-center media outlet. For about a year, the mainstream media has said that a ‘blue wave is coming.’  We’ll see in a matter of hours.  But the fact that they finally …

Red Wave? Blue Wave? Here’s What Wall Street Is Watching, plus MH Market Updates Read More


Sexual Harassment, #MeToo Small Business Workplace Webinar

  “Sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement have received lots of news coverage of late,” says the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).   “While most of the headlines focus on big-name companies, illegal harassment occurs in businesses of all sizes,” said their statement to the Daily Business News on …

Sexual Harassment, #MeToo Small Business Workplace Webinar Read More


On the Eve of the Midterms, Closing on Willie Horton? Plus, MH Market Updates

Markets rose, but they’ve been bouncing around pre-midterms through much of October.  This past weekend, several of the Sunday talk shows featured the booming economy.  It was a surprising pivot from media outlets that have kept mum of the economic boom in roughly 21 months of President Trump’s administration. With …

On the Eve of the Midterms, Closing on Willie Horton? Plus, MH Market Updates Read More


MH Sales, Marketing, Management Life Lesson – Plan A, Plan B

  Imagine the following, because the odds are good that it has already happened to you and your business.   Let’s presume for the next few minutes that you are an ethical person, working in an honest business. Based on that, do you have to have a perfect product or …

MH Sales, Marketing, Management Life Lesson – Plan A, Plan B Read More


Business Strategy, Open and Stealth Clients, Transparency, and Manufactured Housing

  When you’re in a business, you better know as much about what influences your profession as you can. That’s a view that billionaires Warren Buffett and Donald J. Trump had in common, 3 years ago.  No doubt, both see it similarly today too. Knowing how to maneuver in an …

Business Strategy, Open and Stealth Clients, Transparency, and Manufactured Housing Read More


October Jobs “Astonishing” Report, Mark Levin on Midterms, and MH Market Updates.

There are two videos this evening, and the one that we think is the most fun is the one with Mark Levin.  When he’s doing the interviewing, he’s often laid back.  When Levin is doing the talking, he’s often on-fire.  This is the later, insightful and passionate. Those will be …

October Jobs “Astonishing” Report, Mark Levin on Midterms, and MH Market Updates. Read More


Manufactured Home Businesses, Employees, and Single Payer Health Care – Facts for the Midterms

  As numbers of manufactured housing business owners know the head-aches that came with ObamaCare.  Everyone in the industry is impacted by this issue.   Let’s start with a blast of common sense. There is nothing that is free. Someone always pays. MHProNews has made a simple point, by quoting …

Manufactured Home Businesses, Employees, and Single Payer Health Care – Facts for the Midterms Read More


Tara Reardon, ROC’s-On Sharing Manufactured Home Solution with Thousands

  “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” – motto of the Christopher’s   There are good reasons to be open to concepts from across the left-right divide, as pro-free enterprise, pro-Constitutionally limited government MHProNews has exemplified for years. Among the stronger voices for successfully …

Tara Reardon, ROC’s-On Sharing Manufactured Home Solution with Thousands Read More


Herman Cain, Republican Voters Historic, Strong Early Voting Turnout, But Avoid Complacency, Vote – Plus MH Market Updates

There are several sources, and several reasons cited for the roller coaster in October markets.  Stifel investments today, and others firms and observers have cited concerns over the outcome of the midterms as reasons for the volatility.  Conventional wisdom says the Democrats will take the House, but Republicans will hold …

Herman Cain, Republican Voters Historic, Strong Early Voting Turnout, But Avoid Complacency, Vote – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Due Credit, Warren Buffett, Media, and Manufactured Housing’s Historic Achievement

  “What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history,” –        Warren Buffett, per MarketWatch.   “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken,” – Warren Buffett, per Brainy Quote.   “The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a …

Due Credit, Warren Buffett, Media, and Manufactured Housing’s Historic Achievement Read More


Top Industry in 50 U.S. States At-A-Glance, Infographic and Chart

  Tonight’s final article will be sooooooooooooo simple.   What is the top industry in the state(s) that you or your location(s) operate in? You may be surprised.   According to the sources as shown, above and below are the facts.     If you are in manufactured home (MH) …

Top Industry in 50 U.S. States At-A-Glance, Infographic and Chart Read More


Who Gets Credit? Latest National Data, Including Wages, Salary Jump Decade’s High-VIDEOS, Plus MH Market Updates

“It’s the economy, stupid,” said James Carville in one of his most famous lines as President Bill Clinton’s adviser. Sadly, Carville also gets credit for the infamous “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” line too. President Ronald Reagan asked a pocket book …

Who Gets Credit? Latest National Data, Including Wages, Salary Jump Decade’s High-VIDEOS, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Nathan Smith, SSK Communities, and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Slam New National Manufactured Home Communities Group in Written Statement

  In a written statement provided to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and their prior Executive Committee Chairman, Nathan Smith, slammed the new manufactured home communities association.   From the issue shown in the screen capture above, comes the following direct quote: “MHI was …

Nathan Smith, SSK Communities, and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Slam New National Manufactured Home Communities Group in Written Statement Read More

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