

MHCommunity & Other Curation – Business, Marketing, Investment Info for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals

Near the close of 2017, Guy Benson spotlighted a simple, troubling point. Propaganda works. Be it Benson, or other articles that utilize third-party sources, those are ‘curated’ on the Daily Business News for the manufactured housing professional.  So there is a mix of original reports, often due to news tips …

MHCommunity & Other Curation – Business, Marketing, Investment Info for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals Read More


$100s of Billions Will Pour into U.S. in 2018, How Much of that Capital Will Deploy in Manufactured, PreFab Housing?

Executive Summary The combination of the new tax law, a growing economic boom, and talk by Apple and other tech giants of bringing back to the U.S. some $200-$400 Billion dollars in 2018 alone will create a search for valuable ways to deploy that capital. With the affordable housing crisis …

$100s of Billions Will Pour into U.S. in 2018, How Much of that Capital Will Deploy in Manufactured, PreFab Housing? Read More


Beyond Skyline/Champion Merger, What’s Next in Manufactured Housing? Plus MHMarket Update$

  Yes, the Champion/Skyline Merger Deal is on people’s minds today. We covered that announcement first and best earlier in the Daily Business News. Yes, Skyline SURGED on today’s new$. But MHProNews is also scanning the horizon, beyond the now, to what’s next… …and why. If you’re new, already hooked …

Beyond Skyline/Champion Merger, What’s Next in Manufactured Housing? Plus MHMarket Update$ Read More


Skyline Homes and Champion Home Builders To Merge

“Champion Enterprises Holdings, LLC, the parent company of Champion Home Builders Inc., said that they reached a definitive agreement for the two companies to combine their operations,” per RTT News. “Skyline and Champion Home Builders announce agreement on business combination to create the nation‘s largest publicly traded factory-built housing company,” …

Skyline Homes and Champion Home Builders To Merge Read More


Eleven Picked, RV/MH Heritage Foundation Class of 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees

ELKHART, Indiana.  The RV/MH Heritage Foundation board of directors has announced the names of those who will be honored and inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame (Hall) as members of the Class of 2018. Foundation President Darryl Searer said, “In an extraordinary move, the MH nominating committee recommended that …

Eleven Picked, RV/MH Heritage Foundation Class of 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees Read More


“Devil’s Bargain,” “Fire and Fury” – Head Fake, or Uncivil War?

Whatever your politics or personal take on the 45th president and his agenda, there is widespread agreement on one thing. American politics may never be the same again. With manufactured housing and other stocks riding high, some wonder what impact this highly publicized uncivil war will have on the Trump …

“Devil’s Bargain,” “Fire and Fury” – Head Fake, or Uncivil War? Read More


Dow Tops 25k! Jobs, Oil and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Market Update$

The Dow has topped 25,000 for the first time in history. It’s the latest in a series of records that have led even some in the left-of-center media to admit that President Donald J. Trump’s economic policies are having a positive economic impact. Jobs, oil, and manufactured housing will be …

Dow Tops 25k! Jobs, Oil and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Lawsuits for Triple Damages – Anti-Trust, Anti-Monopoly Law, Manufactured Housing, and You

“The Clayton Act also authorizes private parties to sue for triple damages when they have been harmed by conduct that violates either the Sherman or Clayton Act and to obtain a court order prohibiting the anticompetitive practice in the future,” says the Federal Trade Commission website page, further linked below. …

Lawsuits for Triple Damages – Anti-Trust, Anti-Monopoly Law, Manufactured Housing, and You Read More


The Economy isn’t just Good, It’s Surging, Puzder on Repatriation and 2018 Preview; Today’s MHMarket Update$

Former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder on companies using extra profits from tax reform to re-invest in the U.S, per reports from media outlets across the political spectrum today. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – …

The Economy isn’t just Good, It’s Surging, Puzder on Repatriation and 2018 Preview; Today’s MHMarket Update$ Read More


Celebration, Fact Check$, Plus Small Biz Nuts and Bolts on 2018 Tax Changes

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) issued the following statement in a release to MHProNews. President and CEO Juanita Duggan, speaking about the on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act becoming law: “NFIB fought for decades for a real tax cut for small business owners. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act dramatically improves …

Celebration, Fact Check$, Plus Small Biz Nuts and Bolts on 2018 Tax Changes Read More


Sellers Could Boom, Buyers Could Struggle in 2018, and Manufactured Housing

“Without a significant jump in home construction, prices will remain high and likely move higher. Mortgage rates could also move slightly higher, and new tax policy limiting mortgage and property tax deductions, is hitting homeowners in some states hard,” says Diana Olick for CNBC’s real estate “Reality Check.” Olick pointed …

Sellers Could Boom, Buyers Could Struggle in 2018, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Shock!?! “Never Trump” NYTimes Touts “Trump Effect” on Business, POTUS Video, Plus MH Market Update$

It was obvious to the publishers of the Daily Business News 18 months ago. But when an increasing number of left-and-right wing “never Trump” media and figures are admitting that his policies are having a positive impact on the economy and business, is it time for other never-Trumpers to sit …

Shock!?! “Never Trump” NYTimes Touts “Trump Effect” on Business, POTUS Video, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis

It was a document read into the Congressional Record. It was first published by MHProNews. Barney-Frank_Finance-Reform_ManufacturedHousingLendingDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews The document originated from a reader who sent it in as a news-making tip. As in last night’s report, industry veterans will rapidly ‘get it.’ The two “Smoking Gun” documents from 21st Mortgage were …

Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis Read More


Was Bill Clinton Just Wrong, or Did He Lie? MH Impact – Facts, Analysis

Every industry professional, regardless of politics, should easily grasp the punch line. Let’s dive into the headline question. Even in the wake of the spreading wave of sexual abuse scandals, former President Bill Clinton remains for millions a quite popular figure.  By all accounts, in person, he’s charming and delights …

Was Bill Clinton Just Wrong, or Did He Lie? MH Impact – Facts, Analysis Read More


Surprise! Partisan 2017 Ends with Disbelief, 2018 Previews – Plus MH Market Update$

Does the politics every end? Will you believe the graphic in one of the 2 videos below when you see it? 2018 is upon us, and that means mid-term elections are too. With 10 Democratic Senate seats up for grabs in 2018, what do the tea-leaves hold for the first …

Surprise! Partisan 2017 Ends with Disbelief, 2018 Previews – Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


2017 Bi-Partisan Political Cartoons in Review (Note: Insightful, Satire, Tragic, Humor…)

Stating the obvious brings often clarity to an issue. Cartoonists are akin to others in the media in this respect.  They typically have a left-or-right of center tilt, or agenda. 13 ½ months ago, some never believed that Donald J. Trump could win the race for the White House, much …

2017 Bi-Partisan Political Cartoons in Review (Note: Insightful, Satire, Tragic, Humor…) Read More


Beyond ‘Trailers’ – Buying Modern Manufactured Homes, What Insurance Giant State Farm Got Right, Not Right – Analysis

“A lot has changed in the way manufactured homes are constructed, utilized, and perceived,” reads a page on the State Farm Insurance website.  Those are the first words under the photo at the left and after their classic headline, “Beyond ‘Trailers’ – Buying Modern Manufactured Homes,” “For starters, there’s sometimes …

Beyond ‘Trailers’ – Buying Modern Manufactured Homes, What Insurance Giant State Farm Got Right, Not Right – Analysis Read More


Biggest Biz Blunders 2017, Bill Gates Top Success Tip Videos, Plus MH Market UPdate$

Two pithy videos today bring you the landmines that other professionals stepped in during 2017, plus ‘the favorite book lesson’ for Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are …

Biggest Biz Blunders 2017, Bill Gates Top Success Tip Videos, Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


2018 Outlook-Crisis Spell$ Opportunity, Per Leonard Kiefer, Freddie Mac Data

“For over two years, since at least 2015, I’ve heard one common theme: housing supply is tight. It’s difficult to find a home, particularly for first time homebuyers,” said Leonard Kiefer, Deputy Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, in a post on LinkedIn. Kiefer quips, “…if you think housing markets are …

2018 Outlook-Crisis Spell$ Opportunity, Per Leonard Kiefer, Freddie Mac Data Read More


Latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, with Manufactured Home Connections

The final S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indices Report to be issued in 2017 provides a snapshot of the October 2017 data. It also yields and opportunity for manufactured home industry professionals to consider. 4 Top Lines for Manufactured Housing Consideration from S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indices A) Thousands …

Latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, with Manufactured Home Connections Read More

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