

Study Recommending New Manufactured Housing Association for Independent Retailers, Communities, Lenders, Others Released

As was teased earlier today, a new report has been released that recommends to manufactured housing industry companies and state associations that a new “post-production” trade association be formed to represent their unique interests. A post-production association could be defined as an trade association that represents all those not directly …

Study Recommending New Manufactured Housing Association for Independent Retailers, Communities, Lenders, Others Released Read More


AG’s Google Anti-Trust Probe, Signal of Things to Come in MHVille? MH Market Updates

If you wonder why the Daily Business News has spent time tracking anti-trust activity in the U.S. and abroad, the answer is simple. It impacts manufactured housing, directly. But further, it may signal anti-trust activity to come in the manufactured housing industry itself. Yesterday we looked at Warren Buffett and Apple are part …

AG’s Google Anti-Trust Probe, Signal of Things to Come in MHVille? MH Market Updates Read More


Troubling New Study Reveals a Millennial Trend, Business, Economic, Political Impact 

Truth can be taught and caught. But so too can error, delusions, deceptions, and lies. “People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it,” said Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst.  That observation of Langer’s …

Troubling New Study Reveals a Millennial Trend, Business, Economic, Political Impact  Read More


Eminem, “8 Mile,” “Mobile Homes,” Frank Rolfe – Understanding Media and Public Perceptions of Manufactured Housing

“To solve a problem, you must first be willing to accept the problem by acknowledging that the problem exists,” stated Jacquie Hooker on Quizlet. Many who aren’t exposed to “critical thinking” need an explanation that Hooker isn’t talking about criticizing someone or something. Rather, critical thinking is logical thinking – …

Eminem, “8 Mile,” “Mobile Homes,” Frank Rolfe – Understanding Media and Public Perceptions of Manufactured Housing Read More


Buffett Up$ Apple Stake, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$

If you wonder why Warren Buffett and Apple are part of a headline on a manufactured housing industry focused market page, maybe you’ve been on vacation? Or missed those recent special Daily Business News reports… PreFab housing moves are being made – and/or are potentially poised to be made – …

Buffett Up$ Apple Stake, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$ Read More


Profitable Insight$ – POTU$ Trump Effect on MH Stock$ at 1 Year, Part 4

“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” – Mark Twain There’s a dizzying array of stock, markets, finance, and investment related websites. Those sites have a collection of resources and data. Some are in near-real time. The tech behind several of those sites is nothing …

Profitable Insight$ – POTU$ Trump Effect on MH Stock$ at 1 Year, Part 4 Read More


GOP Split on Roy Moore, Tax Reform – Plus Manufactured Housing’s Market Update$

The controversy over allegations against GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from AL is sucking up O2. The story was first floated by the pro-Democratic publisher, Washington Post.  But now, it’s one of the hottest topics inside and outside of conservative and progressive politics. It could impact who controls …

GOP Split on Roy Moore, Tax Reform – Plus Manufactured Housing’s Market Update$ Read More


Bill Gates’ Subsidiary Belmont Plans Smart City of Future, What Role Will Factory Built Homes Play?

45 Minutes west of downtown Phoenix, AZ is the site. An operation called Belmont Partners, owned by one of the richest men in the world has just bought 25,000 acres for $80 million dollars. Bill Gates, Microsoft’s founder, is making a splash. The plan, the operation said in a press …

Bill Gates’ Subsidiary Belmont Plans Smart City of Future, What Role Will Factory Built Homes Play? Read More


State of the Manufactured Home Industry, Comparing RV vs. MH Data

An objective look at relevant data is one of several ways to obtain a clear-eyed view of the true State of the Manufactured Housing Industry, in November of 2017. There are two graphics below. One is the national RV shipment data, per the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA). That is …

State of the Manufactured Home Industry, Comparing RV vs. MH Data Read More

CriminalChargesFiledMHCommunityCityattorenysanantonioJoe MangioneManufacturedHousingIndsutryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews665

Criminal Charges Filed Against Manufactured Home Community Owner

It’s been about 6 months since the Daily Business News last reported on the Oak Hollow community in San Antonio, TX. A decrepit sewage sanitation system is a key part of the allegations. It was problem back then, but it has turned into a criminal indictment of Joe Mangione, the …

Criminal Charges Filed Against Manufactured Home Community Owner Read More


Trump Effect – 1 Year Election Impact on Manufactured Housing Connected Stocks, Part 2

Yesterday, in Part 1, of this report, the first part of our alphabetical review of manufactured home connected stocks one year since President Trump won the election was reviewed. Affiliated Management Group, (AMG) Berkshire Hathaway, (BRK-A) Brookfield Asset Management, (BAM) Carlyle Group, The (CG), Cavco Industries, (CVCO) . were covered …

Trump Effect – 1 Year Election Impact on Manufactured Housing Connected Stocks, Part 2 Read More


Just the Facts – Trump Effect on Manufactured Home Connected Stocks, Part 1

While providing ‘fair and balanced’ coverage, as was reviewed earlier today in a separate report, it was a strategic decision to editorially support the Trump campaign in 2016. One year later, the fruits of that decision ought to be clear. While Nobel award winning Paul Krugman at the New York …

Just the Facts – Trump Effect on Manufactured Home Connected Stocks, Part 1 Read More


Cavco Industries Quarterly Earnings, Markets Dip, Other Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates

The Part One of our review of Cavco Industries will take place this evening, and it will include some factoids not found in their transcript. There will also be a comment from an informed source with deep Cavco ties that will be shared in the report below. We’ll look at …

Cavco Industries Quarterly Earnings, Markets Dip, Other Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates Read More


Flashback, Strategic Flashforward – 2016 Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors

It was pre-dawn on November 9th, 2016 that the race for the Oval Office was called for Donald J. Trump, electing him as the 45th President of the United States. The bulk of the mainstream media had been pushing Secretary Hillary Clinton for months. The revelations by former Democratic National …

Flashback, Strategic Flashforward – 2016 Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors Read More


Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec

“Affordable housing for middle- and lower-income families is drying up by the month in California,” opens an article sent by an MHI member company executive, in response to recent industry coverage on the Daily Business News. The subject line in the news tip had two words in it, “Dying industry.” …

Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec Read More


DOJ Stops “Vertical Integration” Deal – MH Industry Indicator, AT&T/Time Warner Case? Manufactured Housing Market Updates

Does the news out of Washington, D.C. that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has put a halt on AT&T/Time Warner proposed deal include any hints or clues for the Manufactured Home Industry? We’ll look at that briefly in our spotlight section, further below. If you’re new, already hooked on our …

DOJ Stops “Vertical Integration” Deal – MH Industry Indicator, AT&T/Time Warner Case? Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


State Grants for Businesses Attracting New Modular Builder, Tech Companies

Technology companies and a new modular home builder are among those that have obtained grants, or applied, to create more high-paying jobs over the next two years in, per the Missoulan, in Montana. “Nicole Rush, the grants manager for the Missoula Economic Partnership, spoke to the Missoula City Council last …

State Grants for Businesses Attracting New Modular Builder, Tech Companies Read More


Financial Services, Federal Reserve Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “The Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade held a hearing today entitled “Examining Federal Reserve Reform Proposals.” The hearing evaluated three legislative proposals to create a more independent, accountable, and transparent Federal Reserve that would improve economic opportunities for all Americans,” said the Financial Services Committee (FSC) …

Financial Services, Federal Reserve Plan Read More


Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) Snapshot, Alpha Spotlight, Other MH Market Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) Snapshot, Alpha Spotlight, Other MH Market Updates Read More

George Gunnell, WVMHI, Citing FMHA’s Jim Ayotte, Says HUD’s Pam Danner Must Go

Sources say that George Gunnell’s is a regional vice president for Clayton Homes, and the West Virginia Manufactured Housing Institute (WVMHI) Co-President. The WVMHI co-president’s column in their state association newsletter contained a red-hot topic for manufactured housing industry readers.  It represents another pivot by the Arlington, VA based Manufactured …

George Gunnell, WVMHI, Citing FMHA’s Jim Ayotte, Says HUD’s Pam Danner Must Go Read More

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