

Micro Solar Mods for Millennials

It’s been less than two weeks since the Daily Business News reported on Legal & General’s (L&G) announcement that they were entering the modular housing industry in the United Kingdom. L&G, which has ties to U.S. based Cavco Industries, is a giant insurance-focused company that has been advocating for the …

Micro Solar Mods for Millennials Read More


Meet the Modular Housing Builder Google Picked, and their “Industrial Cathedral”

A little more than a month ago, the Daily Business News reported on Google’s plans to build modular housing to be used as temporary employee dwellings. The plans are clearly moving forward, as Rick Holliday’s Factory_OS facility on Mare Island was touted in a local report by the Times Herald as …

Meet the Modular Housing Builder Google Picked, and their “Industrial Cathedral” Read More


Skyline Soar$ – Heavy Volume – SKY Spotlight; More Market Movers Updates

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of the …

Skyline Soar$ – Heavy Volume – SKY Spotlight; More Market Movers Updates Read More


Barron’s – Will Freestone Capital Become Next Public Manufactured Home Community Operator?

Freestone Capital Management, an investing firm based in Seattle, WA, has spent the last decade working their way into becoming one of the larger owners of manufactured home communities in the United States. Now they are setting their sights on becoming even bigger.  And perhaps, going public. It all started …

Barron’s – Will Freestone Capital Become Next Public Manufactured Home Community Operator? Read More


Universal Forest Products Inc – UFPI – Today’s Industry Spotlight, Markets Mixed

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of the …

Universal Forest Products Inc – UFPI – Today’s Industry Spotlight, Markets Mixed Read More


Matt Drudge Alert – Hateful Leader Warning – TANSTAFL

As a prologue to the headline topic, macro trends are often overlooked for their potential impact on our industry.  Further, polarized politics can dim the understanding of an issue. Let’s draw a bright-line distinction between those voting for ‘progressive’ causes, and their leaders. There are also leaders who may seem …

Matt Drudge Alert – Hateful Leader Warning – TANSTAFL Read More


White House Shake Up, President Trump’s Made in America Plan, and Manufactured Housing

Steve Hilton, who worked with Prime Minister David Cameron in Britain as a counter-establishment figure, shares his perspective that “the Establishment” is effectively trying to force President Donald J. Trump out of office, years before the next election. That commentary from today on Outnumbered, includes observations about Special Counsel Robert …

White House Shake Up, President Trump’s Made in America Plan, and Manufactured Housing Read More


What’s Going Down With Tricon? Broader Markets Mixed

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of the …

What’s Going Down With Tricon? Broader Markets Mixed Read More


Report – How Short is the Attention Span of Millennials for Video Ads?

Advertising to millennials? Get right to it, says a new report. But there is a catch, as you’ll see at the end of this news brief. “The length of time of an episode or a viewing period is really important and has got to be short, otherwise you just won’t …

Report – How Short is the Attention Span of Millennials for Video Ads? Read More


Black Home Ownership Lags Almost a Decade After the Great Recession

“A decade after the housing crash destroyed the American Dream for millions of homeowners, black homeownership rates have dropped to levels not seen since the 1960s, hobbling African-Americans’ efforts to build their wealth,” says the Chicago Tribune. Only 42.2 percent of blacks in the U.S. owned homes in 2016, compared …

Black Home Ownership Lags Almost a Decade After the Great Recession Read More


Equity LifeStyle Properties – ELS Record – Spotlight, plus NOB, AMG, BAM, SKY Lead Gainers

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our ELS headline report is further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides …

Equity LifeStyle Properties – ELS Record – Spotlight, plus NOB, AMG, BAM, SKY Lead Gainers Read More


Discover the 8 Minute Setup Prefab, Videos, Cost and Comparisons

The Daily Business News on MHProNews has reported for years on new and emerging pre-fabricated and 3D Printed Housing technologies. Some reports have demonstrated that what looked cool, wasn’t even really available. Great looking animations, but no production or even a prototype to back it up. AOL’s report, and the …

Discover the 8 Minute Setup Prefab, Videos, Cost and Comparisons Read More

AMG Rise, Breaks ‘Technical Barrier’ – Patrick & ELS Lead Movers

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of …

AMG Rise, Breaks ‘Technical Barrier’ – Patrick & ELS Lead Movers Read More


Giant L&G Sees Modular as Natural Evolution in Housing, Brit & U.S. Ties, Report & Video

The need for more affordable housing isn’t only a problem in the United States – it’s a problem around the world.  As populations continue to grow, and older residences continue to deteriorate, housing needs obviously grow too. Legal & General (L&G), a conglomerate that includes an insurance company which has …

Giant L&G Sees Modular as Natural Evolution in Housing, Brit & U.S. Ties, Report & Video Read More


MH Estates – Manufactured Housing, Community Sector, Reimagined

“While the concept of Manufactured Housing Estates (MHEs) is still in its infancy and undergoing an evolutionary phase in Australia, it is firmly on the rise.” says Trudy Crooks, national sales manager at Resort Brokers Australia. In recent years, MHProNews has been following the development of the manufactured housing industry …

MH Estates – Manufactured Housing, Community Sector, Reimagined Read More


Alpha’s Thomas – Will Warren Buffett Buy This Manufactured Home Community REIT? Market Movers

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight report feature, you’ll find that red hot part of our daily market report by scrolling just beyond the first three set of graphics, facts and figures. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market …

Alpha’s Thomas – Will Warren Buffett Buy This Manufactured Home Community REIT? Market Movers Read More


“SCANDALOUS” Harmful to Manufactured Housing Industry, Homeowners, Proposal Exposed, Rejected

The comments period for the Trump Administration’s Executive Orders numbered 13771 and 13777 to the Department of Energy (DOE) is closed, but the manufactured home industry fireworks may just now be starting. Yesterday, the Daily Business News reported on MHI’s input to the DOE’s RFI. A new set of comments, …

“SCANDALOUS” Harmful to Manufactured Housing Industry, Homeowners, Proposal Exposed, Rejected Read More


ELS, UFPI lead gainers, Tricon and Skyline Lead Decliners

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight report feature, or are ready to get the fever – today we have a recap that hot-links several recent ones. Please check back for a new spotlight segment of our broader market report tomorrow. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks …

ELS, UFPI lead gainers, Tricon and Skyline Lead Decliners Read More


Suicide, Sadness and Questions on How the Manufactured Home Industry Should Address Community Closures

Minnesota’s ‘Twin Cities’ Star Tribune reported on the anguish of residents impacted by the Lowry Grove community closure.  The Daily Business News has followed that drama for some time. “Mobile home [sic] communities are disappearing in pockets across the metro — and at a much higher rate in Hennepin County, …

Suicide, Sadness and Questions on How the Manufactured Home Industry Should Address Community Closures Read More


DOE RFI Closed, But Issue, Impact Still Looms over Manufactured Housing, HomeBuyers

On May 30, 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comments. The RFI was in response to the Trump Administration’s Executive Order (EO) No. 13771 (“Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs”) issued on January 30, 2017, and on Executive Order No. 13777 …

DOE RFI Closed, But Issue, Impact Still Looms over Manufactured Housing, HomeBuyers Read More

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