

Children, Grandchildren, Family, Manufactured Housing, Money, and You

  Many if not most Manufactured Housing Professionals – MHPros – know the truth about our industry’s products and services. That said, millions of people don’t know.  You might say that they have been conditioned into thinking something that is untrue. Hold that thought, because in many ways it is …

Children, Grandchildren, Family, Manufactured Housing, Money, and You Read More


ObamaCare Struck Down, MHVille Insights, Impact, and What’s Next

  A federal judge in Texas has struck down Affordable Care Act. “In a ruling sure to be appealed to Supreme Court, Texas court says the ACA, also known as Obamacare, can no longer stand without the penalty against the uninsured,” said NBC News.     The Friday night ruling …

ObamaCare Struck Down, MHVille Insights, Impact, and What’s Next Read More


Legacy Housing Exclusive to MHProNews on Firm’s Solid IPO, Plus MH Market Updates

Perhaps it was no surprise. Perhaps it was a safe call. But our prior MHProNews reports on Legacy Housing’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) proved to be prescient. On a day when the Cavco Industries (CVCO), Skyline Champion (SKY), and even Clayton Homes parent Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) all took a slide, …

Legacy Housing Exclusive to MHProNews on Firm’s Solid IPO, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Home Loan Limits Raised in Over 3,000 U.S. Counties

  The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced late today that loans limits for 2019 will be raised for most part of the nation.   As manufactured housing industry veterans know, qualifying placements can allow a HUD Code home, or a modular home, to be financed with FHA insurance on the …

Home Loan Limits Raised in Over 3,000 U.S. Counties Read More


With Storm Clouds Over Cavco, Eyes on Legacy Housing (LEGH) IPO Today

  The timing of the Legacy Housing IPO is an interesting.   The firm is attracting attention on its own merits from investors and analysts, who – for example – note that the two principles will have some 57 percent of the stock. The solid growth track-record for Legacy (LEGH), …

With Storm Clouds Over Cavco, Eyes on Legacy Housing (LEGH) IPO Today Read More


Joint HUD, White House Announcements Aim to Advance the American Dream

Press releases from both the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the White House pressroom to the Daily Business News on MHProNews could be summed up with this goal in mind.   There is a need to revive, expand, and protect the American Dream for all. President Donald …

Joint HUD, White House Announcements Aim to Advance the American Dream Read More


Legal “Incoming” – Tip on Cavco Industries CVCO, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Stock Updates

Yesterday, we posted an update on Cavco Industries.  Not long after, we received a news tip from a source with a legal insight on their SEC related woes.  That will be our market update, found further below, this evening.   If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

Legal “Incoming” – Tip on Cavco Industries CVCO, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Stock Updates Read More


#1 Texas Among States with New HUD Code Sales, Experiences Shipment Drop, Facts Reveal Warning Signs

  During a widely acknowledged affordable housing crisis, industry professionals and investors should be asking – how is this possible? The chart below provided by an association member reveals that Texas – #1 among the states in new sales – took a drop in new HUD Code manufactured home shipments …

#1 Texas Among States with New HUD Code Sales, Experiences Shipment Drop, Facts Reveal Warning Signs Read More


“Check Your Facts,” “Follow the Money” – Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Fake News, MHVille Takeaways

  “Few themes arise” in mainstream media “organically,” said Attkisson in this TEDx talk video. She relates a story by a propagandist.  “It’s like a movie,” the propagandist explained, giving her chills at that moment. “Nearly every scene or image that crosses our path in our daily life was put …

“Check Your Facts,” “Follow the Money” – Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Fake News, MHVille Takeaways Read More


Post “Debacle” – Insider Trade @ Cavco Industries – Has CVCO Hit Bottom? Plus, Manufactured Housing Equities Market Updates

It has been about a month since the news rocked Cavco Industries that Joe Stegmayer had stepped down as Chairman and CEO in the wake of a subpoena issued by the SEC. We’ll look at the latest as our featured report, below.   If you’re new, already hooked on our …

Post “Debacle” – Insider Trade @ Cavco Industries – Has CVCO Hit Bottom? Plus, Manufactured Housing Equities Market Updates Read More


2019 Manufactured Housing Plant Shows

  Every year, numerous manufactured housing producers put on a what they call a “plant show.”   A plant show can be thought of as something akin to a mini-trade show that is specific to a single manufactured housing producers brands.  They are often held at or near “the plant,” …

2019 Manufactured Housing Plant Shows Read More


“Lots of Sizzle,” Clayton Sales Performance, Other MHI & Clayton Homes News Tips

  These are #NettlesomeThings. A Clayton retailer sent a long message as part of a confidential news tip, that included the following. The Daily Business News on MHProNews has added our customary bold/brown to reflect a direct quote, but the rest are emphasis and typos are in the sender’s original …

“Lots of Sizzle,” Clayton Sales Performance, Other MHI & Clayton Homes News Tips Read More

Who REALLY Runs America? MHVille Timely Reminder, Columbia Law Prof Philip Hamburger Video

“The genius of America is that it was set up as a representative government, but increasingly, Americans are ruled over by leaders who are unelected, and very powerful,” says Prager U. “Columbia Law Professor Philip Hamburger unmasks the people who are really ruling our lives.”   As with other curated …

Who REALLY Runs America? MHVille Timely Reminder, Columbia Law Prof Philip Hamburger Video Read More


Border Sparks Fly! Senator Chuck Schumer, Rep Nancy Pelosi, POTUS Donald Trump Feisty Video, Costs Benefits, plus MH Market Updates

In the waning days of 2018, the political tag line in Washington, D.C. might be “It’s the border, stupid.” Stocks swung wildly again but closed only slightly down on a day that President Donald J. Trump apparently surprised “Chuck and Nancy” into doing an on-camera border security and wall funding …

Border Sparks Fly! Senator Chuck Schumer, Rep Nancy Pelosi, POTUS Donald Trump Feisty Video, Costs Benefits, plus MH Market Updates Read More


“What Are We, Chopped Liver?” MHI Member December 2018 Reactions

    It should be a given that the upper management of Clayton Homes, and their Arlington, VA based Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) are in favor of their stated agendas.       No sooner than MHI released their self-promotion video, than the industry’s new home shipments data – those …

“What Are We, Chopped Liver?” MHI Member December 2018 Reactions Read More


Stocks Rebound Despite Clouds over Huawei, China, Brexit, Plus MH Market Updates

The Daily Business News report on SKY earlier today should provide several of the cues that matter to manufactured housing industry professionals and investors.  But for some time, manufactured housing stocks have often been gyrating more due to broader market forces, one of the reasons why MHProNews began the mantra …

Stocks Rebound Despite Clouds over Huawei, China, Brexit, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Skyline-Champion (SKY) Manufactured and Modular Factory Home-Builders, Real vs Faked or Misleading News, Reports

  From time to time state association executives or their staff send hot links into their members to select members. These are often about mainstream news stories that the executive or an association staffer at times fails to carefully check. We’re human, it happens.   But as MHProNews reported last …

Skyline-Champion (SKY) Manufactured and Modular Factory Home-Builders, Real vs Faked or Misleading News, Reports Read More


”Your Time is Up, White People” SA Politician Declares, Stirring Up Unrest Impacts MHVille, USA

  It’s your own personal rights, property, and wealth that are in the crosshairs. If what is described from news accounts that follow hasn’t yet happened to you, odds are that someone at a meeting you or they attended know about just such an incident on some personal level.   …

”Your Time is Up, White People” SA Politician Declares, Stirring Up Unrest Impacts MHVille, USA Read More


Winter 2018-2019 in Manufactured Housing Land

  This is true storytelling with a manufactured housing (MH) purpose. Relax with your favorite Sunday beverage, as you dive in…   Winter up north is obviously quite different than winter in central Florida. Having spent about a decade doing MH business projects from bases in WI and IL, the …

Winter 2018-2019 in Manufactured Housing Land Read More


JP Morgan Guru Says, “Fake News” Shares Blame in Volatile Markets, plus MH Stock Updates

The Daily Business News on MHProNews has spent weeks first documenting the sound fundamentals of the economy, and then underscoring some of the same – and very cogent points that – this Ph.D. from J.P. Morgan Chase makes in our featured report this evening.   If you’re new, already hooked …

JP Morgan Guru Says, “Fake News” Shares Blame in Volatile Markets, plus MH Stock Updates Read More

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