

Marketers Alert – Galloway on Zuckerberg, FB – Plus MH Market UPdates

There are several reasons why manufactured home professionals ought to be closely watching what’s developing with Big Tech in D.C.  Scott Galloway weighs in on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony, which is our market focus tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Marketers Alert – Galloway on Zuckerberg, FB – Plus MH Market UPdates Read More


Triad Financial Service’s Parent Company, ECN Capital – First Data Report

ECN Capital, the new parent company for Triad Financial Services, has reported year-over-year growth of 14.4 percent in 2017, vs. 2016.   That translates into some $466 million in loans. Triad formally closed their deal with ECN on December 29, 2017. The significance for manufactured housing is this. Unlike some …

Triad Financial Service’s Parent Company, ECN Capital – First Data Report Read More


Criminal Leaks Continue, China’s Xi Signal Eases Tariff Trade Fears, Plus MH Market Updates

Chinese tariffs could be eased – says their President Xi – so trade war fears diminished. The raid of the president’s personal attorney’s offices and residences are all making headlines. With just a brief nod in our bullets to the over-reported Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg hearings – China, tariffs, trade plus the …

Criminal Leaks Continue, China’s Xi Signal Eases Tariff Trade Fears, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


CNN’s Fareed, Fox’s Tucker Carlson on Trade, China, & Tariffs, Plus MH Market Updates

There are some scratching their heads as to why manufactured housing’s number #1 professional publication is spending time in the evening market report looking at China, trade, and tariffs?  Or why Marty Lavin, MHI award winner – and MH finance, community and retail pro – has sounded off on the …

CNN’s Fareed, Fox’s Tucker Carlson on Trade, China, & Tariffs, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


MHI Award Winner Marty Lavin, “Free Trade or Economic War?” Plus MH Market Updates

He’s back. It’s vintage Marty Lavin, the award-winning MHVille attorney and expert commentator on MH finance, communities, and a manufactured home volume retail veteran. Our featured report for tonight will be insights from the MHI award-winner on the trade issue, plus some bonus videos. If you’re new, already hooked on …

MHI Award Winner Marty Lavin, “Free Trade or Economic War?” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Trump and Kudlow on Trade, Chase’s Dimon Gives Thumbs Up, Plus MH Market Update$

Markets continued to regain lost ground, as investors fears over a trade war over tariffs cooled, oddly, even after China announced its own tough talk on tariffs.  Chase’s billionaire leader, Jaime Dimon has given the president’s moves a thumbs up, rhetorically asking, ‘where are the pro-growth Democrats?’ Related issues will …

Trump and Kudlow on Trade, Chase’s Dimon Gives Thumbs Up, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


“To Hell with Wall Street” said Steve Bannon, Helpful? Plus MH Market Updates

Former White House strategist and 2016 Trump Campaign team leader Steve Bannon “defended” President Trump’s trade moves in an…unusual way.  Saying, “To Hell with Wall Street.”  Hmmm…helpful? Bannon’s controversial comments will be our focus for tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

“To Hell with Wall Street” said Steve Bannon, Helpful? Plus MH Market Updates Read More

Trump’s Troops to Border, Amazon Loses $60 Billion Market Cap 1 Week, Stocks Rise, Plus MHMarket Updates

From President Trump ordering troops to the border, to an active shooter at YouTube, to Amazon losing 60 Billion in market cap in just one week of tweets…its been a hyper packed day for business and markets news. The border and Amazon will be our featured reports tonight.  If you’re …

Trump’s Troops to Border, Amazon Loses $60 Billion Market Cap 1 Week, Stocks Rise, Plus MHMarket Updates Read More


“Buy the Dip,” ‘Economy as Strong as an Ox’ – Peter Navarro, Plus MH Market Updates

There is no doubt that market’s like certainty. The traders don’t seem to be feeling that, if the sliding market is any sign.  Yet, some – including POTUS Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro – are saying the fundamentals of the economy are sound. That’s our market focus for tonight. If …

“Buy the Dip,” ‘Economy as Strong as an Ox’ – Peter Navarro, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


POTUS Trump Infrastructure, Training Address Buoys Construction, Plus MH Market Updates

In a speech in Ohio, President Donald J. Trump addressed his plans for a massive $1.5 trillion infrastructure overhaul and how he thinks that could further grow the U.S. economy. Construction related stocks rose, and that will be our focus for tonight.  If you’re new, already hooked on our new …

POTUS Trump Infrastructure, Training Address Buoys Construction, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


700 Point Swing Today, Tech Drags Dow as Facebook Storm Grows, Plus MH Market Updates

When big names such as Elon Musk, Jim Carrey, and Cher delete their Facebook accounts, you know that something’s going sideways for that tech giant.  While the Dow rose in the morning, more troubling news resulted in an ongoing drag by the end of the day.  The growing storm of …

700 Point Swing Today, Tech Drags Dow as Facebook Storm Grows, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Shaking Off Trade Jitters, Dow Soars, Plus MH Market Updates

Tonight’s talking video heads are focused on the topic of trade, which were among the factors cited for the market plunge last week.  That will be tonight’s spotlight feature. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – …

Shaking Off Trade Jitters, Dow Soars, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Spending Bill Buzz, Navarro on Trade, plus MH Market UPDates

The conventional wisdom is the president got rolled by establishment types in both major parties.  Will this haunt the GOP and President Trump in 2018?  We’ll explore the spending deal, and Peter Navarro on trade are our features for tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

Spending Bill Buzz, Navarro on Trade, plus MH Market UPDates Read More

President Trump Signs Tariffs, Stocks Drop, Plus MH Market Updates

In a twist, Democrats are among those supporting President Trump’s tariffs that target China. With the markets dropping 700 points on the announcement of the first of several planned tariffs, that will be our market focus tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are …

President Trump Signs Tariffs, Stocks Drop, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Abracadabra, with Wave of a Powell’s Hand, Rates Change – Plus MH Market UPdate$

If you haven’t noticed all of the buzz around the Federal Reserve’s expected rate move, then maybe you’ve been on vacation. One might sympathize with former Texas Congressman and multiple time presidential candidate, Ron Paul and wonder why the Fed has been given so much power over the U.S. economy?  …

Abracadabra, with Wave of a Powell’s Hand, Rates Change – Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


On Left and Right – Facebook Rep, Fears, & Frustrations Grow, Stock Sinks, Plus MH Market UPDate$

When left-of-center Bloomberg, and right-of-center Fox Business agree on an issue, is it time to pay more attention?  Instead of hearing about a possible run for president in 2020, Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg are ducking a barrage of controversy, which is shrinking shares value, and sparking investigations on …

On Left and Right – Facebook Rep, Fears, & Frustrations Grow, Stock Sinks, Plus MH Market UPDate$ Read More


Broader Markets Dragged Down by Spreading Facebook, Tech Controversies, Plus MH Market Updates

Tonight’s spotlight is a classic example of why the manufactured housing connected market report is set within the broader context of other – sometimes disruptive – macro-economic, media, or political issues. With only a handful of exceptions, the manufactured home connected stocks broadly declined, and apparently for reasons that have …

Broader Markets Dragged Down by Spreading Facebook, Tech Controversies, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Markets “Craving Certainty” Again, Are “Deep State” & Media Reporting Hampering Business?

With the Dow closing last week near where it began the month, Russell Investments Senior Portfolio Manager Douglas Gordon believes uncertainty is the biggest headwind affecting investors right now, says CNBC.   “We’ve kind of seen the markets go sideways a little bit. I think it’s a case where the markets …

Markets “Craving Certainty” Again, Are “Deep State” & Media Reporting Hampering Business? Read More


Sun Communities Annual Data and Manufactured Housing Industry Investor Presentation Highlights

Annual reports and investor presentations that involve manufactured housing companies can range from the black-and-white financial data and text, to robust, highly illustrated reports.   Sun Communities (SUI) falls into the later range. While tens of millions of Americans misunderstand manufactured housing, sadly, thousands of manufactured home professionals have an …

Sun Communities Annual Data and Manufactured Housing Industry Investor Presentation Highlights Read More


FTC AntiTrust RAID, Signal$ for U.S. Monopolistic Giant$? Plus MH Market UPdate$

Japan’s FTC raided Amazon offices their over antitrust issues. That’s not to be taken lightly in the U.S., because President Trump and politicos and economists across the left-right media divide have been increasing their concerns. This report follows on the heels of a string of legal, class action, and antitrust …

FTC AntiTrust RAID, Signal$ for U.S. Monopolistic Giant$? Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More

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