Enerdynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (EHT) provided an update this week on their Letter of Intent to build 50,000 homes in Ivory Coast for a branch of its military.
In a story covered by Daily Business News writer Matthew J. Silver on December 16th, Maple Leaf Holdings SA, of which EHT is a shareholder, was slated to construct two, three and four bedroom homes utilizing the company’s sustainable Advanced Modular Housing System for Foundation General Akissi, which provides military housing for the government.
EHT tells MHProNews that it was anticipated that the contract for the delivery of 50,000 homes would be finalized in January 2017 for a build-out of 10,000 home tranches with an update to be provided at that time.
As of January 30th, the company and the Foundation have started negotiations on the contracts necessary to begin the project and anticipate finalizing the agreement by early March. EHT has recently completed the installation of two fully equipped housing units, one off-grid/self-contained unit and the second configured as a net-metering system.
“We were several weeks behind schedule in the completion of our sample units and the finalization of the contracts for this opportunity due to the holidays,” said EHT CEO John Gamble.
“However, we remain confident in our product as well as in our ability to compete and win large housing contracts in West Africa as well as many similar projects around the globe.” ##
(Image credits are as shown above.)
Submitted by RC Williams to the Daily Business News for MHProNews.