To frame the backdrop for the report below about comments made by Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) the following should be considered. The World Government Summit (WGS) was held on March 29-30, 2022. The WGS in Dubai includes a YouTube page that said: “World Government Summit 2022 – Shaping Future Governments.” Part of that video included the still shown below. That presentation still proclaimed that “Business as Usual is Dead or Dying.” Left-leaning CNN and right leaning WND both covered that WGS-Dubai event. That same report referred to a speech made by Joe Biden to the Business Roundtable that proclaimed a “new world order.” Oval Office occupant Biden said he said he wants the U.S. and its business interests to lead that “new world order.” MHProNews has also publicized the World Economic Forum (WEF) mantra, tweeted and presented in a WEF video that explains their thinking why ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy.’ While some have claimed that these slogans are ‘conspiracy theories,’ they are out in the open and are being discussed on mainstream media as well as alternative new sites. This is the ‘sales pitch’ by certain ‘elites’ and their proxies and ignoring them could be costly. Some experts have called this emerging plan a blueprint for selling ‘a new feudalism.’
With that introduction and backdrop, the WND Newscenter has made the following report available to MHProNews.
Klaus Schwab: Davos 2022 ready to save the world
But WEF leader warns dissent won’t be tolerated at confab
By Art Moore
Published May 20, 2022 at 7:36pm
For WEF founder Klaus Schwab, the timing for mankind is fortuitous, declaring to reporters that these issues, along with “the climate crisis,” “must be confronted in Davos.”
Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman, World Economic Forum (Wikimedia Commons)
Amid a global pandemic, famine, wars, economic decline and political turmoil, the World Economic Forum will host its invitation-only Davos, Switzerland, conference in-person for the first time in two years.
For WEF founder Klaus Schwab, the timing for mankind is fortuitous, declaring to reporters that these issues, along with “the climate crisis,” “must be confronted in Davos.”
“In a world which is becoming more fragmented, more divided, and where many of the traditional multilateral organizations tend to become dysfunctional, or at least mistrustful, a global platform based on informal, trust-faced and action-oriented co-operation will be ever more relevant, more important than before,” he said.
Some 2,500 leaders will gather in the mountain resort for the conference, which begins Sunday, including 50 heads of state.
Schwab warned that at Davos there will be “no place for the frivolous fringe that seeks to distract and divert attention.”
“And I condemn it wholeheartedly, particularly of those who have nothing to do with the World Economic Forum, community, and just come to Davos to hijack our brand,” he said.
The Biden administration is a strong advocate of the World Economic Forum, adopting its term “Build Back Better,” which captures the idea of a “Great Reset” of capitalism and of the world order in the aftermath of the pandemic.
After the November 2020 election, WND reported, former Secretary of State John Kerry and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a WEF panel that a Joe Biden presidency would help propel the “Great Reset” plan.
Kerry, who will attend the 2022 gathering, said at the time that the “notion of a reset is more important than ever before.”
“I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time,” he said.
Kerry, who has since been appointed Biden’s climate czar, said the rejoining of the Paris Climate Accord by Biden would help drive the “Great Reset.” But rejoining Paris is “not enough,” Kerry said.
“The Biden administration will focus on every sector of the American economy,” he said. “There will be a 2035 goal to achieve net neutrality with respect to power and production.
Kerry said the U.S. is “ready to come back in and help to lead and raise the ambition … to accelerate this incredible capacity for a transformation in the private sector.”
Last June, the White House published a statement announcing Biden was set to meet with G7 leaders “to discuss ways to forge a more fair, sustainable, and inclusive global economy that meets the unique challenges of our time.” Among the White House initiatives toward that end is pushing for a “global minimum tax” on multinational corporations of at least 15%.
‘Capitalism as we have known it is dead’
Fact-checkers once dismissed the “Great Reset conspiracy theory,” but Schwab made it clear as early as June 2020 that the COVID-19 pandemic should be exploited as an opportunity to advance the globalist agenda promoted by his Davos conferences, which have pushed for numerous proposals, such as a worldwide carbon tax, to redistribute wealth and shift sovereignty from nation states to global entities.
Schwab wrote that “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions” and bring about a “‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
At the January 2021 virtual Davos meeting, a Fortune 500 CEO affirmed WEF’s assertion that “capitalism as we have known it is dead.” …##

Additional Information, More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
“At a 2020 meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Salesforce founder Marc Benioff declared that “capitalism as we have known it is dead.” In its place now is stakeholder capitalism, a form of capitalism that has been spearheaded by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, over the past 50 years.” – Venture Beat.
“To Build Back Better, we must reinvent capitalism.” So said the WEF website on July 13, 2020. That Build Back Better phrase was adopted by Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris’ campaigns, and it has been retained since they assumed the powers of the presidency and vice presidency of the United States. While that Build Back Better phrase has been turned bold and capitalized for emphasis, the phrase is used time and again by WEF proponents in the U.S., Canada, and England, among others.

Joel Kotkin, a former Washington Post journalist and a longtime Democrat who has indicated that he has since left that party, has been sounding the alarm for some time on the growing move toward consolidation of power and money in a few ‘elitists’ hands. He has at times referred to this process as a new feudalism, or as in the report linked below, he has called it a new-fascist move.

This is similar to what Glen Greenwald on the political left has been warning. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. seems to be on a similar page, calling this rising authoritarianism a kleptocracy that amounts to corporate powers using the power of government to empower themselves at the expense of all others.

For those who think that is a conspiracy theory from the left, Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett and his vice chairman Charlie Munger have asserted that the rich want more power and politicians want more power too. Buffett declared a class warfare over 15 years ago, and he later said that his class has ‘won.’
The articles linked above and below flesh out the details and connect the dots. As the various quotes reflect, including quotes from Joe Biden, this is the mindset of the Biden White House and the Biden Administration.
The Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Tom Hardiman in commenting on the Biden regime’s plan called it a political payoff to his supporters.

Manufactured housing pros, take note. Despite the happy talk of using more manufactured homes, even the Biden-regime cozy Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch said that the new DOE Energy Rule contradicts the Biden White House claim that his administration will be producing more affordable housing as well as more manufactured housing.

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
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