MHProNews has learned that Cavco Industries, Inc. will release their second quarter 2012 results on November 4th after the close of the market. Their senior management will discuss the second quarter results in a live webcast the following day, Friday, November 4, 2011 at 12:00 noon Eastern Time. Cavco Industries is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona and is the second largest producer of HUD Code Manufactured Homes. The firm builds to four different codes, including HUD Code manufactured homes, the International Residential Code (IRC), Uniform Building Code (UBC) and the ANSI 119.5 Building Code. Modular homes – often under the Nationwide Homes brand – commercial systems building, vacation cottages and park model construction compliments the firm’s manufactured home building. Building is done at one fifteen factories across the United States under brand names including Cavco Homes, Fleetwood Homes and Palm Harbor Homes. Cavco sells through a network of company owned (vertically integrated) and independent retail centers. Their mortgage subsidiary, CountryPlace, is an approved Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae seller/servicer and offers conforming mortgages to purchasers of factory-built and site-built homes. Cavco’s insurance subsidiary, Standard, provides property and casualty insurance for owners of manufactured homes. Cavco’s CEO, Joe Stegmayer, is the current chairman of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
(Editor’s Note: You can track Cavco (symbol CVCO) and other manufactured housing stocks on our Daily Business News market report, typically posted by 5 PM Eastern.)