Many if not most Manufactured Housing Professionals – MHPros – know the truth about our industry’s products and services. That said, millions of people don’t know. You might say that they have been conditioned into thinking something that is untrue. Hold that thought, because in many ways it is a key to unlocking the future profit potential for your business and location(s).
For longtime readers, recall, that a manufactured housing professional – an informed MHI member – is the one who suggested that we research and report on Operation Mockingbird. Google it, we did, and then we did the report at the link below. Family Jewels was a term used in a declassified CIA document about a once-secret operation, Operation Mockingbird.
A manufactured home professional also wrote to say, “I am ready for infowars.” Hold that thought too, because unlocking that is also a way to unlock the potential for your business, products, or services.
It is axiomatic that normal people love their children and grandchildren. As with all rules about humanity, there are exceptions. Exceptions – properly understood – often can be used to prove the rule.
The most basic social unit is that of the family. “Social engineers” have been trying to redefine the family for decades, and to some degree, one must admit, that has worked. Teams and businesses have used the phrase “we are family” for some time. The performers The Sisters Sledge in 1980 cut the hot tune – “We Are Family.” Dated now, it was red-hot then.
A hit song gets played over and over – repetition.
Repetition is either good or bad depending on the subject matter.
Repeat the good over and over, and it sinks in. Repeat the bad over and over, and sadly, that sinks in too.
If someone kept repeating something harmful to your child or grandchild, in time, they could come to believe it. Depending on the subject, certain harmful beliefs could result in injury or death.
Poison often has an antidote, a medication used to counter the effects of the poison.
The antidote to poisoned information is the truth properly told, and told often enough. That’s infowars in a nutshell. That’s why fact checks and analysis are so important. We do those fact checks and follow the money here.
Call it what you will, but the severe divisions in America are a wake-up call. It is self-evident to thinking, informed business leaders that manufactured homes are misunderstood. It is also logically true that other falsehoods and misinformation are occurring.
Want to unlock greater potential profits? Understanding and then communicating to others the truth is an essential part of that process.

We created the graphic above years ago, because we understood in a broad sense what was necessary, and how to do it. What we didn’t fully grasp was how the biggest association and the biggest companies in our industry were arguably part of the problem, not part of the solution. But thanks to tips from various informed readers, now we have got it.
While he misused the term, mobile home, Frank’s point below was arguably spot on.

You aren’t getting that clarity of reasoning above from the Arlington, VA based Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). That clear thinking isn’t coming from Clayton Homes or any other mega-firm in our industry. Why not?
You are getting it here on MHProNews. Which is why you and thousands of others have or will log on today.
Once weekly, we present the headlines for the reports published from the week that was. We curate – hand pick with intent and deliberation – each report we give you. In our industry, we are the runaway #1 as a result of readers like you, our sources, clients, and sponsors that collectively make this site possible.
“If MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it,” said a company leader as part of a longer message to us.
As that tipster above wisely said it – for better or worse – we are in an era of infowars. Fake news has to be understood. Which is why we have, among the topics from the week that was, a Daily Business News report on fake news, and how to spot it. That features a short video by a mainstream media expert and award-winning journalist, who is now free from her mega-company.
Help us, help you, help your team. For the sake of your children and grandchildren. This is bigger than our industry, but logically – if you focus on getting the truth out about our industry – that’s an important start.
Here, thinkers like you are not alone. In our avoidably modest-sized industry today, north of 10,000 average logged on daily in recent months, per third-party metrics. For our boutique industry, that 10,000 average daily readers is incredible market penetration.
But it is also reflective of the fact that researchers about manufactured housing – who are often investors – are here day by day too.
The two most common words we get from readers, are “thank you,” and we in turn thank you – our readers, sources, clients and sponsors. Together, we advance.

Note that we don’t create a clickable linked box for every report, but you will find over 20 Daily Business News reports that are linked for every given week.
With no further adieu, here are the curated news items and related topics from the week that was, Sunday December 9 to December 16, 2018.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
The First Step to Problem Solving and #HousingChoice –
The first step to solving a problem, said the late Zig Ziglar, is to admit that a problem exists. Manufactured homes are widely misunderstood. But why? The facts – when carefully examined – speak well about today’s manufactured homes, as a few video interviews on this page from experts and actual homeowners alike suggests.
What’s New from MHARR
President Trump Announces Nominee Dr. Mark Calabria to Become New Director of Federal Housing Finance Agency | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
President Trump, on December 12, 2018, announced the nomination of Dr. Mark Calabria, currently the Chief Economist for Vice President Mike Pence, to become the new Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), when the term of current FHFA Director, Melvin Watt, expires in January 2019.
What’s New from the Masthead
The Masthead
Political correctness – the PC movement – is arguably a form of manipulation and control. 40+ years ago, long before the PC culture took hold, people were aware of the notion that we should be polite and respectful of others.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 12.15.2018
ObamaCare Struck Down, MHVille Insights, Impact, and What’s Next
ObamaCare Struck Down, MHVille Insights, Impact, and What’s Next
Friday 12.14.2018
Legacy Housing Exclusive to MHProNews on Firm’s Solid IPO, Plus MH Market Updates
Legacy Housing Exclusive to MHProNews on Firm’s Solid IPO, Plus MH Market Updates
Home Loan Limits Raised in Over 3,000 U.S. Counties
With Storm Clouds Over Cavco, Eyes on Legacy Housing (LEGH) IPO Today
Joint HUD, White House Announcements Aim to Advance the American Dream
Joint HUD, White House Announcements Aim to Advance the American Dream
Thursday 12.13.2018
2020 Contender Presidential Julian Castro, Obama Era HUD Secretary Announces Exploratory Run
2020 Contender Presidential Julian Castro, Obama Era HUD Secretary Announces Exploratory Run
#1 Texas Among States with New HUD Code Sales, Experiences Shipment Drop, Facts Reveal Warning Signs
#1 Texas Among States with New HUD Code Sales, Experiences Shipment Drop, Facts Reveal Warning Signs
“Check Your Facts,” “Follow the Money” – Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Fake News, MHVille Takeaways
“Check Your Facts,” “Follow the Money” – Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Fake News, MHVille Takeaways
Wednesday 12.12.2018
2019 Manufactured Housing Plant Shows
Rep Jeb Hensarling Applauds Appointment of Dr. Mark Calabria to Head FHFA
Rep Jeb Hensarling Applauds Appointment of Dr. Mark Calabria to Head FHFA
“Lots of Sizzle,” Clayton Sales Performance, Other MHI & Clayton Homes News Tips
“Lots of Sizzle,” Clayton Sales Performance, Other MHI & Clayton Homes News Tips
Tuesday 12.11.2018
Who REALLY Runs America? MHVille Timely Reminder, Columbia Law Prof Philip Hamburger Video
Who REALLY Runs America? MHVille Timely Reminder, Columbia Law Prof Philip Hamburger Video
What Others Say – Legacy Housing Corp (LEGH) IPO Set for 12.14.2018
“What Are We, Chopped Liver?” MHI Member December 2018 Reactions
“What Are We, Chopped Liver?” MHI Member December 2018 Reactions
Monday 12.10.2018
Stocks Rebound Despite Clouds over Huawei, China, Brexit, Plus MH Market Updates
Louisville and Tunica Manufactured Housing Shows, Controversial Profitable, Problematic Issues Loom
Louisville and Tunica Manufactured Housing Shows, Controversial Profitable, Problematic Issues Loom
”Your Time is Up, White People” SA Politician Declares, Stirring Up Unrest Impacts MHVille, USA
”Your Time is Up, White People” SA Politician Declares, Stirring Up Unrest Impacts MHVille, USA
Sunday 12.09.2018
Winter 2018-2019 in Manufactured Housing Land
Together with thousands of honest MHVille pros of good will, we can make our industry achieve its great potential. That’s done by making American lives better, together. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Sunday Morning, weekly headline news review, analysis, and commentary.)
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(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Related Reports:
Clayton’s Miss, Kevin and Tim’s Manufactured Housing Kill Shot, More
What Just Happened, to Cavco, Independent Communities, Retailers, and Manufactured Housing?
The Coming Breakup of Berkshire? MHI? Plus Sunday Headline Recap 10-14-2018 to 10-21-2018