Manufactured homes dominated the discussion at the Prescott, Ark. Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Thursday night. The city’s ordinances have not changed since 1979, and the need for a comprehensive plan is crucial, especially since having annexed a substantial plot of land north and west of the city in 1995. The 2003 Arkansas Affordable Housing Act requires cities have districts specifically zoned for manufactured housing (MH), although standards can be set for skirting and which direction they face when sited on their foundation. James Walden of the Arkansas Municipal League says any laws that affect MH cannot be enforced without a comprehensive zoning plan. He added the zoning laws must be rational in the event of a challenge to the law, and the plan needs to take into account the direction the city wants to take in the future. As hopeprescott informs MHProNews, a strategic physical plan for the city will go a long way in controlling land use.