The past is prologue ideally to be learned from. When an error is made, it could be ignored, covered up, or deflected by some razzle-dazzle style head-fake. Or an error can be admitted, addressed, amends made as possible, and then one can advance with head held high.
The Daily Business News on MHProNews pondered separating these three Berkshire Hathaway owned company snapshots. But Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corp, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) are so interconnected, and the lessons learned for investors and MHVille pros are so interrelated, that it made more sense to do this as one overview article that acts as a hub to several other linked reports.
With that said, let’s note that the nature of a con is that someone is deceived by some form of ruse. The goal of the ruse or con is to separate ‘the Mark(s)’ – the targeted victim(s) – from something valuable.
The hypothetical case for a con job in manufactured housing only requires a few people to be in the know. Warren Buffett, Kevin Clayton, and Tim Williams would logically be among those purportedly in on such a con job that rigs the market by using political connections, nonprofits, financing, stirring up bad news, and other means.
The vast majority who work with or for those three people have no need to know. Hundreds or thousands in their employ might be terrific personally, and unaware of the ploy. One must be fair and separate wheat from chaff.
So, for surrogates of the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis who scoff at “conspiracy theories,” they are either ignorant pawns, lack discernment, are liars, part of the head-fake, or cowardly sycophants – take your pick. By the way, linking some doesn’t mean or imply that there aren’t others. There are some mouthpieces that arguably clean up their act better than others do.
The Elephant in The Room
The content and links herein set the stage for almost everything else that matters in manufactured housing today vs. 20 years ago. To understand an industry, one must grapple with the realities of the elephant in the room.
After repeated and documented offers to leaders at Clayton, 21st, VMF, and MHI to clarify, correct any factual errors or offer an alternative explanation, they’ve remained silence. That’s not proof that what is found herein or that is linked is correct. But given that we have faithfully quoted Warren Buffett, Tim Williams, and Kevin Clayton at length and in their own words, that’s a good indicator that we are onto something significant. The fact that we are the most read means something too.
Regular readers who already know that definitive report linked above on MHLivingNews backwards and forward, know that the evidence to support the allegations of manufactured home market-rigging with related antitrust violations are compelling.
Who says? Numerous everyday industry professionals, but also attorneys, including those into antitrust law.
Furthermore, as noted, we’ve given repeated opportunities to
- the Claytons,
- Tim Williams/21st,
- MHI,
- their attorneys,
- and the MHI’s outside attorney assigned to ‘deal’ with us on MHI’s behalf
chances to respond in writing or live in public. No direct replies in the last year from them have denied or explained away any of our fact-checks or reports. But there have been plenty apparent ‘over the target’ reactions from their surrogates like ones linked here and here, etc.
There are also lesser-known surrogates that have allegedly been used by the axis. We see no value to mentioning them now. There has also been legal saber rattling, and other ploys we won’t dive into today. Clearly, they’ve not been successful in deterring our reports, fact-checks, and analysis.
Before making the investment case for manufactured housing, let’s make the Manufactured Housing Case as a prime solution for the well-known affordable housing crisis in brief. Because in a housing industry that does well over a trillion dollars a year in business, the potential for manufactured housing could well be over $100 billion a year, not the paltry under $8 billion achieved in 2018. Manufactured homes are the most proven form of affordable housing.
As you ponder motivation for doing what Buffett and his brothers in MHVille are doing or why, ponder the business potential reflected below every few years. There are few if any industries that have more upside. You can quickly see why someone who thinks long term could be willing to accept millions of lower profits now, in order to gain billions more later, right?

Making the Case for Manufactured Homes
This week, HUD Secretary Ben Carson has made a fine summary case for manufactured housing. It is linked below.

Oddly, as of 9:30 ET on this date, that speech by Sec. Carson – delivered to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) in New Orleans – is not found on the MHI website. That’s significant and is part of a wider pattern, as will be reflected later.
Over the years on our 2 industry-leading trade media sites, we’ve complied decades of federal, non-profit, university-level, and other third-party research. Recently, we took some of the best or most significant of those items and published them at the link below.

Properly understood, that third party research plus Secretary Carson’s comments, collectively make a compelling fact-based case for manufactured homes. The common concerns about manufactured homes are routinely and readily debunked. That can be done by using non-MH industry sponsored research.
Once more, those research documents are routinely not to be found on the MHI Website. Why not?

Three of those more recent linked reports, pardon the plug, happen to name me and/or one of our publications in a footnote or acknowledgement. It’s not bragging when it is true. It is important to note as it acknowledges our expertise in this realm. So too does the praise by many of the same professionals we’ve been compelled by evidence to now critique. It is evidence of several reasons why MHProNews/MHLivingNews and this writer should be taken seriously, because the opposition does.
Sometimes, you are better known by those who oppose you.
That segue aside, there’s over twenty years of research that makes the compelling case for manufactured housing.
Which begs the questions. Why doesn’t MHI have all this potentially useful research on their website? Or Clayton on theirs? Again, perhaps they will at some point – out of pressure – finally do the obvious. But as of the date of this report, such research was absent on the MHI website. Let’s consider a related issue to the point that Dr. Tyler’s quoted comment could address, if it was being used.

Why has MHI for some time failed to mention Enhanced Preemption? By contrast, why does the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) website have several mentions of the same topic?

The answers, the evidence suggests, is because the first – MHI – postures promoting manufactured homes. They do enough promotion to be able to say that they promote. The second trade group – MHARR – isn’t marketing focused, they are federal regulatory focused, but often have powerful facts useful for researchers and marketers alike.
However one wants to spin it, MHI and Clayton are either ineffective, and/or nowhere achieving their capabilities or capacity. How is it possible that a fairly modest organization like our LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – the parent company to MHProNews and MHLivingNews – are doing more effective promotions than far bigger and better funded operations do? Why are we able to achieve local results that blows their results away? Why has Clayton purchased locations that we’ve performed coaching and business development services at? These are a few interesting questions we will allow to hang out for now.
Keep in mind that the Berkshire Hathaway brands of Clayton Homes, 21st, and VMF dominate MHI through dues, via influence on their executive committee, their sway at the state association level, and also via their influence over several individual members.
Yesterday, we did a similar but shorter report on Nathan Smith of SSK Communities. Thousands of industry professionals have already flocked to that report. Smith and SSK have reportedly done business with Clayton and 21st for years.
Rephrased, the Arlington, VA based MHI to a high degree does whatever their Omaha-Knoxville master’s and their ‘big boy’ colleagues want. An award-winning MHI success story has said as much. No questions need to be asked, no explanation of a plot has to be shared; if a directive is given by the powers that be, a directive is followed.
Simple. Easy.
Ergo, there is no need for a conspiracy, when raw power working quietly in the daylight will do. It is entirely plausible that some at MHI or elsewhere in other nonprofits had no clue as to how they were being used. They may well have had plausible deniability, that is, until they read about it here on MHProNews and/or on MHLivingNews.
Frankly, given their deep pockets, it is stunning that they’ve not already sued us, even if they arguably have no valid case against us. Either way, the as yet unchallenged evidence linked is published for readers like you to ponder and discern for yourself.
Third Party Investor Research
There are routine contacts of our operation from a variety of sources. Among the investor contacts was one that indicated they’d studied the kind of ‘strategies and tactics’ employed by Buffett and the Claytons – but they witnessed that in other industries first. To that operation, what they’ve read here and on our sister site MHLivingNews is stating the obvious. To them, it is part of the broader pattern of monopoly power being exercised in America.
But that knowledge of their tactics is not deterring them from advancing their own plans in factory-built housing. They believe they can outperform the Claytons. Hold that thought.
About two years ago, MHProNews floated the notion that Amazon could easily enter factory-built housing industry. They were already promoting the sales of container housing. Last year, Amazon started that process of directly entering factory-home building via their Alexa Fund investment in Plant Prefab. See the quotes in the infographic above.
SoftBank’s support for modular builder Katerra is noteworthy too. They could, in theory, rapidly rival Clayton in a few years.
Google is experimenting with modular at their own offices. Other ex- or current-Silicon Valley giants are exploring the industry too.
We won’t go through a litany of other poised to get in, because some of those contacts have asked for anonymity as they prepare their own launches. To show the flip side, there are investors like Robert Robotti, who for some time cheered manufactured homes. He’s cooled since. But my hunch is he didn’t grasp the undercurrents. Robotti may not have read between the lines on MHI’s now exited president and CEO, in his parting message to the industry.
“Out-Performing the Market” Robert Robotti, Value Investing, and Manufactured Housing
But the examples shown reveal that there are those who ‘get it’ about factory-home building. From more modest investors who are thinking in terms of placing a few million into the mix – up to giant-sized firms or investment groups that could enter with a splash – there are several who ‘get it.’
Some in their own words have said that they want to set themselves apart by being ‘white hat’ firms in the manufactured, modular, or prefabricated industry, vs. the ‘black hats’ that posture being a ‘white hat.’
Manufactured Housing – White Hats, Black Hats, Investing, Consumers, MH Independents
What hat color does Buffett’s brands sport?
Let’s share some screen captures, thirds-party videos, and links to our own research to allow our readers to answer that question for themselves. Because while vexing to the industry, it spells opportunities in disguise for those who grasp nettles.
Before diving in, here’s the bottom line for investors. Clayton and Berkshire’s MH brands, per sources, posture nice, but can play rough. You as an investor must be willing to fight that fight. Current industry pros, the same thing holds true.
Mobile Home Militia – “Clayton [Homes] Wants Your Cornbread Too” “Join the Revolution” – ‘You Gotta Have Swagger’ – Masthead L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
They are industry professionals that currently hail from primarily south-central or southern states. They may hunt, fish, go to the honky-tonk, or go four wheeling in the mud for fun. They’re routinely patriots – people of faith, flag, and family, who love the constitution and their second amendment protected guns.
But here is the huge potential takeaway for savvy investors with chutzpah. There are already good laws on the books that if enforced would ‘unchain’ manufactured housing. For those that need an expert = who want to do a White Hat operation = and can budget for that role to guide that process successfully, click here.

To sum up, the potential to earn millions to billions in manufactured housing exists. One can make the argument that Clayton/MHI and other nonprofits have allowed and/or deliberately stirred up bad news to suppress and understanding of the industry. The opportunities are so big, they wanted to hide them in plain sight. That logically helps explain why useful or good news is hidden from the public on the MHI or Clayton sites. To learn more, click the article linked above and below.

Having teed this up, let’s review the evidence for ‘black hat’ activities alleged by others against Warren Buffett, Clayton Homes, or their lenders. Because what that reveals is this. Those willing to invest, mix it up, and be the white hat in specific markets can demonstrably jump ahead rapidly. Because there is a hunger for affordable housing. The evidence supports HUD Code manufactured housing’s value.
A few power players may be keeping their foot on the industry’s brakes, in order to consolidate more of manufactured housing at a discount. But have they overplayed their hand?
Are they now stuck, having their grand scheme revealed here?
Warren Buffett’s Profitable Lessons for Manufactured Housing
Investors must weigh the pros and cons of that evidence for themselves, but we are presenting a sampling of the evidence of purported black hat activity, which in the light of the video posted below, reveals the value of what white hat activity could achieve. Note, we’ve since parted ways with the videographer that produced this for us – my bad for not checking his credentials more closely.
That said, the value of this video is significant on several levels to investors, skeptics, the pubic – and us too. Note how Jim Clayton finished this video? Is this among the reasons why the ‘big boys’ have rattled sabers, but have not in fact acted legally?
Let’s sample some pro Clayton videos they’ve made or spotlighted themselves, and then contrast those with videos by others.
Clayton Homes Third Party Videos
To be fair, here is a video that Clayton produced. It’s a fine video. It purports to address the image issue. Published on Sep 1, 2017, it has had as of this morning 8,985 views this morning, per their YouTube page, which said the following.
“Clayton Unveils Have It Made Campaign: Clayton, one of the largest home builders in America, is kicking off its biggest marketing campaign to date focused on how its building process can help provide affordable housing to hardworking families.”
Let’s contrast that Clayton video with a customer-produced video posted by Ted Davis and published on Apr 7, 2017. Also as of this morning, Davis’ video had 22,738 views. Keep in mind Davis has done more than one such video, as have scores of other Clayton, 21st or VMF customers.
Here’s what Davis said on the YouTube page. For first time visitors, bear in mind that on MHProNews and MHLivingNews we often turn direct quotes bold and brown, to make them pop. Otherwise, the text is as in the original.
“My Clayton Manufactured Home Features .. Fake Studs
We bought a Clayton Manufactured Home summer of 2015. It wasn’t my first choice, but it was what was available. It would appear that Warren Buffet owns Clayton, and they have bought up several lesser mobile home companies, removing a lot of competition.
If you listen to Clayton, they want you to think they have a quality product, and they say they will stand behind it. So far, they have fixed a few things for us.
However, if they actually had a quality product, the repairs would NOT have been necessary. They say their product is built to HUD standards. HUD must have way different standards for mobile homes vs. site built.
Check my videos of things we have had problems with.
- Plumbing … bad faucets, leaking pipes, pipes that fell off at a touch. The master bath tub faucets weren’t even connected to any pipes.
- Wiring … I have never seen hardware like this before. Strange light fixtures, plugs, and switches.
- Doors … I have discovered that the interior doors seem to be made of cardboard, as well as the door frames. Also some don’t fit right.
- Interior studs … they are fake, little bits and pieces glued together.
- Sheetrock … less than a half inch
- Assembly is with tons of staples and some glue. I haven’t found any framing nails yet.
- The lids on the toilets were cheap plastic. One broke when I sat on it the first day in the house. I now have real, wood, lids.
- The house was supposed to have compact fluorescent lights installed. Didn’t have any. Not a single one.
- They DID get us really nice decks, front and back, including a wheelchair ramp on the front one.”
For newcomers to manufactured housing, please note that there are legitimate answers to the issues and concerns that Davis raised. Why weren’t they addressed? Does Clayton want the blowback, so that more decide not to buy a manufactured home at this time?
The most common sense reputation defenses are often not followed by Clayton. Why not, given Buffett’s statements about defending reputation? Our sources in Clayton tell us that cancellation of retail orders or agreements are becoming more commonplace, more so now than in days gone by.
Prefabulous® is the latest Clayton Homes campaign. From their YouTube page,
Prefabulous® Clayton Homes. Published on Feb 12, 2019, “We’re building homes a different way. A smarter way. Homes that are beautiful, strong and, most of all, affordable. That’s Prefabulous®.” As of this morning, it has had 6,475 views.
Again, in fairness to Clayton, the video is cool. Quality. It is techy. It aims at Millennials.
But the numbers of YouTube views tells the key point of the story. Are we to believe that Clayton can’t do a better job than this paltry total? Or is this in fact evidence that it is a fig leaf? Window dressing? Are videos and campaigns that don’t move the needle much at MHI or Clayton ploys that look real enough to the underinformed? When in fact they routinely fail to hit the bulls eye of what keeps Americans from even considering a manufactured home, much less buying one?
Let’s let those questions soak in, as you consider the following.
By contrast, as was reported, documented, and has gone unchallenged by the powers-that-be at the links herein, Warren Buffett, via ‘dark money’ channels provided funding to Manufactured Housing Action or “MHAction.” Buffett has de facto funded other nonprofits that have attacked the industry, and his own brands too.
MHAction and two other nonprofits teamed up to do a white paper, that was spotlighted by the Washington Post, along with others in mainstream media. A few weeks later, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver featured a report that spotlighted that same MHAction white paper. Oliver’s viral video was errantly dubbed “Mobile Homes,” and you can see it either linked here with an analysis or below.
Published on Apr 7, 2019, it says, Mobile Homes: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) and has had 5,867,951 views. Put differently, in less time, it has had almost 100 views to every view of Clayton’s Prefabulous®. Ouch.
Ask yourself this question. Which video – Prefabulous® or Oliver’s Mobile Homes – is having more of an impact on the marketplace?
Isn’t the answer obvious?
Again, there are answers to each of the concerns raised by Oliver, which to demonstrate, are summed up in the link below.
Why didn’t Clayton or MHI reply publicly to Oliver’s hit?
Is this only a recent pattern? Or are there other examples of bad news being created by Berkshire brands in MHVille that date back years? Let’s look.
This next video by Democracy Now, a progressive media operation. It spotlights both FEMA woes tied to Clayton, and also the Haiti issues that Clayton and the Clinton Foundation became embroiled in.
In fairness, here is what Clayton homes published on YouTube as an apparent response to the criticism. “ClaytonHomes, Published on Aug 24, 2010. Per their YouTube statement, “Just after the earthquake in Haiti, Clayton Homes contacted The Clinton Foundation to offer assistance. As the world’s largest manufactured home builder, Clayton Homes was happy to help, and has already built 20 new classrooms and hopes to be able to provide more in the future.”
Reality Check appears to be a right-of-center commentator, and they published this below about the Haitan incident. Reality Check: If Haiti Is a “S***hole” Country, Who Is Really to Blame?
The Democracy Now video had less views than Reality Check, but both blew away the views of Clayton’s posted video on Haiti.
But none of those videos were as impactful as the mainstream news reports that others carried at that time. The Clayton/Haiti tale is one that points to broader issues of how certain reports linger briefly, and are forgotten. But not by all. While Clayton wasn’t specifically mentioned in this next video, housing provided is alluded to, and the Reality Check video above shows Kevin Clayton with Bill Clinton in Haiti.
Bear in mind that all of this is connected to Warren Buffett, who backed Secretary Hillary Clinton in 2016, and backed Barack Obama, who helped impose Dodd-Frank on banking, which also drove manufactured home lenders out of business. Once more, that’s not meant as a slam on Democrats. There are examples of corruption in both major parties. Manufactured housing is a non-partisan or bipartisan issue.

That noted, one can’t overlook the facts of how the game is being played, and how the system is arguably being manipulated in manufactured housing by Clayton, MHI, and others working with them. It’s the truth hiding in plain
We’ll link up related reports, further below. But this much ought to be clear. While words like “alleged” need to be used to cover such reports, or attorneys could swarm us, there is significant evidence of the following.
- Clayton Homes and manufactured housing in general are underperforming.
- Other industry producers essentially make a similar claim, without pointing a finger at MHI or Clayton – that manufactured housing is performing well under historic trends and norms.
- A new trade association formed last year, that broke away from MHI, specifically stating that they were doing so for a lack of performance by MHI.
- MHARR exists and resisted merger efforts with MHI for years, because there is no confidence that MHI or their ‘big boy’ masters would properly represent the interests of their members.
- Clayton Homes and their related lenders have sparked more apparent bad news than good news in mainstream media, and have done so for years – as even this brief survey reflects. While most industry trade media – part of an MHI ‘amen’ corner – avoid that painful reality, facts are what they are.
- Some of these episodes of bad news can be traced back to donations made by Warren Buffett to various nonprofit organizations, see the report linked here.

Certainly, there is evidence of positive marketing efforts by Clayton and MHI. But they are widely outperformed by negative mainstream news or consumer created content that rips the company. Even Clayton’s hometown news outlet carried this problematic report about the Knoxville-metro based firm and their lenders. These facts, reason, and evidence beg questions.
- Are the Berkshire brands in manufactured housing incompetent?
- Why is Buffett funding his own opposition? Is Warren Buffett a sadomasochist? Who would do such a thing?
Frankly, we don’t think they are incompetent or trying to harm themselves per se. Rather, they are arguably playing the long game.
How else can one explain the periodic, almost routine episodes of bad news sparked by Clayton, and often funded by groups that Warren Buffett has donated to?
Carefully discerned, the pattern can logically suggest that Clayton is using bad news as another element of the fabled Buffett Moat strategy. If so, that means that without warning, bad news can hit the industry, which while suppressing Clayton too, arguably harms other businesses with less financial staying power more.
The Four Purported Known Elements of the Buffett Moat Strategy
It could be summed up like this.
- The power to tax is the power to destroy.
- The power to regulate, is the power to destroy.
- The power to choke off or limit access to lending or capital is the power to destroy.
- The power to stoke bad news that harms individual business can over time involve the power to undermine a business’ value, and destroy marginal operations.
These bullets means that Clayton can acquire weakened, underperforming businesses at a discount. Recall what Ted Davis posted: “It would appear that Warren Buffet owns Clayton, and they have bought up several lesser mobile home companies, removing a lot of competition.” He’s a layperson, a consumer – and he sees parts of this pattern.
Then line that up with what award-winning, manufactured housing industry veteran Alan Amy said.
As to keeping industry shipments low, consider the odd statement by Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison made that seemingly encourages slow growth and low production totals.
When this writer, who did that video interview with Jennison, heard that coming from the mouth of MHI’s CEO, I had to control my composure. It was a shockingly questionable statement – at best – for the president of the industry’s largest trade association to make at a time when the industry was struggling to recover. Frankly, it did not dawn on me until years later what the actual meaning of that statement from Jennison was.
In hindsight, it is far more revealing than it was at the time. It explains why he gets bonuses that we’ve dubbed failure bonuses.
That’s why history has to be part of such fact-checks. Buffett is right about this, the rear view mirror is often clearer than the windshield.
In the light of the above, consider the summary graphic about ‘the Moat’ below.

Dark Grace…
The argument can be made that each of these examples of ‘black hat’ behavior can be an opportunity in disguise for those willing to behave in a robustly white hat fashion.
There is also an argument to be made that individually or in a local group, white hat firms could forge their own white hat trade group.
There is no need for perfect behavior in business when simple honesty will do. But there is a need for trade groups to have and live up to standards of ethical behavior. If someone routinely harms the industry’s image, why should they be part of a white had trade group?
For those of us who have been in the manufactured housing business for years, and have dealt with the public directly for years, you know as well as I do that if you treat most people fairly and honestly, they are good customers. There are a few who sadly try to twist anything to get something for nothing. But they are the exception, not the rule. Good paperwork can deal with those kinds of clients.
For years, we’ve taught professionals not to oversell or overpromise. Prepare customers for reality and they will be satisfied. There is a method for training team members for doing so successfully, where the customers will be happy with what they are sold, and will send you their friends after buying.
Every road block in the industry can routinely be traced back to forces within manufactured housing that are keeping the industry at low ebb. Who said? Prominent MHI member and controversial critic, Frank Rolfe here and here.
That’s opportunity in disguise. For those willing to do what’s right, and who aren’t afraid to buck the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis, the upsides are many. As to risk, there is always some risk. I can look someone in the eye and tell them about all of the efforts that we believe the evidence suggests how the axis threw a variety of slings and arrows at us, in an attempt to try to drive us out of business.
Yet, we are still standing.
After a dip for a time in readership after an assault from the axis, we’ve not only rebounded, we are about double where we stood a little over a year ago. Professional readers and investors want the truth. Our opposition wants to know what’s been published here. Across the spectrum, readers from all sized firms flock here daily by the thousands on the most engaged professional trade media site in all of manufactured housing.
Pros and investors want answers that make sense, not the BS that is being shoved at them by the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis sycophants. Anyone can create an echo chamber, and illusion of cheer leading. Doing real facts with evidence and ‘follow the money,’ takes time, thought, and preparation.
When there are 7 months of declining shipments during an affordable housing crisis, the nature of the threat and the realities of the industry are becoming more self-evident.
Our efforts – thanks to supporters, sponsors, and sources that are often within the axis – in turn gives hope and encouragement to others. Furthermore, it isn’t just us, because other firms have stood up to the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis and can say similarly.
Let’s note briefly a plug with a purpose. Just as a talk radio station doesn’t expect a sponsor to endorse them, nor does a station endorse the sponsor, so too here there are no requirement that someone has to agree with what we publish. Sponsors and clients can still benefit from the industry’s biggest and most engaged audience.
The plug and related business development points aside, and we could do white hats with our marketing/coaching too – leads me to this point. Frankly, I’m convinced that no one in the industry is coming anywhere close to their potential. Why?
When 8.3 million housing units are needed, per the National Association of Realtor’s Lawrence Yun – and only factory building can logically close that gap – that means that it is possible for single firms on the production side to be doing hundreds of thousands of units a year. Rollohome went from start up to 60,000 homes delivered in 2 years. If that could be done before, it can be done even better today. That in turn translates into big upsides for retailers or communities.
All business ultimately comes down to a local sale to a local person. Just as all politics are local, so too all business is local.
A properly motivated company with the right people and resources can rapidly and profitably grow with proven, honest, ethical, and sustainable approaches. That’s the happy note that we will end this report about Clayton on.
What to do about Clayton’s purported black hat tricks and behavior? Be the obvious local White Hat. Do the homework. You’ll see that the opportunities are amazing, but one needs the guts and gumption to get the glory.
That’s this Saturday’s special report on manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, commentary, analysis.)
(See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
Office 863-213-4090 |Connect on LinkedIn:
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Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which an be accessed by clicking on them.
Prosperity Now, Nonprofits Sustain John Oliver’s “Mobile Homes” Video in Their Reports
Manufactured Housing – White Hats, Black Hats, Investing, Consumers, MH Independents
Declining Manufactured Home Shipments More Serious Than Retailers, Communities Being Told
Warren Buffett’s Profitable Lessons for Manufactured Housing
“Lead, Follow … Or Get Out of The Way” | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
The last decade-plus has not been especially kind to the manufactured housing industry and consumers of affordable housing. The 21 stCentury began with a great deal of promise for the industry and consumers alike.