Come To Louisville And Plant Your OwnMoney Tree In 2013

Louisville 2013 mhmsmIt may be cold outside, but The Louisville Manufactured Housing Show will sizzle inside when it hits the Kentucky Exposition Center January 23rd – 25th. For the retailers, builder/developers, community owners/operators, and installers who attend there will be exciting new homes perfectly suited for their own constituencies. There will be configurations designed for both the budget-conscious homebuyer and the more affluent. You’ll see first-hand all the new service & supplier products that have come to the marketplace in the past year. We will have 84 service & supplier booths at this year’s show. You can compare prices and quality, evaluate service and follow-up and negotiate deals. There is nothing like the three-dimensional shopping experience you’ll have at The Louisville Manufactured Housing Show. You can touch, see, and walk through actual homes. Your customers count on you to offer the very best product and the very best price. When you do, they win and you win. That’s a sure thing … you can take it to the bank.

The show will be held at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. As in the past, our headquarters hotel, The Crowne Plaza, is located directly across the street from the exhibit hall. The airport is within 3 minutes of the show site and there is ample, safe parking at KEC. As everyone knows, Louisville offers a multitude of fine restaurants and other entertainment venues.

We are moving to a new exciting section of the Kentucky Exposition Center for this year’s show. The new North Wing is prime exhibit space and will offer us a new attractive entrance, and the ability to add additional homes to the show.

At last year’s successful show we had 1022 builder/developers, retailers, community owners/operators, and installers who attended the show. All of our exhibitors were pleased with the traffic flow that the show provided in 2012. Sales were made! The degree of enthusiasm that was expressed in 2012 by all of our exhibitors and attendees points to a positive change.

As with last year’s show, we will again use QMS of Alpharetta, GA to provide web link registration services. Their services proved to be a great help to all concerned parties before the show, during the show and after the show as well.

The Educational Seminars for the Louisville Show in 2012 packed the room to standing room only and the post show feedback was very strong. For the 2013 Louisville Show, we plan to do more practical, business building seminars on the first day of the show. These seminars will showcase ways for professionals to market, sell and finance more homes, access capital for commercial MHC projects. For the second day of seminars we are considering a ‘What’s New’ show and tell session that will feature service and supplier products. Questions and Answers to our expert presenters are always part of our seminars! To maximize your Return On Investment, you will not want to miss either day, because your Money Tree’s resources will be on stage for you and your peers.

Last year we used Tony Kovach with to help us promote the show. Recognizing that times have changed and we must change with them, we will once again use services to promote this year’s show. They did a great job last year. In addition to Tony’s electronic messages, we will put out direct mailing pieces to all potential builder/developers, retailers, community owners/operators, and installers in the Midwest and beyond.

The 2013 Louisville Show is a great opportunity for retailers, builder/developers, community owner/operators, and all exhibitors to network, develop new business and add other key elements to the sales effort. It’s a show that always ignites the industry and the Midwest region with new designs, new ideas and new initiatives. The 2013 Louisville Show will bring “a positive energy” to the Midwest region and will show why manufactured housing is the “best way to sell and the best way to build”.

Perhaps you’re thinking you can skip the show this year. WRONG! It’s IMPERATIVE in the current economy that you keep abreast of everything that’s happening in the industry, IMPERATIVE that you retain or gain a strong competitive presence, and IMPERITIVE that you are aggressive in pursuing profits. So do yourself a favor and attend The 2013 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show.

Additional information regarding this year’s Louisville show will be sent out to all concerned exhibitors and guests in the near future.

If you have any questions regarding this year’s Louisville show, please do not hesitate to call Dennis J. Hill, Show Coordinator, at 770-587-3350. ##

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