Following up on an MHProNews post from Jan. 25, 2013 regarding an MHC’s attempt to convert to a resident-owned community and the ensuing legal battle with the Huntington Beach (CA) City Council trying to prevent it, the threat of a contempt of court trial against the city finally ended in a settlement, according to attorneys Hart, King & Coldren (HK&C). The city denied the conversion, Pacific Mobile Home Park filed suit, and the city responded by filing a cross complaint that some of the residents were on the city’s right-of-way. Pacific won in Orange County Superior Court in July, 2012 and the city council approved the application Nov. 2012. However, a new city council was elected in Dec. and they voted to re-reconsider the application. Superior Court Judge Luis Rodriguez set a contempt trial, charging council members with criminal contempt of court for violating a court order. The city backed down, finalizing approval of the application, and dropped the cross-complaint as well. Meanwhile, the Calif. State Senate is considering a measure, SB 504, that would give local governments more authority to block conversions.