There are certainly voices on both sides of the climate controversy and how that relates to energy policy. To oversimplify is to say that Secretary Hillary Clinton and Jill Stein represented those in the 2016 presidential race that broadly favored continuing along the path that President Obama’s administration had begun.
But with the victory of Donald J. Trump, an America First Business, Jobs and domestic energy plan won the day. It’s no exaggeration to say that in some battleground states, energy jobs and labor voters often tilted toward the man who now occupies the Oval Office.
What sometimes gets washed out in the allegations about how much of the world is going to sink under the oceans claims-and-counter-claims is the following fact.
Lower energy costs are more attractive for businesses, and for consumers alike.
The Trump plan of ‘all of the above’ on domestic energy policies was just one of several legs in an agenda designed to create incentives for companies to stay, expand or come to the U.S.

Those realities applies to manufactured home producers as well as others involved in the factory built housing industry. Energy jobs also routinely create orders for manufactured, modular and other forms of workforce housing.
What is beyond question is the documented – significant – rise in almost every tracked stock connected to the manufactured housing industry, since the Trump election.
Against that backdrop, The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) issued an interesting analysis of the
Competitive Enterprise Institute Analysis
CEI, clearly favors the president’s agenda. Note these excerpts on their statement on the eve of his first 100 days.
“President Trump has shown himself to be a high achiever in politics no less than in business. According to the White House press office, Trump has:
- Worked with Congress to enact more legislation and signed more executive orders in his first hundred days than any president in a half century;
- Worked with Congress to enact 28 pieces of legislation, more than any other president since Truman;
- Signed 25 executive orders, the most of any first 100 days in over 50 years (will be over 30 by day 100); and
- Removed more job-killing regulations through legislation than any president in U.S. history.

On energy and climate policy, Trump has taken big steps to change the direction of the country. His March 28th Energy Independence Executive Order:
- Directs the Environmental Protection Agency to review and, if appropriate, suspend, revise, or rescind the Clean Power Plan and related rulemakings;
- Disbands the Obama administration’s Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon;
- Lifts the Obama administration’s coal leasing moratorium on federal lands;
- Directs the Department of Interior to review, and if appropriate, suspend, revise, or rescind Obama administration regulations restricting oil and gas exploration on federal lands;
- Overturns Obama’s climate policy executive orders; and,
- Directs executive agencies to “review all existing regulations, orders, guidance documents, policies, and any other similar agency actions … that potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources, with particular attention to oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy resources.”

In the wake of the president’s policies, the first coal mine recently re-opened. Fuel prices have fallen, as U.S. production has risen. Billions in new investments – in energy and businesses – have taken place in the first 5 ½ months too.
CEI wanted to see the following, which of course recently occurred.
“Withdrawing the United States from this treaty [Paris Climate Accord] would put a stop to Obama’s attempted end-run around the constitutional treaty process, and ensure that elections, not U.N.-organized, political pressure campaigns, determine the direction of U.S. domestic economic and energy policy.”
CEI notes that initiating these policies will see their payoff in the next 2 to 4 years.
Along with NFIB, MHARR and many others in MHVille, CEI believes the new administration is off to a good start. ## (News, analysis)
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