Manufactured Home Professional News (MHProNews) has recently been provided evidence of several complaints to state and federal officials and agencies of purportedly corrupt and illegal practices in manufactured housing.
The sources for that statement includes residents, professionals and public officials.
Those complaints to public officials at the state and federal levels include, but are not limited to:
- allegations made in the manufactured home community sector,
- but also those against Clayton Homes,
- 21st Mortgage Corporation,
- the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI),
- and other organizations and specific individuals associated with those firms.
Mainstream Media Confirms Some, Not All Reports of Formal Complaints
Per History and other sources, the text of the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution reads as follows. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
That last clause – “…; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – strikes near the heart of the motivation of citizens to call of public officials to act on behalf of manufactured housing residents, potential consumers and ‘white hat’ businesses that are often so-called ‘independents.’
There have been prior reports in mainstream media that includes some but not all of the allegations MHProNews is aware of at this time.
Among those publicly known are allegations reported by the Seattle Times, Reuters or even in the Knoxville metropolitan new station that provided this video report.
Reuters also reported that Clayton Homes was seeing business growth despite an array of negative public reporting. Salon reported some years back that “Warren Buffett is a phony: Every liberal’s favorite billionaire is actually cut-throat, not cuddly…”
The Seattle Times periodic reports are under the heading of “The Mobile Home Trap.” Despite an array of reports and commentary from sources on the right and left like GuruFocus and Forbes to The Nation or The Atlantic, Clayton Homes and MHI posture as if all is well. It is worth noting that MHI-aligned bloggers and publishers are routinely mute on such concerns. They often posture as de facto gaslight providers for the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis. But the growing evidence of industry professionals and public concerns about the so-called Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis and their allies continues to mount; which makes the disconnect from several rivals in trade media all the more stunning.
One such source politely put it this way.

The weaponization of much, but not all trade media and several nonprofits is an element of how the game is played by the powers that be in manufactured housing. Their deep pockets arguably allows them to buy influence in a variety of ways.
The examples of mainstream media reports on similar concerns that MHProNews reports are only a sampling of a larger and even more dizzying array of negative news coverage. Yet, it is only MHProNews that for years has seriously and objectively reported on those reports or dealt with the underlying issues in reports like the one linked below from 2018.
MHProNews also have also more recently reported that some congressional representatives have been asking for action from federal agencies. One recent example is shown below.
The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has publicly called for Congress to investigate during the Washington, D.C. FHFA listening session as well as in several of their published reports.

Certain community leaders and this publication’s publisher have made similar calls for public investigations too.

MHProNews will monitor and report on concerns like those linked below that could spark additional avenues for federal and/or state inquiries. See the related reports below the byline and notices for more.
MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
Until sufficient numbers of manufactured housing industry white hats go beyond mere reading about such news and start acting on it, the reality is that the decade-plus trend lines will likely continue.
The good news is that a growing number of voices from inside black hat organizations are providing whistleblower type documents and news tips to MHProNews, which is then able to shed light on various allegations and concerns in updated reports.

There’s more ahead, but that’s a wrap on this installment of “Industry News, Tips and Views Pros Can Use“ © – MHVille’s runaway #1 news source, where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (News, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary.) Notice: all third party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.
Submitted by Soheyla Kovach for MHProNews.com.Soheyla is a co-founder and managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. Connect with us on LinkedIn here and here.
Whistleblower’s Documents on Lesli Gooch – Manufactured Housing Institute CEO – New Discoveries