“The median sales price of new houses sold – houses built for the home owner and then financed through a mortgage – in February 2022 was $400,600 and the average sales price was $511,000, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures. The average sales price of an existing home as of February 2022 was $357,300,” said Rocket Mortgage on 6.1.2022. According to the most-recently available U.S. Census Bureau data on manufactured home sales prices this year are the following facts.
United States | |||
Total1 | Single | Double | |
2022 | |||
May | 124,900 | 85,800 | 159,200 |
A single section “16’x80’ manufactured home” – as many longtime industry professionals know – is actually more likely to be 15.33’ wide by 76’ in so-called “floor size.” The term “16×80” emerged from state highway department permitting of “wide loads.” For movement purposes those wide loads include the hitch – which you can’t live on any more than outside measurement from side-to size that begin from the hypothetical tip of the two outside light fixtures (‘front door side,’ ‘back door side’ lighting) as if they are attached. Thus, floor size in a manufactured home isn’t the same as conditioned airspace either. But at least floor size in manufactured housing is similar to the kind of calculation used for the size of the living space in conventional housing.
Those points noted, a nominal 16×80 for transportation department purposes is likely to actually be some 15.33′ x 76′, or about 1165′ square feet of ‘floor size.’
Thus, in May of 2022 a brand-new single section manufactured home, without land, or other site improvements would cost about $73.64 per square foot.
Per Eye on Housing (National Association of Home Builders or NAHB), “According to first quarter 2022 data from the Census Quarterly Starts and Completions by Purpose and Design and NAHB analysis, median single-family square floor area inched down to 2,310 square feet. Average (mean) square footage for new single-family homes decreased to 2,512,” stated a report dated May 25, 2022.
That means that the average conventional house in the first quarter of 2022 was about $203.47 per square foot.
Paraphrasing an online critic of James A. “Jim” Schmitz Jr. thesis noted, the comparison of such costs are interesting, but are not quite apples-to-apples. That much is true enough. There are additional costs that are added to the manufactured home which may already be calculated in the conventional house, such as the rather common feature of a garage. But once those costs are factored in, the typical (average) modern manufactured homes are arguably still not ‘only 10-35 percent savings over conventional housing’ as that critic of Schmitz claimed. Rather, it more like 50 percent lower in cost. That is still plenty of savings which obviously sustains one of the key elements of that Minneapolis Federal Reserve’s researcher.
Restating the matter for clarity, if site builders could produce a conventionally built house for the cost of a manufactured home, they are obviously welcome to do so. The reality is that they can’t hit the manufactured home price point. Thus, an array of housing subsidies are made available, points out Schmitz. Those subsidies from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which may also find local or state ‘matching’ funding too, have the effect of undermining the natural cost advantage of a HUD Code manufactured home. It is an argument that is based upon facts, evidence, and ‘following the money trial’ as a good researcher should strive to do. It is also an argument that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), if or when they make it, does so all too likely as a throwaway line. MHI should instead make the argument that it is an unjustified and improper use of taxpayer dollars that ought to be halted and manufactured housing’s “enhanced preemption” provision should be enforced. That is, MHI should do so if they are serious about ASAP manufactured housing industry growth instead of throttled growth that tends to benefit deep pocket consolidators of the industry that happen to dominate several of their boards, instead of merely paltering, posturing, and projecting for mere show effect.
MHI segue aside, there are several factors that supposedly contribute to or cause a site-built house to routinely be larger than the typical manufactured home. Among them? Once more expensive parts of a given house are priced in (e.g.: kitchen, HVAC, bath areas, utility room, etc.), the larger the house is the lower the overall cost per square foot tends to be. Other factors may include zoning or development restrictions that arguably subtly aim to exclude manufactured homes while obliquely benefiting more costly conventionally constructed housing. Once more, the Schmitz, David Fetting, and others in the periodic consortium of writers on this topic are demonstrably correct in saying that such issues involving HUD, builders and their nonprofit interests has the effect of pricing out people of more modest means. One of the outcomes, they aptly and logically point out, is that some end up literally living on the streets. This is not only unjust, it is entirely avoidable. But to avoid this travesty, MHI must do its job properly.

With those facts in mind, not all of which directly arise from Schmitz’s fresh university-level presentation linked above and quoted here the following item from the now independently defunct (but absorbed into the Manufactured Housing Institute) National Manufactured Housing Federation.
“I can assure you that when a homebuyer buys a home from me and wants to finance it for 30 years and have it installed on a permanent foundation, the homebuyer prefers to have the chassis removed. In many cases homebuyers prefer to have their manufactured homes placed over basements. Because of the presence of a chassis, we must dig the basements deeper and erect more costly and unsightly piers. I could save my homebuyer significant costs, both in factory costs and installation costs, if I could order a home designed to have the chassis removed. When I advise a homebuyer that the chassis cannot be removed because of Federal law, they find it illogical” (Maureen Wagner, the Chairwoman of the National Manufactured Housing Federation, United States Senate 1990, 468-9).
That National Manufactured Housing Federation, two informed sources told MHProNews, is today the “Federated States” division of MHI. Quoting: “Yes. The Federation was an independent post-production association. It merged with MHI some time ago (90s?).” It was indeed in the early 1990s, as the item that will follow from MHI attests. According to the second source that was directly connected to MHI for years, “Tony, I believe MHI referred to it as a merger…but the result was as you said…they absorbed and/or took it [i.e.: the National Manufactured Housing Federation] over.” Thus, what was once a thriving post-production association that was ironically – or deliberately? – cited by Schmitz is today no more.

That outline reveals a point worth exploring, which is the thrust of this article. Many in manufactured housing today have little or no clue that there were several trade groups in the manufactured housing industry, not just the current two national associations (MHI and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) that previously existed as independent bodies. Like the “Federation,” they are now mere history.
Without necessarily endorsing each aspect of the following, this is the ‘history’ of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) per their own website and as authored by Al Hesselbart. At the time it was written, Hesselbart was the vice president of the Manufactured Housing Heritage Foundation, which is associated with the RV MH Hall of Fame. LinkedIn says, “Al Hesselbart – Historian at RV/MH Hall of Fame. Via Facebook, “Al Hesselbart, a nationally recognized RV industry historian…” With that introduction, here is that MHI ‘history.’ Note that besides the Federation, there was a ‘mobile home dealers’ association too.
A History of The Manufactured Housing Institute
By Al Hesselbart,
Vice President of The Manufactured Housing Heritage Foundation
Trailer Coach Association (TCA) formed March 5, 1936, and headquartered in Los Angeles, Calif., represented the industry in the western portion of the country. TCA held its first show in Los Angeles in May 1936. TCA founded “Trailer Life” magazine as it’s house organ and promotional periodical in 1941. The magazine was sold to Art Rouse in 1958. The TCA developed a set of construction standards in 1951 which were optional to their members. TCA’s headquarters became the offices of MHI Western Region.
Mobile Homes Manufacturers Association (MHMA) formed in August, 1936, as the Trailer Coach Manufacturers Association, and headquartered first in Detroit and then moved to Chicago in 1938, represented the industry in the Midwest and East. Seeds of this organization were first planted at the Tin Can Tourists convention at Grand Rapids, Mich. in 1935. MHMA held its first show in August 1939, at Manistee, Mich. Twenty-eight manufacturers showed 95 models. The MHMA developed a set of standards for mechanical and material components in 1958. The national headquarters was moved to Chantilly, Va. in 1972, and to Washington D.C. in 1974. MHMA’s offices became MHI national headquarters.
The Mobile Home Craftman’s Guild was a group of manufacturers, all MHMA members, who joined together in 1958 to develop the “Gold Seal” program as a pledge to follow the latest standards for mechanical, material, and design components. In 1964, the TCA standards and the MHMA standards were combined under the auspices of the American National Standards Institute in 1964, with the ANSI program still in use. Following this combination, the Gold Seal lost much of its effectiveness and was no longer in use in 1975.
South East Mobile Home Institute (SEMHI) formed in 1967. It represented the interests of state manufactured housing associations in the states of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. The association continued to exist as a representative of its member state organizations following the creation of MHI, but after one to two years it was felt it was redundant and disbanded.
Mobilehome Dealers National Association (MDNA) represented the retailers nationally and was not directly involved in the forming of MHI but did cease to exist at the same time as SEMHI.
The Board of MHMA approved the formation of MHI at its annual meeting in March of 1975, TCA’s board approved it on June 1, 1975, and SEMHI approved it on September 1, 1975, making the creation of MHI officially accepted by all participating bodies.
This team of industry leaders with the support of many others working on task forces and committees shaped the future of MHI. By merging the finest attributes of all of the various associations, they created an organization which politically represented the industry nationally before lawmaking bodies. By standardizing methods, quality and safety of manufacturing materials and techniques they lead the way for the growth of today’s manufactured home industry.
As state associations gained strength and represented the local community operators and retailers to state legislative bodies and provided shows, and other marketing activities for their membership, The National Manufactured Housing Federation was formed in 1977 under the leadership of Holt Blomgren and others to facilitate development of a national consensus on key issues. Blomgren, Executive Director of the Indiana Manufactured Housing Association became its first Executive Director, and Paul Stiner, its first President. Originally involving seven state associations (California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Texas and Washington), the federation grew to represent 41 states by 1983. The Iowa MHI was the first association to join with the original seven.
In March of 1991, at the Nashville Manufactured Housing Show, the Executive Committees of MHI and the Federation agreed to pursue a merger. In September, the Board of the Federation approved the action at its meeting in Las Vegas and the MHI Board approved the merger at its meeting in October in San Diego. The National Manufactured Housing Federation thus became the Federated States Division of MHI in October 1991. This action effectively joined all aspects of the manufactured housing industry – suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and communities, into one associated body. ##
For whatever reasons, that history by Hesselbart doesn’t mention that MHI attempted, and failed, to absorb the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) into MHI.
As recently as during the Richard “Dick” Jennison era of MHI, there were at least spasmodic engagements between MHI leaders and MHARR leaders, both staff and corporate. It has been some time since a known meeting between MHI and MHARR leaders has occurred. However, MHI touts their routine efforts in an array of conventional housing focused trade groups. In doing so, MHI fails to mention, much less explain, why they have stopped working with MHARR.
Against that backdrop, let’s return to some pull quotes from Schmitz’s presentation to university students on the topic of the ‘sabotage’ by monopolistic forces of the manufactured housing industry.
Wrote Schmitz:
Testimony: Chairwoman of the National Manufactured Housing Federation
Assistant Secretary of HUD Thomas Demery stated the following, per Schmitz’s research.
Then, there is this historic insight from Schmitz’s presentation to a class of university students.
Local zoning authorities block “mobile homes”
Once more, let’s mention a point raised in the more detailed article linked here. Namely, that Schmitz’s and his colleagues’ research has been cited in testimony to the U.S. Senate. It has perhaps not surprisingly, then, found an online critic who MHProNews plans on naming and examining in greater detail. But the evidence from this report is sufficient for now to establish the credibility of several of the key elements of Schmitz’s and his colleagues’ research. Errors and oversights by his critic will be part of a planned future report on MHProNews and/or on MHLivingNews.
To dot the proverbial i on this content and the linked items above, and to cross the respectively proverbial t, are these remarks.

To learn more about these controversial, but well documented and aptly reasoned arguments, click here or the other links found herein.
Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
NOTICE: Based on feedback, a modification of our Daily Business News on MHProNews recap of yesterday evening’s market report is provided. It will still include our left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
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Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 10.31.2022
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- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the equities named above follow.

2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.