
Road Signs and Websites


You are driving along a highway or road. It is a drive you are used to making. You are 'running the path,' you see the signal lights and might pay some attention to the speed limit sign you've past hundreds of times before. The business signage has largely become background to you. What you notice …

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There is an old maxim that goes like this: “First you form your habits, then your habits form you.” Ladies and gents, this is true and over time leads to chains that are as challenging to break as they took time to forge. Habits lead to slavery. The question becomes if we are the masters …

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How often do you Shower?


How often do you shower or take a bath?  Daily? Every other day? What ever it is, think of the number… Now, how often do you purposefully read something motivational or inspiring? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Some people told Zig Ziglar that motivation is time wasted, because it 'wears off.'  Zig's response was classic.  “People often …

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The Bad News


Bad news often travels faster than good news. For the media, “If it bleeds, it leads!” Your team mates may be the first ones to toss you under the bus, even if you've done good things (sometimes, especially because you've done good things). People talk about CYA for a reason, because they know the 'bad …

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