Can Misinformation become Profitable?


Let me spoil the punch-line to this brief story by answering the headline question in the first paragraph.  Yes, but only when misinformation leads to an “aha!” moment, through properly shared information.


Here are three posts I found on an article online about manufactured homes.  These are the actual public comments, unedited.

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susanedwardsgouldpostedlakelandledgermanufacturedhousingindustrymhpronewsSusan Edwards Gould

You should never live in a mobile/manufactured/trailer home in Fla. With all the tornadoes, hurricanes, unnamed storms you are just asking for death and destruction. Also you claim that no mobile home has been in built in years..hmm..Does anyone remember Katrina? Lobbyist much?


Richard Sutherland

@Susan Edwards Gould

So what is the solution? As an aging America grows poorer and poorer, what can they do? I agree with you, the manufactured homes are inherently unsafe, but it’s like driving a car. It’s a chance that we’re willing to take to get from here to there. Those in the manufactured homes are hoping that they aren’t unlucky. I don’t know that they have a viable choice.

lindamurray-manufacturedhousingindustrycommentpostedlakelandledger-mhpronewsLinda Murray

@Susan Edwards GHOUL…
Hey, extortionist… a TRUE ‘MOBILE HOME’ is any home that can be hooked up to, & pulled, behind ones personal vehicle. That’s what she was talking about.

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What Sparked these Public Comments?

Answer – this linked article:

Do you think that this represents the kind of thoughts that much of America has today about manufactured housing?  Sadly, a Badger-state word answer.  YouBetcha.

I’m a big believer in being willing to do what I ask or suggest that others do.  So I posted the following reply:

latonykovachfacebook-manufacturedhomeindustrymhpronewsTony Kovach

@Susan Edwards Gould
Susan, sorry but the facts beg to differ with your view.

There have been a number of studies done on this subject. So long as a manufactured home is properly installed, it is as durable as a conventional house, or in many cases, more so. Not my opinion, that of the engineer referenced in the video on the page linked above.

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Graphics above for the people on the public comments are from the Lakeland Ledger website. Other graphics on this page, are by

Note – I only answered one of her questions – the most important one.  The terminology issue is another one that just flew right over Gould’s head.

3 Quick Steps

  • Please take 3, post a comment on this article.
  • Be pithy, short and to the point.
  • Let me suggest – Don’t sell, inform.

Open some eyes, even if it isn’t in your market.  Knowledge shared, is knowledge multiplied.

You never know when a Google search, or a move or some other twist of fate leads someone to you because you took the time to inform someone about the truth regarding modern manufactured homes.

Take Nike’s advice. Just do it.

Truly Informing.  It is how misinformation becomes an opportunity in disguise. ##

LATonyKovach-Louisville-2015-mhpronews-com-275x156 (1)
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach is publisher of MHProNews, MHLivingNews and is a marketing/sales/consultant to the MHIndustry.

By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.