Tony Kovach has posted a topic on the Forums that should remind us that working together can bring great opportunities for expanding the manufactured housing industry – and THAT would be tremendous for ALL of us.
I’m no expert on home financing, but as an investor in manufactured housing properties, I know the importance of sources of finance for our homes.
So Tony’s topic suggests building a list of lenders who lend on manufactured housing. A list of this sort would benefit everyone. You really need to give this topic your attention.
Read Tony’s forum post on building a list of lenders willing to do MH deals.
As the Internet Marketing guy, I want to point out the benefits of our forums. You can post questions about anything pertaining to manufactured housing. If there isn’t a forum that caters to the subject you’d like to post on, just use the General Forum.
You question might be answered by an industry expert. If you don’t get an immediate answer, we’ll try to find an answer for you. Forums always start slowly, but gain momentum and can become valuable resources.
But the success or failure of our forums is up to you. If you choose to participate, ask and answer questions and post items of interest to all, our forums will live up the their potential and become a resource we can all be proud of.
Oh, and one other benefit of posting to the forums. Google L-O-V-E-S forums. Create a signature that includes a link to your and/or your company’s website. Then, everytime you post a question or reply to someone else’s post, you get a backlink or two to your websites. And forum posts will often rank well for keywords inlcuded in the posts – more exposure for you!
Let’s get started. Visit the forums today and, if nothing else, post a topic introducing yourself. Let’s all put the forums to work for all of us.