Netflix Killing HBO, TV = a MH Marketing Opportunity

Re/code and Business Insider recently broadened the competitive look between Netflix and HBO, with these provocative headlines.

Image Credit - Google-netflix

Image Credit – Google.

This is hardly a new thought. Cable has been killing broadcast TV for years. Now, the Internet is transforming video viewing too. Recall this article from last year?

Broadcast TV has been dying, or morphing into cable. Cable is under assault from streaming or webcast programming. Technology is changing entertainment and marketing alike.

What this means is that there are growing opportunities to create a channel that is focused on manufactured and modular homes as an appealing and affordable solution.

On, we’ve been setting the stage for a Manufactured Home Living Video Channel. There are lots of ways to tell the MH story. Let’s consider a few.


Olga Pecanac tells her story during an engaging video interview,
and she shares her take on modern MH.

Let’s expose them to MH home and lifestyle through story telling, done via:

  1. By talking to those people who don’t currently own a MH. Show them the home, then get their feedback on the home afterward. Olga Pecanac is one such story.

  1. By talking to those who already live in a manufactured home and enjoy their lifestyle.

  1. By talking to those who are professionals – in and out of MH – who know modern MH well, respect it and are happy to tell others why these are quality, appealing and affordable homes.


On, you’ll find an ever growing array of videos and articles where people who know MH are interviewed. Make sure your team sees these. Make sure they pass it onto others.


Person to person or social media are great ways to spread a message. Video is ‘taking over’ a growing share of the internet. We are teaming up with forward thinking companies who see the value of creating a channel that educates the public and as a result, will cause a growing number to turn to MH.

We will spell out and showcase more in the days ahead the many ways we work with companies small, medium and large to grow their business and thus to grow their results. It reminds me of a program done in WV years ago. Retailers teamed up to boost the MH image. Those who didn’t participate in the program benefited too, by about 15%. But those who were a direct part of the program grew 5x more than those didn’t invest!

It pays to invest in the future of MH image and education. More in the days ahead. ##

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L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach with a live audience, showing the principles of attracting and selilng more customers with Cash or Good Credit.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.